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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Applejack? They named a pony after a kind of alcohol? Must be some kind of sweet over where you are.
    You'll notice the whole clan is named after some edible made from apples.
  • edited February 2011
    Did you just use an adjective as a noun? >:-(
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited February 2011
    More people need to watch episode 16 so we can discuss Celestia conspiracy theories.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited February 2011
    Did you just use an adjective as a noun? >:-(
    "Edible" is both an adjective and a noun.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Did you just use an adjective as a noun? >:-(
    "Edible" is both an adjective and a noun.
    However, I'd say the use of "whole clan" is a poor choice, since what you meant was each individual within the clan and not the clan itself.
    Also, who would eat an apple bloom?
  • Did you just use an adjective as a noun? >:-(
    "Edible" is both an adjective and a noun.
    No, it isn't.
  • Did you just use an adjective as a noun? >:-(
    "Edible" is both an adjective and a noun.
    No, it isn't.
    From your own link:
    ed·i·ble adj \ˈe-də-bəl\
    : fit to be eaten : eatable
    — ed·i·bil·i·ty \ˌe-də-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
    — edible noun
  • It is, but it's an uncommon usage.
  • edited February 2011
    No, it isn't.
    Yes it is.
    — edible noun
    fit to be eaten as food; eatable; esculent.
    Usually, edibles. edible substances; food.
    I got double ninja'd. Embarrassment!
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • And yes I did mean each member of the clan was named for an apple-related food or item such as apple blossoms, although I'm sure someone somewhere eats the blossoms since people eat rose petals and whatnot.
  • edited February 2011
    Did you just use an adjective as a noun? >:-(
    "Edible" is both an adjective and a noun.
    No, it isn't.
    From your own link:
    ed·i·ble adj \ˈe-də-bəl\
    : fit to be eaten : eatable
    — ed·i·bil·i·ty \ˌe-də-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
    — edible noun
    I never said I had a problem with "Edibility". But Edible is an adjective.

    I'll accept it if Princeton has it as a noun but, sorry trogdor, your definition is from the Random House Dictionary. Merriam Webster trumps Random House every time.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited February 2011
    The page you linked has the world 'edible' as a noun.

    Also, this is some nerdy shit.
    Post edited by Dave on
  • The page you linked has the world 'edible' as a noun.
    I stand before you all, hat in hand. I completely missed it.
  • For shits and giggles.
    B. n.

    An eatable substance, an article of food. (chiefly in pl.)

    1661 R. Lovell Πανζωορυκτολογια Introd., Birds, fishes, and other edibles.
    1670 G. Havers tr. G. Leti Il Cardinalismo di Santa Chiesa ii. i. 114 Impositions upon Edibles.
    1859 G. A. Sala Twice round Clock (1861) 357 The delightful hampers of edibles and drinkables.
    1864 Daily Tel. 23 Dec., What will be the effect of the introduction of this new edible?
  • The page you linked has the world 'edible' as a noun.

    Also, this is some nerdy shit.
    Dude, we were talking about "My little pony". What were you expecting?
  • edited February 2011
    The page you linked has the world 'edible' as a noun.

    Also, this is some nerdy shit.
    And here you are in the midst of it. For someone who posts rarely here, I find your choice of topic to post on rather intriguing.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I heard it had a tomboy pony in it and I was like 'what.'

    Talking about words is way nerdier than that.
  • edited February 2011
    More people need to watch episode 16 so we can discuss Celestia conspiracy theories.
    Celestia is effectively God, so she probably knew (or at least was reasonably sure) that Dash was capable of saving Rarity. Also, letting Rarity nearly die helped teach her a lesson - and Celestia hopefully had time to save her until Dash demonstrated she was going to get there in time.

    tl;dr: Celestia totally let it happen, because she's manipulating the ponies into learning the magic of friendship.

    Also, Fluttershy screaming at the end totally makes that episode, and RD may be bi.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Celestia controls the sun, so she's not only complicit, she's directly responsible for the event.
    Also, Celestia and Luna are the only two winged unicorns (Pegacorn? Unisus?) in the show, and I think they would want to keep it that way.
  • Celestia controls the sun, so she's not only complicit, she's directly responsible for the event.
    Also, Celestia and Luna are the only two winged unicorns (Pegacorn? Unisus?) in the show, and I think they would want to keep it that way.
    I honestly think the pseudo-classical theories that Celestia was jealous are stretching things a bit (although the show was making very obvious parallels to Icarus), since Celestia could certainly tell that the wings were magic, and would go away in a few days. She was either intentionally teaching Rarity the lesson of the show (which I think is probable), or she misjudged how fragile the wings were, and hesitated until she saw that RD was going to the rescue.
  • edited February 2011
    I honestly think the pseudo-classical theories that Celestia was jealous are stretching things a bit
    Oh, it's a huge stretch (hence why I said "conspiracy theories"), but evil Celestia is just too tempting a thought.
    At the very least, Celestia is rather patronizing, though.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Maybe not evil Celestia, but possibly Sociopathic Mentor Celestia?
    I mean, she sends the ponies up against a dragon without backup. Seriously.
  • Considering Celestia tends to do things and teach lessons in a roundabout way, I think it was probably she was trying to teach Rarity a lesson but took it too far or overestimated the ability of the Wonderbolts (granted Rarity was struggling pretty fierce but still.)
  • The same guy who did the "If You Kiss Jesus" AMV did an awesome montage:
  • image
    Love those Alliance charts but I always find one thats doesn't fit. The great and powerful trixie feels more chaotic girly than androgynous

  • Love those Alliance charts but I always find one thats doesn't fit. The great and powerful trixie feels more chaotic girly than androgynous
    While Trixie is a girl she enjoys things which might traditionally be considered male interests, i.e. magic.

  • Love those Alliance charts but I always find one thats doesn't fit. The great and powerful trixie feels more chaotic girly than androgynous
    While Trixie is a girl she enjoys things which might traditionally be considered male interests, i.e. magic.
    Witches, dude.
  • Is this thread still going?
  • Is this thread still going?
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