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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Really good fanart.

  • edited August 2011
    I got a pretty great comment that I have to remember.
    Take episode 26's lesson to heart about season 2. Don't go into it thinking "this'll be the best thing ever!". Instead, watch it like how many of us did when we started season 1: "This is MLP, how could this be so popular?"

    Doing that, you'll appreciate it more at the good parts, and no be as let down about the parts you dont like.
    Part 5 is up! If you are a trekkie of any sort there's a part you'll like.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Now I'm imagining Rarity as Aquamentus.
  • edited August 2011
    As a fan of "Bring Da Noise", I find this mashup hilarious.

    Also, this:
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Equestria Daily just spat up some rumours about the first episode of Season 2.

    Needless to say, Discord needs a guitar.
  • Equestria Daily just spat up some rumours about the first episode of Season 2.

    Needless to say, Discord needs a guitar.
    Just saw this news. Don't even need to say:

  • My body is SO ready.
  • edited August 2011

    See, in any other fandom, this would be amazing. Here, it's just another day at the races (har) for the MLP Juggernaut, bitch.
    Post edited by Conan-San on
  • Japanese Pinkie makes me so happy!
  • So a friend of mine who is a new brony ran into Radio Free Equestria, and was very impressed, i duly pointed him in the diretion of geeknights, but yeah, will that series be continuing? Havent heard from it for a while.
  • So a friend of mine who is a new brony ran into Radio Free Equestria, and was very impressed, i duly pointed him in the diretion of geeknights, but yeah, will that series be continuing? Havent heard from it for a while.
  • Japanese Pinkie makes me so happy!
    "Nanio, Twilighto?"

    She overdrives the mike a lot, but I've messaged her offering to help clean up the sound.

    Clearly, my goal is to make my audio portfolio as pony filled as possible.
  • edited August 2011
    Pinkie Pie is the pony Kramer. Twilight is George. Rarity is Elaine. Rainbow Dash is Jerry.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • So a friend of mine who is a new brony ran into Radio Free Equestria, and was very impressed, i duly pointed him in the diretion of geeknights, but yeah, will that series be continuing? Havent heard from it for a while.
    Umm there is at least one episode a week of Geeknights. Usually 2....
  • So a friend of mine who is a new brony ran into Radio Free Equestria, and was very impressed, i duly pointed him in the diretion of geeknights, but yeah, will that series be continuing? Havent heard from it for a while.
    Umm there is at least one episode a week of Geeknights. Usually 2....
    RFE, not Geek Nights proper.
  • I figured that. But the way that the post was structured it was asking about Geeknights.
  • Out of curiousity I started reading that Fallout Equestria fic. I wans't expecting much, but I'm kind of hooked.

    Also, you have full permission to laugh at me for reading Pony fanfiction.
  • edited August 2011
    "Drinking pony is the best pony."
    Out of curiousity I started reading that Fallout Equestria fic. I wans't expecting much, but I'm kind of hooked.

    Also, you have full permission to laugh at me for reading Pony fanfiction.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • You sat in front of a room of nerds and talked about ponies at length.

    You are in no position to laugh.
  • ...

  • So, I finished Cupcakes.

    It's bad, but not quite as bad as everyone keeps saying. I'll leave it at that.
  • Hehe, hey, at least you guys aren't writing the stuff like I am. Although, I gotta say, so far it's been reviewing well.
    Anyway, I'm officially on the team for My Little Pony: Love is Magic (the MLP dating sim), and I proposed my idea about having voice overs for the game. There was some contention, so it's been put up to a public poll. Whatever the public wants will happen.

    I offer you, then, a link to the poll.
  • The last pony panel video is up! So did you guy like them?

  • image
    I darez ya not ta laugh. I darez ya.
  • image
    I darez ya not ta laugh. I darez ya.
  • edited August 2011
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Out of curiousity I started reading that Fallout Equestria fic. I wans't expecting much, but I'm kind of hooked.

    Also, you have full permission to laugh at me for reading Pony fanfiction.

    Also, you have full permission to laugh at me for reading Pony fanfiction.

    Pony fanfiction.

    Pony fanfiction
  • Online Pony Creator
    Share you creation by posting your ponycode. Here's my attempt:
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