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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Do you find the Bronies awesome or obnoxious?
  • Do you find the Bronies awesome or obnoxious?
    Umm aren't we all bronies if we are posting in this thread positively?
  • I meant that as a response to Matt asking us for questions to ask the Hasbro brand manager.
  • Oh, I see. There was no way for me or anyone to know that. Sorry.
  • Matt, would they ever consider letting Adult Swim re-air episodes, similar to what happened with Family Guy when Fox would air a new episode and then it was on AS a week later?
  • Thought of some good questions:

    If you are going to let people post the show to YouTube and other sites, why not just post every episode in HD on an official YouTube channel that you control and make money from with ads and such? Then nobody will post it unofficially any more, and you can make money from it.

    Also, why not lower the iTunes price and fix the color and raise the resolution to 1080p so that more people will pay for it?

    Now that I think about it, all these questions can be summed up as "there are a bunch of people who want to give you money, why won't you take it?" Which is the same question we ask Nintendo, and every other stupid company except Valve who takes all our moneys.
  • edited September 2011
    I already asked Hasbro a similar question.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I have another question.

    Why do you always give boring corporate answers to every question? You are always saying things like "We have no plans at this time." We're talking about ponies here, it's not super serious. Why don't you engage with your fans with some respect and talk like a human being instead of acting like a corporate robot?

    If someone tells you they want to buy a soundtrack and give you money, don't say "we have no plans at this time." At least say "We hadn't thought of that, if that's something you really want, I will see what I can do." Then actually make at least a minimum effort into determining if that is a worthwhile product to sell. If it is, then put in some more effort and make it happen. If it isn't, then tell us that you investigated the possibility and determined it was not a viable product. Even if you don't make it, it still appears as if you are actually listening to us and trying to please us. When you talk like a corporate robot, it seems as if you don't even care.
  • Cameron Underwood - Pony Hipster.
    I have another question.
    While I'm not a brony of any cutie mark, I agree. Your fans are not the sorts who are into the whole businesslike corporate robot thing.
  • Everyone asked my questions. I really want more accurate toys. WHY does the Rarity toy I bought come with a random bird? She has a cat!
  • Why do you always give boring corporate answers to every question? You are always saying things like "We have no plans at this time." We're talking about ponies here, it's not super serious. Why don't you engage with your fans with some respect and talk like a human being instead of acting like a corporate robot?
    It is super serious to them. My Little Pony makes them so much money, that if they accidentally said anything to diminish that, it would be a disaster for Hasbro.
  • My Little Pony makes them so much money, that if they accidentally said anything to diminish that, it would be a disaster for Hasbro.
    Hardly. It's a drop in the bucket.

    It's a lot of money, and it has a lot of long-term growth potential, but they could can the thing overnight and not lose sleep over it. It is my opinion that Hasbro has a desperately toxic corporate culture from any perspective other than maximization of profits.
  • My Little Pony makes them so much money, that if they accidentally said anything to diminish that, it would be a disaster for Hasbro.
    Hardly. It's a drop in the bucket.

    It's a lot of money, and it has a lot of long-term growth potential, but they could can the thing overnight and not lose sleep over it. It is my opinion that Hasbro has a desperately toxic corporate culture from any perspective other than maximization of profits.
    The franchise makes them a lot of money. Us and the show don't, but what they say regarding the show impacts the rest of the property.
  • edited September 2011
    It is my opinion that Hasbro has a desperately toxic corporate culture from any perspective other than maximization of profits.
    Clearly a major problem is that companies often think they are maximizing profits, when they are not. The amount of money they would make on something like an MLP album is trivially small, but it's still more than zero. If they actually bothered to exploit even a portion of the untapped potential, small things like that can add up. And the long-term goodwill of actually engaging customers in a meaningful way can exponentially multiply profits by locking in those customers for a long haul. I don't buy that they are really trying very hard to maximize profit. They are lazy creatures of habit doing the least work and following their comfortable patterns, which they falsely believe to be the way to maximize profits. It's the same with Nintendo not bringing all their games to the US. It's the same with Hollywood making nothing but licensed sequels.

    Truly maximizing profits means squeezing every last drop of juice out of every fruit. Companies these days seem to just hit as many fruits as possible with a hammer and leave them half full of juice and rotting in the trash. When we ask them to give us the leftovers for free, they set them on fire and don't even say anything.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • We need to make this happen at a con.
  • That is from a con. PAX 2 weeks ago!
  • Honestly, just by not attacking their fans for doing free use stuff and commissioning a couple of nods to the fanbase like the videos and poster and licensing sites to do official fan shirts Hasbro is miles ahead of just about every other media company on the internet. Which is a fairly sad state of affairs.

    I'll have to accuse them of incompetence if there's no S1 DVD for Christmas, though. I really think I could suck in some of my friends if I had a DVD to casually leave out next to the TV and then loan to them. Some of those friends even have small children who would probably insist on buying show merchandise.
    -Set your system clock from 11PM to 1AM, if it's not there already
    Play this game
    -In here, do the following:
    -Talk to all the ponies to the point where they just repeat themselves (do Pinkie before you do all the other Mane Five). Note that this includes pets (Opal and Gummy)!
    -When you talk to AJ, make the GOOD muffin for Derpy and give it to her
    -When you've done all this, go back to Zecora (far right) and talk to her
    -You're welcome.
    Good night~
    -Set your system clock from 11PM to 1AM, if it's not there already
    Play this game
    -In here, do the following:
    -Talk to all the ponies to the point where they just repeat themselves (do Pinkie before you do all the other Mane Five). Note that this includes pets (Opal and Gummy)!
    -When you talk to AJ, make the GOOD muffin for Derpy and give it to her
    -When you've done all this, go back to Zecora (far right) and talk to her
    -You're welcome.
    Good night~
    What the fuck did I just play?
  • edited September 2011
    -Set your system clock from 11PM to 1AM, if it's not there already
    Play this game
    -In here, do the following:
    -Talk to all the ponies to the point where they just repeat themselves (do Pinkie before you do all the other Mane Five). Note that this includes pets (Opal and Gummy)!
    -When you talk to AJ, make the GOOD muffin for Derpy and give it to her
    -When you've done all this, go back to Zecora (far right) and talk to her
    -You're welcome.
    Good night~
    What the fuck did I just play?
    The game equivalent of a creepypasta...
    Another "good" one.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • What the fuck did I just play?
    Nothing happened. Then I got a spear and fought a dragon.
  • What the fuck did I just play?
    Nothing happened. Then I got a spear and fought a dragon.
    Did you follow my instructions, or is this an "I have no son" moment?
  • What the fuck did I just play?
    Nothing happened. Then I got a spear and fought a dragon.
    Me too. I guess I really do have to set my system clock to 1am?
  • He didnt follow the instructions exactly. The first talk with Pinkie does not count. Dont talk to any pony till you talk to Pinkie. Then after you do everything and Zecora tells you togo back. Go into the forest.
  • Fuck, I didn't talk to Zecora. Don't really care enough to do it right right now.
  • Your clock has to be between 11 PM and 1 AM.

    Yes, like Tim said, the first talk (where she tells you to invite everyone) means nothing in the case of this game. Go directly to Sugarcube Corner (Don't talk to Twi or Derpy or anyone else) and talk to Pinkie again. If she references that fanfic you've done it right.
  • edited September 2011
    Go into the forest.
    Did everything exactly. Can't go into forest.
    Your clock has to be between 11 PM and 1 AM.
    Well, your instructions should have used this wording.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Go into the forest.
    Did everything exactly. Can't go into forest.
    Your clock has to be between 11 PM and 1 AM.
    Well, your instructions should have used this wording.
    I copied them from reddit. They seemed clear enough to me. I got it to work on the first time.
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