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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Guess you didnt do it exactly then.
    This is what I did.

    Pinkie Pie
    Applejack \(make good muffin) Go talk to her after muffin
    Fluttershy Opal
    Zecora (should be night time)
  • edited September 2011
    [Edit] AH. Got it.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Go into the forest.
    Did everything exactly. Can't go into forest.
    Your clock has to be between 11 PM and 1 AM.
    Well, your instructions should have used this wording.
    If someone invites you to a party from 11pm to 1am do you show up at 1 am?
  • Did you talk to the pets? Did you talk to Pinkie until she started repeating herself?

    If you just want to give up and see the ending.
  • If she references that fanfic you've done it right.
    Oh, she did reference it. I just didn't think that was it.
  • If she references that fanfic you've done it right.
    Oh, she did reference it. I just didn't think that was it.
    It's not it.
  • OMG! I just fought a dragon as pony! The only thing better would be an earth pony riding on top of a silver dragon fighting the red dragon with an even bigger lance!
    Like so, only reversed with a pony!
    If you can tell where this is from and the book's name, I'll mentally love you forever!
  • If she references that fanfic you've done it right.
    Oh, she did reference it. I just didn't think that was it.
    That's not it-it. That's just an early sign that you're on the right path.
  • Wooo More RFE! Now go upload more panels. ^_^ As a game design student I love your PAX panels and should see you at east this year.

  • Who is that blonde purple unicorn?
  • edited September 2011
    No idea. Im guessing its an original by the artist as it has no cutie mark.

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Pinkie Pie is a twink?
  • edited September 2011
    Spike's mom: Twilight is not his biological mother, and while she hatched him, I doubt that she was the primary caregiver for the first couple of months or years due to her age.
    Pinkie's skating: Figure of speech...
    Griffon and Rainbow Dash in camp: Not necessarily the same thing as portrayed in the 2nd pic. I imagine that Rainbow was put into an advanced placement program after performing the Sonic Rainboom and that is where she met Griffon. While the 2nd pic shows Rainbow defend Fluttershy, that doesn't necessarily mean that they were friends, and also doesn't mean that Fluttershy and Griffon know each other.
    Magic 1: Ehhhhh, puberty? This one is rather hard, but then again the specific things that go into magic training are as of yet unexplained.
    Magic 2: In the moment of the 2nd pic, Twilight's powers are going crazy. She is clearly no longer in control of her powers. What she meant in the first pic is the normal case.
    Pinkie and the Rainboom: She didn't know that this was a Rainboom. She only found out that this was a Rainboom when Rainbow told her Cutie Mark story in a later episode.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Pinkie Pie is a twink?
    No, she's filled with a fluffy cream filling.
  • Pinkie Pie is a twink?
    No, she's filled with a fluffy cream filling.
    You guys are weird.
  • Pinkie Pie is a twink?
    No, she's filled with a fluffy cream filling.
    You guys are weird.
    You are not weird enough.
  • Who is that blonde purple unicorn?
    Dinky Hooves. Fans have decided she's Derpy's daughter.
  • edited September 2011
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • image
    This pic makes me want to resurect Freddie and have him sing, "DASSSSHHH AHHHHHHHH HA. SAVIOUR OF THE UNIVERSE!!!"
  • This looks like it'll be pretty good:

    Here's the original if you're curious.
  • edited September 2011

    Post edited by lackofcheese on

    frameBorder="0" scrolling="auto">
    Its good..... But the vocals need to be 20% cooler. And better.
  • Pinkie Pie is a twink?
    Not male enough
  • Has anyone here heard of Fandom Secrets?
  • Epic Big Mac
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