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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Anyone going to a brony party?
  • Anyone going to a brony party?
    Is it this afternoon this afternoon?
  • Still don't get why y'all hate on "y'all".
  • Still don't get why y'all hate on "y'all".
    Because most of us who are saying that are from the northeast. It's a very strange thing to our ears.
  • It's a better term grammatically. "Proper" English doesn't have a distinction between you singular and plural. All y'all, however, is unnecessary.
  • All y'all, however, is unnecessary.
    Untrue! Y'all can refer to a single person or a group. The 'all' lets you know for sure.

    Mostly kidding there.
  • Apple Jack doesn't sound as good without her southern accent when it comes to foreign voices of her. Also, my sister says that Applebloom has the cutest voice out of anyone in the series, and I have to second that.
  • Time for a daily what I found on Reddit dump.
  • edited September 2011
    2 days!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I want a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Mech Pony now!
  • Anyone going to a brony party?
    Ayup, a small one at least. By which I mean there's already 3 of us bronies in the house, and a couple more are coming over to watch live on the HUB Saturday morning.
  • I'mma just gonna watch it once from the DVR's recording.
  • Re: all those questions.
    Just wait and see!
    I laughed hard.

    There were a few more token words than that for each answer, but that was the gist. If I had to read anything out of it, they've legitimately got no plans to roll out accurate toys or games of any sort, but when it came to getting the first season out on DVD, it was a big nudge-nudge-wink-wink can't say it right now sort of response.
  • There were a few more token words than that for each answer, but that was the gist. If I had to read anything out of it, they've legitimately got no plans to roll out accurate toys or games of any sort, but when it came to getting the first season out on DVD, it was a big nudge-nudge-wink-wink can't say it right now sort of response.
    I really don't understand what companies are thinking when they keep secrets. What is there possibly to be gained? Then again Apple does it, and it seems to work really well for them. I still don't understand it. If I had a company, I would keep almost no secrets. I would tell everyone everything. I would just be sure not to lie, to avoid trouble.
  • One of the reasons you don't say anything is the public is stupid. They don't understand the idea of a project falling through, and might consider it a betrayal if you say you were working on something but it ends up not working out.

  • I'm a horrible person.
  • edited September 2011
    imageMs. Faust is the world's busiest pony. Celestia's just a figurehead.

    Ugh how do I shrink that?
    Post edited by loltsundere on
  • One of the reasons you don't say anything is the public is stupid. They don't understand the idea of a project falling through, and might consider it a betrayal if you say you were working on something but it ends up not working out.
    You don't say X is coming out. You say "we are exploring the possibility of X." If you look at hollywood, all the news is crazy public compared to other industries. Everyone knows what stage of development every movie is in. They even tell you what got optioned, what's in pre-production, what's casting. I mean, how many times have we heard newses about live action Cowboy Bebop, Akira, Evangelion, etc. It doesn't seem to hurt those movies one bit.

    The only people who even pay attention to that sort of news in the first place are super fans. If you just talk in interviews and such, nobody will hear. It's like whispering in a huge crows. People can only hear what you say if you use a megaphone, which means putting marketing dollars behind it.

    Take Nintendo for example. Right now they are in the shitter, and there is no confidence for them. Yet, their future is a secret because they don't say anything. To make it even worse, they have a history of false promises! Just in recent memory there was that Wii hammer game and also the stupid finger health sensor thing. Now, if what Nintendo is working on is not turning out so great, they probably should keep it a secret to keep the stock price up. But if they do really have some things down the pipe that are going to make up for their fail, it's in their best interest to share what it is, even if they have to make it extremely clear that they are not certain to become actual products. For example, giving some examples of exciting Wii U or 3DS games that are a year or two out might give people confidence enough to buy a 3DS now.
  • Wow, these guys are quick.
  • edited September 2011
    Wow, these guys are quick.

    Your slow, thats been up for about 2 day's

    far more impressive are these 2:

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited September 2011
    The new image viewer on Equestria Daily is pretty cool. The Drawfriend Stuff is a lot easier to browse now.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
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