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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I gotta say, that felt just like the Saturday morning cartoons of my youth. You wake up, eat breakfast, sit through a bunch of bleh cartoons like Eek! The Cat waiting for X-Men or Reboot or the other good stuff with actual new episodes to come on. Good days.
  • Reboot
    I heart Hexadecimal. And Dot.
  • Reboot
    I heart Hexadecimal. And Dot.
  • It's a good show - fuck you. It's on Netflix, so you can watch it if you don't believe me.
  • It is. I did. I repeat:
  • Am I the ONLY child in the 90's that HATED Reboot. It was so ugly and boring.
  • Someone let me know the the HD is on YouTube or torrents.
  • Just check here every so often. They already have the 480p rip on YouTube.
  • Holy crap, when Fluttershy was all like "Lol Discord" and Discord had to perform a manual override, that was pretty funny.
  • I'm a fickle fan. My favorite pony had been Pinkie Pie, but Fluttershy may have won me over with that moment.
  • Also total giggles at Pinkie being like "Screw saving the world, chaos is awesome."
  • This is essentially the new for all your pony-downloading needs: Pony Archive

    Higher quality is not yet up at the time of this post.
  • Also total giggles at Pinkie being like "Screw saving the world, chaos is awesome."
    That was my favorite line. You guys, CHOCOLATE RAIN!
  • Favorite line: "I will not succumb to such fabulousness."

    Also, from the pajama jeans commercial aired during the second viewing: "Smooth butt-lifting technology."
  • edited September 2011
    Oh man, Discord is awesome. I can't wait for the transcript to be complete so can try recording some of his lines.
    Holy crap, when Fluttershy was all like "Lol Discord" and Discord had to perform a manual override, that was pretty funny.
    And the toungelashing that came afterwards was beautiful.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I love the face Applejack made every time she lied. But I think my favorite line of the episode was Rarity's "I know where you live."

    It's gonna be so hard waiting for this next episode.
  • edited September 2011
    I love that TNG and MLP, two of my favorite things recently, have come together. I'm willing to believe Q actually is Discord. Or Discord actually is Q. On that note, I celebrate with TNG ponies:
    See if you remember TNG well enough to tell who's who. \o/

    Can't wait to get more bitchy Fluttershy! That tail-flick was /magnificent/.
    Post edited by Mamath on
  • edited September 2011
    I'd think Pony!Data wouldn't have his cutie mark, and his quest to earn it would mirror and/or be combined with his quest for emotional discovery.

    Lore would have one, of course. The bastard.

    Pre-season 3, Riker's cutie mark would be a greasy picture of Kirk.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Douchershy was totally awesome.
  • I think Flutterdouche sounds funnier.
  • Riker plays Trombone, not Saxophone.
  • Yeah, the 720p version is up on youtube :D

  • Did not disappoint. GAH SO GOOD
  • edited September 2011
    Riker plays Trombone, not Saxophone.
    Noted. I'll change it if I actually ink and colour these. Unless I come up with something better than a trombone since actually Riker...wasn't that good at it if I remember correctly.
    I'd think Pony!Data wouldn't have his cutie mark, and his quest to earn it would mirror and/or be combined with his quest for emotional discovery.
    It's so nice to know I'm not the only one who though too hard on that. I concluded Lore and Data either both have to have the same cutie mark or both don't have one at all, other wise the whole masquerading as each other thing makes less sense. If the latter, Data's eventual cutie mark is the black bird in his dreams. Ta da.
    Post edited by Mamath on
  • This was the episode when the show started really using their medium. For example:
  • edited September 2011
    So, what are the odds that the chocolate rain was put in just to spark the internet meme machine?

    I do love the image of Pinkie lying on the ground with her mouth wide open for the chocolate rain though.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited September 2011
    Lots of really nice little bits of animation in this episode, actually. Things that I would rewind and watch in slow-mo on a DVD just to admire, you know. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity some day.
    So, what are the odds that the chocolate rain was put in just to spark the internet meme machine?
    I'm not sure about "spark the meme machine" but definitely to appeal to bronies. Along with De Lancey (sp?) being cast as Discord/Q-all-over-again and the particular dance Discord is doing... Yeeaahhh, they know.
    Post edited by Mamath on
  • So, what are the odds that the chocolate rain was put in just to spark the internet meme machine?
  • Things I noticed on the second watch through:
    * Discord nudging Applejack when he tells them that he took the horns and wings in order to ensure fairness. Apparently he knows about what happened in "Fall Weather Friends".
    * Camera zooming in past Rainbow Dash towards Discord when he tells them that every pony has to play or he wins. Foreshadowing.
    * Symbolism all around, as the very first thing that shows up on the way to each of the ponies corruption is their cutie mark in one form or another.
    * Of course each corrupted pony displays the very opposite of what their element of harmony represents. Rarity (generosity) becomes stingy. Applejack (honesty) becomes a compulsive liar. Fluttershy (kindness) turns into Flutterjerk. Rainbow Dash (loyalty) abandons her friends. Pinkie (laughter) becomes a spiteful curmudgeon.
    * Big episode for Fluttershy who had to be corrupted by manual override, and she had a ton of hilarious facial expressions.
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