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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Furries have furry pony sex!
    BDSM people have shiny pony sex!
  • BDSM people have shiny pony sex!
    It's not always shiny. Sometimes it's sparkly. And it seems to involve bells and other things that make noise. Because, y'know, walking around with a bright pink bit and bridle doesn't attract enough attention.
  • Man... This thread has gone to some weird places...
  • Man... This thread has gone to some weird places...
    When you start from magical pony land, there's no normal place to go from there.
  • BDSM people have shiny pony sex!
    It's not always shiny. Sometimes it's sparkly. And it seems to involve bells and other things that make noise. Because, y'know, walking around with a bright pink bit and bridle doesn't attract enough attention.
    It gets worse, much worse. The picture shown here is mild compared to some lengths people go to.

    I'm into BDSM myself, but not really pony play.
  • Well after a horrid safe search off Google image search I'm never going to be able to watch My Little Pony: FIM again....
  • What the hell did you query Cremalin?
  • If you turn off SafeSearch, it doesn't matter what you search for; you'll just find porn.
  • Not me, I typed in "My Little Pony" clicked "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic" on the autofill options and got My Little Pony. No porn, but I'm not going all the way down.
  • I'm into BDSM myself, but not really pony play.
    Same here, but still, it's fun to look at. It's like, even in the BDSM community, people find a way to be comparatively weird.

    SO ANYWAY, back to the children's cartoon. Fluttershy is wicked cute, and Pinkie Pie keeps edging towards Rainbow Dash. It's possible that Pinkie Pie may eclipse RD as my favorite pony.
  • Pinkie Pie is spastic, Rainbow Dash actually focuses her boundless energy into something useful.
  • Pinkie Pie is spastic, Rainbow Dash actually focuses her boundless energy into something useful.
    Pinkie Pie saved Ponyville from Parasprites, a pest that apparently decimated another village in Equestria and required the help of Princess Celestia to eradicate. I think somepony is underestimating her abilities.
  • Pinkie Pie is spastic, Rainbow Dash actually focuses her boundless energy into something useful.
    I think Pinkie Pie is still annoying, and that tends to eclipse how awesome she is.

    I'm excited for Friday's episode - it's Fluttershy babysitting the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I am expecting colossal levels of d'aww for all involved.
  • decimated another village in Equestria and required the help of Princess Celestia to eradicate.
    That other village being the shithole of Phillydelphia. They deserve it.
  • something useful
    Providing me with entertainment is always useful.
  • decimated another village in Equestria and required the help of Princess Celestia to eradicate.
    That other village being the shithole of Phillydelphia. They deserve it.
    I like to think she ended up having to call in a band to get rid of the parasprites, rather than magic them away.
  • Actually, Pinkie Pie was a one pony band, because no one helped her.
  • Okay, episode 14, the one where Rarity makes dresses, should be shown to any web design client.
    I saw from a mile away that the moral was going to be STFU and let the designer work. They know what they are doing and you, the client do not. This won me a little love for Rarity.

    Rainbow Dash: Make it...I dunno...Cooler?
  • Pinkie Pie is my favorite.
  • Pinkie Pie is my favorite.
    She was my favourite initially, but I changed my mind later.
  • edited February 2011
    Okay, episode 14, the one where Rarity makes dresses, should be shown to any freelance client.
    I saw from a mile away that the moral was going to be STFU and let the designer work. They know what they are doing and you, the client do not. This won me a little love for Rarity.
    Yes! A MILLION TIMES YES. You know that episode was written by someone who has worked freelance at least once in their life.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I want to bring up a certain dark point I've noticed in the show. Equestria is a decadent kingdom, where the ponies have such a control over nature (even the ones that's aren't explicitly magic) that they are afraid of a world where nature takes it's course. Because you see dear reader, maybe to some degree, they realize that a world where nature does it's thing is a world that doesn't need them. The only ponies that would have jobs would be the Apple family and maybe Pinkie Pie's bakery and the restaurants.
  • RymRym
    edited February 2011
    Equestria is a decadent kingdom, where the ponies have such a control over nature (even the ones that's aren't explicitly magic) that they are afraid of a world where nature takes it's course.
    I would argue that what they have done is create a paradise for themselves, while maintaining that the rest of the world outside of their lands will remain untouched by their power. Celestia is clearly very powerful, but I get the impression that she is far from omnipotent/omniscient, and seems to leave the ponies to their own devices wherever possible rather than intervening magically. She is not a goddess per se, or in the least limits herself consciously.

    What I really wonder is whether or not she controls the sun outside of Equestria. Perhaps the "sun" and "moon" they see is an illusion?
    they realize that a world where nature does it's thing is a world that doesn't need them. The only ponies that would have jobs would be the Apple family and maybe Pinkie Pie's bakery and the restaurants.
    No more so than the Earth has no need of humans. The ponies clearly have an economy and a fairly self-sustaining civilization. They have the added advantage of massive terraforming via magic, but it is hinted strongly that this is largely unavailable beyond the reach of the few powerful enough to manage it (maybe only Celestia and her sister?).

    I'd say the Earth Pony tradition of manually altering the seasons (as opposed to using magic as is done in the capitol) is not so much to give them something to do, as to remind them that they are the stewards of the artificial paradise in which they dwell. Further, should magic ever fail them, they must be capable of surviving on their own. How many fantasy stories turn about the fall of a great civilization too reliant on its magic and unable to survive without it?
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Further, should magic ever fail them, they must be capable of surviving on their own. How many fantasy stories turn about the fall of a great civilization too reliant on its magic and unable to survive without it?
    I don't think that magical failure is really a possibility. While Celestia is far from omnipotent, her power within Equestria at least is far greater than she lets on. She is thousands of years old, which leads me to believe that ponies and dragons age as Tolkien elves. In all those years, nothing other than her sister has posed even a slight threat. Fully grown dragons within Equestria can't even deal with Fluttershy, who I have to believe is decades, if not at least a century, old. And while the areas outside Equestria may contain threats, they don't seem to have any interest in invading.

    Equestria also seems pretty confident in that she hasn't bothered to have any offspring in all those years. Clearly she isn't worried about anything threatening her. But then again maybe she's only recently become worried. That's why she has the royal guards and has taken Twilight Sparkle on as an apprentice. Will Twilight's magic advance to the point where she can manage the sun and the Canterlot weather? Twilight comes between day (Celestia) and night (Nightmare Moon), so is there another apprentice out there named Dawn who balances against Twilight?

    Also, what about the royal etiquette. Everyone always bows to the princess, and she's very nice. If you didn't bow, what would she do? Lay the smack down?
  • Also, who were the original other five elements of harmony? Where are they now?
  • She is thousands of years old, which leads me to believe that ponies and dragons age as Tolkien elves.
    But Granny Smith.

    I postulate that Celestia is like an elf/nonman, but the ponies age like Dwarves. They are not immortal, but are nearly so. Age does catch up with them.
    she hasn't bothered to have any offspring in all those years.
    Who was it Rarity wants to marry again?
  • Who was it Rarity wants to marry again?
    Celestia's nephew.
  • But Granny Smith.

    I postulate that Celestia is like an elf/nonman, but the ponies age like Dwarves. They are not immortal, but are nearly so. Age does catch up with them.
    I'll do you one better. Celestia is a pegasus + unicorn. Granny Smith is an old geezer because she's an earth pony. I don't recall seeing any geezer unicorns or pegasi.
  • Celestia's nephew.
    So we don't really know the extent of the royal family. For all we know, Twilight Sparkle is somehow related as well.
  • But Granny Smith.

    I postulate that Celestia is like an elf/nonman, but the ponies age like Dwarves. They are not immortal, but are nearly so. Age does catch up with them.
    I'll do you one better. Celestia is a pegasus + unicorn. Granny Smith is an old geezer because she's an earth pony. I don't recall seeing any geezer unicorns or pegasi.
    Good point. Earth Ponies were perhaps the original ponies? Perhaps they existed prior to Celestia's kingdom. Did she or her line inter-breed with Earth Ponies, creating over time two distinct halfblood variations?
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