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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Celestia's nephew.
    So we don't really know the extent of the royal family. For all we know, Twilight Sparkle is somehow related as well.
    We don't really know the extent of any family except the Apple family. Even then, the family tree is full of gigantic holes. Nobody has any parents. There are siblings, grandparents, one newphew, and one aunt. The only adult pony that isn't elderly is the mayor.
  • But Granny Smith.

    I postulate that Celestia is like an elf/nonman, but the ponies age like Dwarves. They are not immortal, but are nearly so. Age does catch up with them.
    I'll do you one better. Celestia is a pegasus + unicorn. Granny Smith is an old geezer because she's an earth pony. I don't recall seeing any geezer unicorns or pegasi.
    Good point. Earth Ponies were perhaps the original ponies? Perhaps they existed prior to Celestia's kingdom. Did she or her line inter-breed with Earth Ponies, creating over time two distinct halfblood variations?
    Well, there was no sun or moon before Celestia. We don't know the genesis of ponydom, or any of the biology at all. It must not be anything Darwinian, as 2000 years is not enough time for anything of that sort.

    My best guess is that the entire world was wild and biological, as is the evergreen forest. But Celestia's parents are true deities who created Celestia and Equestria, granting special magical dominion to the pony-folk in just that geographic area.
  • RymRym
    edited February 2011
    The only adult pony that isn't elderly is the mayor.
    Who is also an Earth Pony.

    I propose:

    1. Earth Ponies are the equivalent of humans, and are mortal.
    2. Celestia's line came from the outside and, seeing these creatures, founded a kingdom for them and inter-bred, the half-breeds retaining a shadow of its power.
    3. The Everfree Forest is guaranteed by Celestia as a sort of untouched reminder of the way the world once was.
    4. The further flung lands are also beyond Celestia's direct rule, and possibly have their own craziness.

    Ponies are Black Shade, with a few Grey Shade stats from the godly bloodline.
    Celestia and her sister are Grey Shade, born of the gods themselves, with a few White Shade powers.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • 2. Celestia's line came from the outside and, seeing these creatures, founded a kingdom for them and inter-bred, the half-breeds retaining a shadow of its power.
    The only thing I don't know about the half-breeds is how come every single pony is either a Pegasus, Unicorn, or neither. The only oddball is Celestia who is a pegasus and a unicorn. If a pegasus and a unicorn got together, there would be more. It seems like there is no inter-racial breeding whatsoever.
  • Celestia's line came from the outside
    Holy shit, Celestia is an Elder God.
  • If a pegasus and a unicorn got together, there would be more. It seems like there is no inter-racial breeding whatsoever.
    Maybe the blood is too powerful, and such creatures do not survive. Or perhaps it fails at conception due to some incompatibility. Or perhaps the traits are mutually exclusive due to some trick of the genetics of the original Earth Ponies. There is clearly desire between different sub-species. Spike even seems to want in on the action sometimes.
  • Spike even seems to want in on the action sometimes.
    Well, the dragons seem to be the same as D&D; / Tolkien dragons in all ways except their personalities. They have treasure hordes, grow very slowly, live a very long time, etc. They even have different powers related to their colors. The red dragon had a fire breath weapon, and spike has a teleportation breath weapon.
  • Holy shit you guys are huge fucking nerds.
  • Holy shit you guys are huge fucking nerds.
    But that's what we do? I think it's amusing and awesome to read the convo between Scott and Rym.
  • edited February 2011
    Holy shit you guys are huge fucking nerds.
    *slow clap* That was so well timed.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • We are seriously considering a separate MLP podcast that is not GeekNights. Name suggestions?

    Radio Free Equestria is my first idea.
  • Radio Free Equestria is my first idea.
    That's actually a pretty good name.
  • Radio Free Equestria is my first idea.
    Holy shit you guys are huge fucking nerds.
    But yes, that's a great name.
  • edited February 2011
    Radio Free Equestria is my first idea.
    Awesome name. Also, I would be so down with making the opening and closing musics.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • We might do short video instead.
  • You know what there needs to be? A MLP counter strike mod.
  • You know what there needs to be? A MLP counter strike mod.
    Why does it have to be a mod? It needs entire games. I think tabletop RPG will work best.
  • I wonder if the sea ponies will ever show up. Like in that one movie.
  • I'm imaging Rym and Scott getting into the My Little Pony Podcasting world just to be beaten in popularity by two 8 year old girls.
  • I'm imaging Rym and Scott getting into the My Little Pony Podcasting world just to be beaten in popularity by two 8 year old girls.
    On the other hand, it could go the way of that kids harry potter podcast. I see potential in this.
  • edited February 2011
    I wonder if the sea ponies will ever show up. Like in that one movie.
    They bother me for some reason, because since they have no limbs but the same pony faces, they look like they have thylidamide birth defects. I'd rather see a hippocampus, mer-horse sort of thing.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • On the other hand, it could go the way of that kids harry potter podcast. I see potential in this.
    What actually needs to happen is Dave and Joel need to review this show. Get on this Dave!
  • But Granny Smith.

    I postulate that Celestia is like an elf/nonman, but the ponies age like Dwarves. They are not immortal, but are nearly so. Age does catch up with them.
    I'll do you one better. Celestia is a pegasus + unicorn. Granny Smith is an old geezer because she's an earth pony. I don't recall seeing any geezer unicorns or pegasi.
    Even worse, once her glamour is stripped away Luna doesn't seem much older from Twilight Sparkle, even though she is at least 1,000 years old if not better.
    Celestia's nephew.
    So we don't really know the extent of the royal family. For all we know, Twilight Sparkle is somehow related as well.
    Indeed, all we know is Celestia has a nephew, who was probably sired by another royal considering Luna probably wasn't his mother. Also note so far that we have not seen anypony's parents, just Granny Smith and Pinkie Pie mentions her Granny Pie.
  • What about the zebra witch/shaman? She isn't part of the royal line but knows magic as well.
  • edited February 2011
    What about the zebra witch/shaman? She isn't part of the royal line but knows magic as well.
    She doesn't use the same magic as the ponies. She draws her power from some other source. Think of it like the Zebra is a Druid and the ponies are wizards and sorcerers.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Think of it like the Zebra is a Druid and the ponies are wizards and sorcerers.
    I'm guessing they're more like clerics. Hard to say.
  • We might do short video instead.
    Why not start with a proper Geeknights episode on MLP and see if you can get it all out. Put it under anime night. That way you might catch a few of your anime listeners who haven't found MLP yet.
  • The show has mules which also can talk. Mules are crossbreed from a horse and a donkey. So interbreeding must be possible between pegasus and unicorns.
  • So interbreeding must be possible between pegasus and unicorns.
    I'll bet you anything that the children of such a pair are randomly one or the other, but not both. I wouldn't be surprised if this exact question is answered definitively at some point in the show.
  • Maybe it's a stork situation.
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