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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • edited December 2011
    While searching for something non-pony related, I came across this

    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I will pay someone to make those.
  • edited December 2011
    I will pay someone to make those.
    I corrected the link, so you can buy them at the link provided in my post. ^_~

    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Only thing is where's TS?
  • Only thing is where's TS?
    She gets a bigger window, obviously.

  • edited December 2011
    If this was done better it would be perfect.

    How could I not see this!

    Post edited by Viga on
  • Only thing is where's TS?

  • edited December 2011
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Why wasn't this here yet. One of the best pony pictures I've seen in long time.

    Also there is clip from next episode in EqD. Seems like it will be interesting one. Too bad I won't be able to see the livestream, have to wait for the 720 Youtubes.
  • Well, now I have a new desktop wallpaper.
  • Well, now I have a new desktop wallpaper.
  • Well, now I have a new desktop wallpaper.
  • This new episode was really cool, but it raises a few questions about the Equestrian timeline. I'm not sure if we'll get a definitive answer anytime soon, but from what I can figure it goes like this:

    1) Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns are separate tribes
    2) Blizzard comes, the three tribes move to a new location
    3) Tribes settle their differences and found Equestria
    4) Discord moves in sometime afterward (or perhaps he was always there to begin with) and brings endless chaos
    5) Celestia and Luna arrive and turn Discord to stone
    6) Golden age of Equestria, until Luna becomes Nightmare Moon
    7) 1000 years of just Celestia
    8) Twilight Sparkle and her friends defeat Nightmare Moon and subsequently Discord
    9) Present
  • Celestia and Luna were already in the game because they were on the founding flag of Equestria.
  • The play is a propaganda piece. It's likely they used the modern flag even though it didn't exist back then.
  • Spike said that it was "long before the peaceful rule of Celestia".
  • When I first saw the big glowing horses, I expected them to be four evil star-ponies. But then there were three of them, and I was sad.

    Also, Applejack was dressed like an Archer from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. =P
  • Made me think of the Kashira Shadow Players episode of Utena.
  • edited December 2011
    I wouldn't take anything in the play as canon. It's not like modern Christmas plays are exactly forthcoming about the fact that the holiday is just an assimilation of ancient pagan winter solstice rituals.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • edited December 2011
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Can you think inside a chimney? I didn't think so.

    Also, more Fluttershy-Rainbow Dash interaction. Yay.
  • excellent propaganda piece to distract from the Celestial Sisters grabbing power and keeping everyone down.
  • That song needed to be much more than forty seconds long, because it was awesome.

    Also, the peasant outfits were greatly amusing, as was the pony-armor.

    I like how they mentioned Star-swirl the Bearded again, but I think it's more likely that Celestia would have forced the tribes to bond than they would have on their own.

    Perhaps the Windigoes were a sort of Discord-precursor, and eventually fused/grew powerful enough to bend reality. To explain how there was more discord after the founding of Equestria than before: population expansion. Also wars with griffons/dragons/rebellions etc. Or Discord came from outside Equestria, and I'm just bullshitting.
  • I don't think they have to do with Discord. Discord is more of a trickster god, who likes to make things crazy. The Windigoes were more just forces of nature that feed off the negative energy given to them.
  • edited December 2011


    I can see into forever...
    Post edited by Banta on
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