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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • edited December 2011
    This is totally ready for WarioWare. PonyWare anyone?

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited December 2011

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • (Must show loltsundere....)
    Actually Scott beat me to posting it. But that's okay. As long as it was one of us. :P

  • Loooove those Pony Heaven videos!
  • edited December 2011

    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Just watched last weeks episode. Dammit, I'm back in the herd./"."\
  • edited December 2011
    hmm, other people seem to be equating the Dr. Whoof in Sweet and Elite more with Matt Smith than Patrick Troughton, though from This it looks like at least three incarnations were at the very same party! The Three Doctors much?
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Just watched last weeks episode. Dammit, I'm back in the herd./"."\
    You never truly left in the first place >:3
  • So YouTube has started removing videos at Hasbro's request.
  • So YouTube has started removing videos at Hasbro's request.
    Remember that, as far as I understand it, anyone could claim to be Hasbro in the Youtube's system. Also, this isn't the first time this has happened.

  • I was still able to catch this week's episode. FANTASTIC. More appearance, great gags, and background ponies. Immediately waiting for fanart on Pimp Spike, Spike in Various Forms, and Cloaks.
  • edited December 2011
    This was one of my favorite episodes of the season. Lots of great gags, honestly Twilight's nerdiness at the beginning of the episode probably got me the most rather than the somewhat predictable King Kong rampage.

    Also, the Youtube stuff is just trolls. If Hasbro actually wanted the videos gone, they'd send a note to EqD and register their episodes with Youtube for the automatic filter to catch and delete. I'm pretty cranky that the first big PMV ever (AMV epic) got taken out as well, presumably because it was at the top of the list in Google searches. Replaceable episodes that everyone's already downloaded from EqD are one thing (albeit one thing that demonstrably damages new fan intake, so Hasbro shouldn't be happy), taking out unique art posts is another. I'm thinking about using a program to copy a bunch of the top PMVs down so they can't be permanently deleted from the web.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • Oh, this episode confirms Equestria is round, thanks to the globe.
  • Oh, this episode confirms Equestria is round, thanks to the globe.
    Good catch!
  • edited December 2011
    My best guess is we're talking about a geocentric universe, with an anchored planet orbited by a small star and a moon of equal masses on opposite sides. Stars are smaller, independent lights, possible sentient. It's possible the moon and sun are relatively far away from and massive compared to Equestria, maybe embedded partway into the outer sphere of the universe; this would prevent a constant lunar eclipse. Explaining how the sun goes down and the moon comes up at the same time without that being the case hurts my brain.

    This theory would be disproved if we see evidence of phases of the moon, but every time we've seen it thus far it's been full. It would also be disproven with an eclipse or otherwise seeing the moon and sun at the same time, but that doesn't seem to be how it works.

    Holes in this theory include the concept of longer or shorter days in winter and summer. This might be because the moon and sun are not in fixed positions; perhaps one or the other is very slightly ahead, or the speed varies.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Minor thing, but have we seen Twilight do fire with magic before?

    Also Pinkie Pie yet again breaks all the rules of physics and magic.
  • Well, we don't know *Equestria* is round, just the planet on which it's located. It's still not clear whether Celestia controls all of the planet, a continent, or just part of a continent, and unless Thiessen's comment at Bronycon was intentionally misleading we won't be finding out this season.
  • This theory would be disproved if we see evidence of phases of the moon, but every time we've seen it thus far it's been full.
    I think lunar phases are the most logical reasoning for the moon being represented like this.
  • The amount of world building and lore exposed in this episode was really something, with regards to dragons in any case. It also seems that a universal magic governs dragon behavior and growth, and it is simillar to the universal magic that governs a Pony and its cutie mark.

    Much can also be said about spike remembering something important in his past"life" and being able to revert back. If not for such memories and growing up with ponies, would he had reverted back? Are all the other dragons shown simillar to Spike in that they lose all their memories prior to their growth, and could not turn back due to no catalyst or condition available. Again its when this universal Dragon Magic kicks in and under what circumstance. Is it possible to have a dragon that never grows up due to living a sheltered and solidarity existence under the care of another? Spike never had a chance to experience Greed till this actual first birthday in Ponyville, and once that happened, it was a slippery slope from there.
  • Could giant-sized spike go toe-to-toe with the other adult dragons we've seen in the series so-far? If you deprived them of their hoard, would they be as seemingly weak as Spike is normally?

    I somewhat wish we would see a giant spike vs. adult dragon conflict.
  • It seems like the kind of Dragon that spike is doesn't have wings like the big red and green ones we have seen. Also, his fire is green and different from the others that had regular fire. Also, Spike seems to have a crazy tongue that the other dragons don't seem to have, or didn't use on screen.
  • Only the big red and big green have really been similar. It could be that dragons are even more diverse than the ponies.
  • Only the big red and big green have really been similar. It could be that dragons are even more diverse than the ponies.
    Do you count Steven Magnet as a dragon?
  • I love the idea that a dragon's size grows with his hoard.
  • Only the big red and big green have really been similar. It could be that dragons are even more diverse than the ponies.
    Do you count Steven Magnet as a dragon?
    Well there could be categories like the ponies: Sky, Earth, Water etc

  • I thought of Steven as more of a serpent.
  • edited December 2011
    Also, the Youtube stuff is just trolls. If Hasbro actually wanted the videos gone, they'd send a note to EqD and register their episodes with Youtube for the automatic filter to catch and delete.
    So yeah, I did a block re-upload of season 1 today and came back to find episodes 11 and 17 tagged by content ID. Possible DVD episodes? Trolls stepping up their game? Hasbro trying to enforce copyright but content ID doing a shitty job and catching only 10% of the episodes? I dunno.

    Post edited by Nissl on
  • edited December 2011
    I thought of Steven as more of a serpent.
    Me too, but then...

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I thought the lesson was to fight personal change as hard as you can.
  • edited December 2011
    I thought of Steven as more of a serpent.
    Me too, but then...

    Wow, whoever took the time to create that must document about how it feels to regrow his/her virginity.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
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