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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Wishing I have the hub. The last episode I say was about Pinkie pie not making a friend with someone and Twilight sparkle doing what the internet has called a face book. Working my way though what the Hub is posting in there on-demand section on Dish Network.
  • Just about every pony related term on that site is overwhelmingly positive.
    This is obviously because anyone who actually knows a pony-related term likes MLP. No pony haters say "My Little Pony is a bad show because I hate Rainbow Dash!" They say "my little pony is bad cuz ur a fag."
  • That is great.
  • image
    I would so play that
  • image

    This post has nothing to do with the fact that I've been playing nothing but Mass Effect 2 for the past two weeks.
  • edited March 2012
    Went back and had a look at Ask Hot Blooded Pinkie Pie and found the interesting phenomenon of comics to and froing which came out well in this.

    Also: The fuck, Japanese artists, can't you let us have something we can draw without making us looks like four year olds.

    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Oh Em Effing Gee.

  • edited March 2012
    Ohhhh my.
    This is going to lead to so much fanfiction.

    Also: another two-parter!
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Here's the interesting thing: Shining Armor is getting married to Princess Cadence. Does that, then, make Twilight officially part of the royal family?
  • Here's the interesting thing: Shining Armor is getting married to Princess Cadence. Does that, then, make Twilight officially part of the royal family?
    That's not confirmed, I think. All we can be reasonably positive of is that Cadence is involved somehow.
  • Here's the interesting thing: Shining Armor is getting married to Princess Cadence. Does that, then, make Twilight officially part of the royal family?
    That's not confirmed, I think. All we can be reasonably positive of is that Cadence is involved somehow.
    It IS confirmed. There is a toy set depicting the two getting married slated for release in august.

  • That magnificent bitch, that tactical gen...


    I guess that confirms you and rym's assertions of Twilight being of nobility back when you started RFE. I questioned that, but if this is true, then whoah indeed
  • I like these videos. I mean, I'm no animator (hell, I can't even draw worth a damn) but it's really cool how it breaks the techniques down.

  • So I got my regular spam from Amazon today. This time it said

    Are you looking for something in our Preschool Toys department? If so, you might be interested in these items. -picture of 12 pack pony collection set-
    Preschool toys, Psh. Its at least elementary and up. Yanno, choking hazard and everything...

    I kind of want that 12 pony pack >_>
  • edited March 2012
    Also: The fuck, Japanese artists, can't you let us have something we can draw without making us looks like four year olds.
    Not True. Go to CGhub, and you will see that good illustrators are not confined to the island. Of course, I think it is more that the good Japanese artists tend to share more fandoms and really like doing fanart, but there is a fair share of, say, amazing Mass Effect fanart out there made by US artists. Generally top notch concept artists are kinda looked down upon when they do fanart, and there is much more of a push for original work.
    Also, having been to artist alleys, there are some GREAT illustrators here that do fanart of Japanese cartoons and MLP.

    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Emily, I'm being facetious.
  • edited March 2012

    This weeks episode looks AWESOME. Metal Gear Twilight, anyone?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I think they planned it out with the release of Mass Effect 3.
  • edited March 2012
    Emily, I'm being facetious.
    I just see way too many anime fans on the internet being like "Why can't Americans draw as good as the Japanese?" I thought probably you were sarcastic, but just in case, I had my canned response.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Emily, I'm being facetious.
    I just see way too many anime fans on the internet being like "Why can't Americans draw as good as the Japanese?" I thought probably you were sarcastic, but just in case, I had my canned response.
    There are good artists in every country. The point is that it seems like there are a lot of people in Japan who can draw very well from a very young age. The best example is if you look at fanart submissions to magazines in both countries. Newtype Japan fanarts are almost always stunning, and often from very young children. Fanart in GamePro (back in the day), Newtype USA, etc. are often crayon drawings, and you get less quality on average per year of maturity. That is to say younger Japanese people draw better than older Americans.

    I definitely think the Japanese alphabets gives people more practice in hand control and the increased exposure to manga, anime, and other art in the culture produces more better artists at younger ages. But I still think that both countries produce about the same ratio of professional artists of great talent. It's just that there are a lot more Japanese people who are not professional artists, who can draw very well.
  • There are good artists in every country. The point is that it seems like there are a lot of people in Japan who can draw very well from a very young age. The best example is if you look at fanart submissions to magazines in both countries. Newtype Japan fanarts are almost always stunning, and often from very young children. Fanart in GamePro (back in the day), Newtype USA, etc. are often crayon drawings, and you get less quality on average per year of maturity. That is to say younger Japanese people draw better than older Americans.

    I definitely think the Japanese alphabets gives people more practice in hand control and the increased exposure to manga, anime, and other art in the culture produces more better artists at younger ages. But I still think that both countries produce about the same ratio of professional artists of great talent. It's just that there are a lot more Japanese people who are not professional artists, who can draw very well.
    It has little to do with hand control. I would argue that that the disparity in fanart quality in the magazines is partly because of the popularity of the fandom in Japan as opposed to the US. It's not that the Japanese have better artists from a younger age. It's merely that the talented artists that they do have really have a greater chance of concentrating on anime/comic related artwork because of its prevalence in the young adult culture. I was always a middle-of-the-road artist, good enough to be a professional, but not any sort of prodigy, but in middle and high school I made it into quite a few competitions and art-shows. The people who won the top awards at these shows were amazing for their age groups!
    Also, I used to think that Newtype fanarts were always amazing, but if you go back and really look at them, there is quite the range. I think there is more of an emphasis on technique and composition, because the kids have seen a lot of the artwork and know how to emulate it.
  • "I think there is more of an emphasis on technique and composition, because the kids have seen a lot of the artwork and know how to emulate it."

    Exactly this, exposure to fandom and a national culture or sub culture drives people to create and hence throws the spotlight on artists who may not be spotlighted, or simply increasing the talent pool to draw from.

    Its a little like the my little pony culture now. While i acknowledge the technique of the artist in the above picture, there are many more better artists we know in the fandom already and they arent japanese! I daresay that my own art is good enough to best that if we were to simply talk fanart wise.
  • edited March 2012
    MLP toys are at McDonalds. I hate being poor, cuz otherwise I'd buy a happy meal every day.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Pinkie Pie breaks Chrome's sandbox; wins $60k. No barrier is same from her wall breaking powers.
  • MLP toys are at McDonalds. I hate being poor, cuz otherwise I'd buy a happy meal every day.
    One question I have to ask: who the fuck is Lilly Bell?

    Also, you can just go in and buy the Happy Meal toys. They're like 1 or 2 bucks.
  • Oh mans, maybe this time I can find a McDonald's that has these. Has anyone had issues buying the toys? Like "Silly creepy adult, ponies are for kids!"

    That purple pony with the yellow hair looks like a sexy Derpy o_o
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