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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Fluttershy looks distinctly not Fluttershy. She looks too active. Like maybe a body snatcher snatched her body.
  • Fluttershy looks distinctly not Fluttershy. She looks too active. Like maybe a body snatcher snatched her body.
    Oh god, pony body snatchers.
  • Los Pegasus. Baltimare. LOL!

    Today's episode, well, Twilight was holding the idiot ball.
  • Today's episode, well, Twilight was holding the idiot ball.
    Yeah. That episode was pretty dumb. Not one I'm going to feel compelled to ever watch again. The best line was Spike apologizing to his future self.

  • edited March 2012
    So... greek mythology is part of Equestria's canon now?
    EDIT: She's a gypsy now?
    EDIT2: "I have no idea!"
    EDIT3: You know someone is going to check those equations.
    EDIT4: Pinkie wears that for fun?
    EDIT5: Why did she need a boost? She CAN TELEPORT!
    EDIT6: What.

    This episode is officially my least favorite.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I like how Doctor Whooves was standing in the crowd while Twilight was talking about time travel.
  • I completely missed that...
  • Today's episode, well, Twilight was holding the idiot ball.
    Yeah. That episode was pretty dumb. Not one I'm going to feel compelled to ever watch again. The best line was Spike apologizing to his future self.

    Whaaaa? I really liked this episode. My favorite part was when Spike said "I wish Twilight went on epic quests more often..." Always speaking for the audience.

    The only thing is I feel like a lot of the recent episodes don't feature all the ponies. This episode was all Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie Pie with dash of Rainbow. The best episodes might focus on a few of the ponies, but they all appear and have at least one good moment each.
  • The McDonalds I went to had 2 different ponies available: Twilight Sparkle and Lily Blossom. I wonder if it's a different set every week or ram per location.

    The ony thing I don't like is that there is only cutie mark on one side and the Twilight Sparkle's cuie mark isn't as detailed.
  • I cant make logical heads or tails of the whole time travel business this episode..

    If twilight travelled back in time to warn her past self...simply because nothing happened and she should not worry, how does that work? Twilight could had simply continued on living normally if her future self had not come back, but up until that point, her future self and her timeline was completely removed from that universe, so...what was the logic behind a sudden appearance of a twilight from a different timeline? That week of worrying culminating in the time spell is like a closed loop out of nowhere.

  • The McDonalds I went to had 2 different ponies available: Twilight Sparkle and Lily Blossom. I wonder if it's a different set every week or ram per location.

    The ony thing I don't like is that there is only cutie mark on one side and the Twilight Sparkle's cuie mark isn't as detailed.
    I went to go to ballet today and they were closed, and I was sad. Then I saw a McDonald's nearby... and now I have a Pinkie Pie! :D
    I asked for the pink one and she was like "This one?" (cheerilee) and I was like "Pinker!" and then I got Pinkie Pie! So I dunno how many they actually had. Also if you look at the McDs site, you can see all of the ponies in detail. All of them have simplified cutie marks, like Pinkie has only one balloon. Kind of lame, but whatever it was free. My first MLP:FIM toy woo!
  • I cant make logical heads or tails of the whole time travel business this episode..

    If twilight travelled back in time to warn her past self...simply because nothing happened and she should not worry, how does that work? Twilight could had simply continued on living normally if her future self had not come back, but up until that point, her future self and her timeline was completely removed from that universe, so...what was the logic behind a sudden appearance of a twilight from a different timeline? That week of worrying culminating in the time spell is like a closed loop out of nowhere.

    And also, how did Twilight ever find out that the time spells were in the Starswirl the Bearded wing? Her future self told her, but her future self knew that because she had been told by her future self that that was where the spells were.

    Time travel hurts my brain.
  • I'm driving back down to school today and stopping at a bunch If McDonald's along the way. So far I have Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Lilly Belle. Anyone know a way that I will be able to get rid of the keychain hook things from their heads?
  • I just had a mini-marathon of MLP FIM since I missed a bunch of episodes due recent vacation in Peru (so many booyahs and fails).
    This show just gets better and better after each episode.
    My favorite of the recent bunch is the Pinky Pie centric episode, she is just to annoyingly awesome :D
  • Got Pinkie Pie, now I'm just missing Rainbow Dash and Cheerilee. I think I've been to more McDonald's today than I have been to since Middle School.
  • I just watched the last episode and I loved it. For some crazy random reason I had not seen any of the preview clips or read the episode description so the whole time travel thing came really out of the blue for me.

    Yes it was pretty obvious from early on how things would turn out, but it's not about the destination it's about the journey. And I think that this episodes journey of past Twilights transformation to the future Twilight was really entertaining.

    In this episode I realized how good character Twilight can be. Twilight is smart, but it's book-smarts to the level that she lacks some grasp for reality and this episode amplified that to the eleven. Twilight is a character that is really powerful and wise, but at the same time kinda stupid.
  • I cant make logical heads or tails of the whole time travel business this episode..

    If twilight travelled back in time to warn her past self...simply because nothing happened and she should not worry, how does that work? Twilight could had simply continued on living normally if her future self had not come back, but up until that point, her future self and her timeline was completely removed from that universe, so...what was the logic behind a sudden appearance of a twilight from a different timeline? That week of worrying culminating in the time spell is like a closed loop out of nowhere.

    And also, how did Twilight ever find out that the time spells were in the Starswirl the Bearded wing? Her future self told her, but her future self knew that because she had been told by her future self that that was where the spells were.

    Time travel hurts my brain.
    If this time loop hurt your brain, I would recommend you never read Homestuck. Your head would just burst.
  • I thought it was okay, but a little bit talky for my case. Too much explaining, not enough showing.
    I also just watched the minotaur one and I got a huge kick out of it, especially Angel being a brat. It's been shown before that he can make salads handily, the fact that he was like "bitch, make me a salad!" to Fluttershy was kind of hilarious. I don't know what his problem is. Carrot, apple, and lettuce salad sounds like something any bun would get exited about! I think he was just on a little bunny power trip.
  • I really enjoyed this episode too, even if it was another case of Twilight having OCD. These episodes just tend to be so fun, because they really embellish on the character we learned about from the beginning. She can still have her own traits that have probably stuck onto her since her move to Ponyville.

    Pinkie was probably at her funniest during this episode, which is why I really liked it so much. Very meme-filled too, "I store _____ around Ponyville for just such an emergency!"

    However if this episode establishing anything, and maybe some of you people can school me on this, but I really don't like the use of Time Travel within stories. There's just way too many flexible rules, but at the same time, major responsibilities you have to pay attention to when creating the story. And while everyone has a different idea of how it's performed, there's a general set of hardcore rules of "You can't fuck this up, and it's so crucial." But then again, MLP didn't seem to tackle it in a good manner, due to the responses here.
  • edited March 2012
    Mass Effect and Ponies go so well together:
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited March 2012
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited March 2012

    Post edited by Clockian on
  • image
    Exactly three people will get this one. Nice hotlinking btw, but abhorrent tag closing.
  • As an MGS fanboy I have to say I really enjoyed this latest episode. It shows Lauren Faust knows how to do a shout out to more than just things from the same series. (provided she wrote this episode)
  • I could see Dash doing this if she had time travel powers.

  • Awwwwww Yeah!
  • 40% cooler, joke, ground, let's run it down.
  • ^ I like that. I mean Scott's-- thing
  • So I collected the Rainbow Dash and Cherilee Happy Meal toys today. I have a complete set.

    I haven't fully inspected all the ponies, but a friend asked me how the RD toy was and has a lot of flaws. The hair on the mane doesn't have any blue or green and is mostly orange. The tail has no green, red, or yellow. The cutie mark is just a red outline of a single lightning bolt and the eyes are round with an extended eye lash line on top. It isn't the straight line like we normally see or just a normal round lash encircling the top of the eye with 3 lashes.

    You can probably paint over portions of the main with a blue and green color to make it look better, but the eyes would be difficult.
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