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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I am pretty sure we have seen enough evidence that how royalty are normally perceived and how they act in Equestria are two very different things.
  • If Celestia was involved in Cadence's life at all, I'm sure she doled out plenty of mundane jobs to keep her from getting stuck up.
  • Candence is pulling an Ash Crimson and stealing the god ponies powers. It's why she's in Canterlot.
  • Cadence just should not have been an Alicorn. It's messing with a large number of the established rules of the series that we have been canonizing.
  • Random unfounded theory: Celestia was just faking getting beaten by Chrysalis for her own amusement.
  • Here's what makes no sense. Cadence's love for Shining Armor provided enough magical power to beat the bad guys. OK, we got some powerful love there.

    The thing is, almost every pony in all of Equestria loves Celestia. That power has to count for something.
  • Here's what makes no sense. Cadence's love for Shining Armor provided enough magical power to beat the bad guys. OK, we got some powerful love there.

    The thing is, almost every pony in all of Equestria loves Celestia. That power has to count for something.
    All love is not the same. They don't love Celestia in a same way as Cadence loved Shining Armor. Not to mention that Love was pretty much the specialty of Cadence's.

  • Here's what makes no sense. Cadence's love for Shining Armor provided enough magical power to beat the bad guys. OK, we got some powerful love there.

    The thing is, almost every pony in all of Equestria loves Celestia. That power has to count for something.
    All love is not the same. They don't love Celestia in a same way as Cadence loved Shining Armor. Not to mention that Love was pretty much the specialty of Cadence's.

    Quantity has to count for something.

    Also, I will bet Rym will chime in at some point because that is how the gods work in The Forgotten Realms, and that is one of his favorite topics.

  • Here's what makes no sense. Cadence's love for Shining Armor provided enough magical power to beat the bad guys. OK, we got some powerful love there.

    The thing is, almost every pony in all of Equestria loves Celestia. That power has to count for something.
    All love is not the same. They don't love Celestia in a same way as Cadence loved Shining Armor. Not to mention that Love was pretty much the specialty of Cadence's.

    This. Love power seemed to be special for the Changelings because it's what they feed on, and special for Cadence because her pony power is based on it. There is no indication that it works as fuel for any other ponies.

  • There's a difference between loving your beloved God-Empress and the deep, meaningful love shared between two people who are willing to spend the rest of their lives with each other. It's the same reason Harry Potter had protection from dark magic for a bit.
  • Okay not to change to topics but where was Luna during the whole fight part? Can she only come out at night?
  • Okay not to change to topics but where was Luna during the whole fight part? Can she only come out at night?
    You can see her teleport in from the moon. She clearly spends day on the moon.
  • Which would mean that Equestria is not so large that it is always night somewhere. It can only be 6 or 7 time zones wide (if we apply Earth topography to Equestria, and I know that's not the word I'm looking for but it's the best one that I can find.)
  • Luna just spent the whole fucking night guarding Canterlot so Celestia could sleep! Ungrateful pony minions. She's probably getting some well deserved rest.
  • <

    Also, I will bet Rym will chime in at some point because that is how the gods work in The Forgotten Realms, and that is one of his favorite topics.

    I'm waiting for an RFE show we can do on this. ;^)

  • Okay not to change to topics but where was Luna during the whole fight part? Can she only come out at night?
    You can see her teleport in from the moon. She clearly spends day on the moon.
    That is very interesting if that was the case, i was suspecting this before, that luna no longer resides in canterlot in the day, but spends her day on the moon, and only comes back down to castle at night.

    Perhaps after a 1000 years on the moon she just finds it too familiar to leave :P

  • I just finished the finale. I have mixed emotions about it.

    I thought it was pretty shitty of the mane 5 ditching Twilight after being told off by her brother. Then Celestia doing the same. What sort of friendship is that? Sure you don't agree with what she did, but they're supposed to be her best friends.

    The songs were alright, but not the best.

    I did get excited when I saw Celestia coming into the fight. I was like "Oh shit, son! It's on!"

    Pinkie Pie canon vs. Changeling minions made the episode for me.

    Overall, I enjoyed it, but it's definitely not my favorite.
  • I just finished the finale. I have mixed emotions about it.

    I thought it was pretty shitty of the mane 5 ditching Twilight after being told off by her brother. Then Celestia doing the same. What sort of friendship is that? Sure you don't agree with what she did, but they're supposed to be her best friends.

    The songs were alright, but not the best.

    I did get excited when I saw Celestia coming into the fight. I was like "Oh shit, son! It's on!"

    Pinkie Pie canon vs. Changeling minions made the episode for me.

    Overall, I enjoyed it, but it's definitely not my favorite.
    It might have been more of that changeling magic. They feed off of love, so obviously they gotta maintain some control over the pony they're feeding off of, otherwise all that delicious love might go to somepony you're not even impersonating. Therefore they probably have techniques, even a little magic, to drive everypony away from somepony, hence the ostracism of Twilight from her group of friends.

    And yes, the return of the party cannon made it for me too.
  • That episode did help solidify that Pinkie Pie really is just some kind of bizarre "Partymancer".
  • You know, this question is buzzing in my mind for sometime, and it centers around the act of celestia's raising of the sun. They never explicity mention that she controls and guides it across the day, or simply raises it everyday, but i think i found something interesting.

    Here is a quote from The Cutie Mark Chronicles by twilight: "when i was a young filly, i always wanted to go to the summer sun celebration, where princess celestia raises the sun". The way this is worded sounds as though princess celestia raises the sun ONCE a year during this summer sun celebration, and it is met with a lot of fanfare.

    This can further be seen in the very first episode of MLPFIM, where due to Nightmaremoon's efforts during the summer sun celebration, the sun truly did not rise. From these two instances i think its safe to assume that celestia expends tremendous amounts of magic, and kicks the sun into orbit for the whole year, from one summer to the next.

    Hence i must wonder what her duties are on normal days, does she still guide the sun in the day, maybe to make sure it everything is ship shape? The summer sun celebration seems to draw idea from the Summer Solstice, where the sun is highest in the sky, and it is the lowest during the winter solstice. I wonder if it can be assumed that there is a Winter Moon Celebration, where luna does the same, and kicks the moon into orbit once every Winter.

    Perhaps this could be why they were made monarchs. The pre equestrian unicorns had to raise the sun and moon daily, and in exchange received food from the Earth Ponies. Celestia and Luna came around with their enormous power, not to mention defeating Discord as well, and suddenly, a huge burden is taken off the unicorns. They no longer needed to be burdened with an everyday task of making the sun and moon go down, and were free to pursue arts, knowledge, and science. This in turn made the rise of canterlot as the capital and most affluent city (from what i see) possible, and why the majority of ponies there were unicorns in the first place.

    The unicorn kings probably shared power with the sisters for some time, before, as time wore on, the sisters took over all responsibilities of the monarchy, and the previous unicorn royal families either disbanded, or perhaps passed down the alicorn line (assuming of course either celestia or luna has a lover at that time) and ruled as lords/prince/princessess of other realms and cities. This could explain prince blue blood and Cadence, who were members of the family tree that stretched way back to the time of Luna and Celestia arriving and interbreeding with the royal unicorn family.

    Hence assuming there was an alicorn bloodline, only the royal families and its members have the genetic potential, to have an alicorn be born. ie Candence, these new alicorns however, due to being of mixed blood between goddess and mortal, are not immortal, but also less powerful. Also perhaps as the generations wore on, the bloodlines got more and more diluted, less alicorns were born, explaining the lack of them in the show, and the alicorns born had less and less power and longevity.

    /end gandalf girthing

  • Random thought: Are there male alicorns?
  • edited April 2012
    Random thought: Are there male alicorns?
    Possibly, possibly not if the gene sequences for unicorn and pegasus are both on the X chromosome but a pony can only have on sequence per chromosome (presuming of course that alicorns are a hybrid of the two), meaning only females can be alicorns (also leads credence to lifecircle's rant as alicorns would HAVE to breed with non-alicorns.)
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • I would like to point out that both Cadence's horn and wings were essential to the plot, although she only flew once and you could have written it differently so she didn't have to. She was not made an alicorn for naught.
  • Ok, this has made me laugh like 10 times already.

  • Actually, has anyone tried masking the Marzipan Mascerpone Meringue Madness? How good does that taste?
  • One was featured in a recent nightly roundup. It doesn't say how good it tastes, but it gives the recipe they used:
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