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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Poor Trixie is the punching bag of the fandom.
  • At least she's popular.
  • That humanized Trixie looks ready to play Magical Drop.
  • I remember when the running joke was that there was pictures of boobs and explosions every other frame.
  • gaben has a cutie mark?
  • edited February 2013
    That humanized Trixie looks ready to play Magical Drop.
    Also Lyra and Bon Bon now:
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Got a link to the artist?
  • Got a link to the artist?

    He also is doing an MLP Magical Girl comic.
  • edited February 2013
    When I post images I tend to include the source page as a hyperlink on the image itself. You can't click the link directly due to the forum's "click to enlarge" feature, but you can still access the link via the right-click context menu.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Toy Fair News:

    Whoa! Mr. Frascotti acknowledged “Bronies”; thanked them for being great fans. My Little Pony TV Movie announced. He also mentioned that there will be a New IP for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. This new IP is for Older Girls; Teenage and above. The name of the IP will be revealed at a special “Pink Carpet Event” at San Diego Comic Con 2013. My best guess is that this is the rumored “Equestria Girls” trademark.
  • MLP: TV movie! D:

    I almost did a fangirl noise in the middle of the library.
  • Rainbow Dad.
  • The best part of this episode was watching people in the livestream freak out thinking it's a rerun.
  • edited February 2013
    Yeah, that was hilarious. [spoiler]Loved the continuity overlap. It's great to see "what happened over there" when an episode focuses on one portion of the world.

    Did that games inspector look familiar to anyone? I know it looks like someone, maybe a politician, but I just can't place it.
    Also, Mustangia. I looove me some world building, even in small amounts.[/spoilers]
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Spoiler
    This is eating me alive! Who does she look like?!!
  • Physics Question: Ignoring this is a fucking little girl's show, how is Rainbow Dash able to hover in place while riding the train? Shouldn't she have been slammed against the back wall? (I didn't notice her flapping her wings to move forward with the train, just stay up in the air)
  • Things in motion stay in motion.
  • I figured the upward motion would cancel the forward motion but whatever, its a kid's show, MST3K mantra, and I think I blocked Sonic starting a new page.
  • Upwards and forwards are perpendicular; they can't cancel each other out.

    The only time Rainbow's position relative to the train could be affected is if the train was accelerating or decelerating; in that case she would indeed need to do some extra flapping.

    Note that I haven't seen the episode yet, so I might not have the right idea of what was going on.
  • You do. They then move when the train brakes. But as long as the car isn't accelerating, and there's no breeze in the car, Rainbow Dash would hover still relative to the car.
  • I figured the upward motion would cancel the forward motion but whatever, its a kid's show, MST3K mantra, and I think I blocked Sonic starting a new page.
    Easy experiment: while riding in a car/bus/whatever, toss a small ball straight up to about your face level. The fact that you won't get hit in the face with said ball means that the forward motion still applies to the ball even if you toss it up, assuming there is no acceleration, like lackofcheese and Linkigi said.
  • edited February 2013
    Anyway I have another niggling question, a little more pertinent to the logic the cartoons run off of.
    In the show the Mane Six only had information on Miss Harshwhinny's luggage. Ignoring the even easier solution of getting formal introductions before anything else upon meeting, why couldn't somepony have told them Harshwhinny's cutie mark? Individuals can own the same type of luggage, no two ponies have the same cutie mark
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • The luggage bit was some poor writing. I called the miss identification plot the second they brought up the print on the bag rather than what she looks like.
  • edited February 2013
    Yeah, it was super obvious and pretty silly. Also, isn't the first thing you always do when meeting somebody is to introduce yourself?

    Also, shouldn't Cadance have had some other ponies on the welcoming committee who weren't, y'know, basically tourists? I can see using the Mane Six backstage as runners and organizers, but them even volunteering to be tour guides and Cadance not just telling them to get somebody else is a bit silly.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
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