I've felt that way about the season 1 two-parter, the season 2 opener and finale, and now this. Trying to cram what I feel can be a feature length film into one or two episodes means obviously it's gonna feel rushed. An hour isn't really all that much time for plot development, and thirty minutes is no time.
Sure it felt rushed, but I was very charmed by the entire episode. Probably my favorite episode in the series so far in terms of artistic execution and choreography. I never partook in any spoilers or readings, and went into this blind, and had a great, soaring 22 minutes. (then again I am a sucker for muscials). Probably my second favourite episode this season behind Sleepless in Ponyville.
One geeky thing I gained from this was probably how the Elements of Harmony probably played a part in Princesshood for the other alicorns. We had this idea of Destiny running through the episode, and that certain destinies such as Twilight's are probably so overarching and all encompassing that it would need nurturing for some time before reaching its ultimate goal. (giving great power and responsibility to its bearer) Also note that Celestia stressed that Twilght had created New Magic, probably finally stepping her role as the Element of Magic, something which I had been wondering for a very long time about.
It's like Celestia and Luna came from the Outside, and brought with them a device (elements of harmony), to nurture and perhaps spread their race using a new indigenous race as vessels, but only if said vessels have the potential and destinies linked to great power. Eg, Cadence's Love and Twilight's Magic. (celestia had her eye on twilight from the very start when she was a young filly)
It does seem like they're building up a cadre of princesses that exemplify some concept. Celestia and Luna represent the fundamental forces of day and night, Cadence exemplifies romantic love, and now Twilight holds platonic love, or Friendship. Whether this may lead to an epic arc of creating princesses to govern fundamental forces, and thus have leadership to the three races of ponies remains to be seen, but now we've broken out the measuring tapes and asked Gandalf to hike up his robes.
You know..Starswirl the Bearded's spell hold so many hidden connotations and implications that I really do wish it to be explored in season 4.
I believe Season 4's first two parter would probably focus on the Equestria Games as was buit up in this season and left unresolved, and the final two parter would conclude the twilicorn business properly. That's my hope anyway.
You know..Starswirl the Bearded's spell hold so many hidden connotations and implications that I really do wish it to be explored in season 4.
I believe Season 4's first two parter would probably focus on the Equestria Games as was buit up in this season and left unresolved, and the final two parter would conclude the twilicorn business properly. That's my hope anyway.
Super rushed, but those production values. And, by my count, six songs (Well, five and a reprise). Really could have used another episode and a half of time though.
Anyways, previous to this episode I held the headcanon that the Elements of Harmony predate pretty much everybody in the show (including Luna and Celestia, who weren't present in Equestria pre-Discord) and were somehow used in the creation of princesses, which seems to follow here. I think Celestia may have been concealing some degree of truth from Twilight when she said that Starswirl the Bearded's spell had never been fixed, as there's a good chance Celestia used an analogous spell to become an alicorn. But, Twilight being able to discover the error in the spell and fix it is the important part, really.
Also, I would kill to have a Tavi/Scratch background moment in Season 4.
You know what? It was super rushed, but considering that they probably didn't have the luxury of planning for it to be more episodes, I expected that. And you know what else? With that considered, I liked what we got.
Let me put it this way: it could have been a lot worse. The use of so many songs, for example, probably helped it flow better than it otherwise might have. A lot more can happen with greater ease in a song or montage sequence than in most standard scenes, and the audience can accept the increased happenings more easily because the music carries them along on a smoother ride. Honestly, this felt almost like a twenty-minute operetta, in the sense that it felt like there was more sung dialogue than spoken.
As well, considering that this plot point was basically mandated, I think the creative team did a great job motivating the change and making it feel poignant. I actually teared up a bit when Twilight met Celestia and was shown all the images of past scenes from the series showing her progress. It reminds you that rushed though this episode may be, there's still been 65 episodes worth of friendship and magic backing it up and leading to this moment. Remembering that while watching that scene got me right in the feels. :')
Lastly... Okay, I just gotta say it. I'm still a seven-year-old girl at heart.
TL;DR: It could've been worse. We still got some good stuff out of it. And everything's gonna be just fine. ♥
Yep, I'm still excited to see what's going to happen next.
What really makes me laugh are how all those people saying "WAaaaaaah! We're gonna leave the fandom!" are now going "Waaaaaaah! When is season 4 going to start!". Dumbasses.
If it were the last episode, it would have been a lot better. The fact that there are more episodes after this makes it feel like the turning point in the middle of Death Note.
One geeky thing I gained from this was probably how the Elements of Harmony probably played a part in Princesshood for the other alicorns. We had this idea of Destiny running through the episode, and that certain destinies such as Twilight's are probably so overarching and all encompassing that it would need nurturing for some time before reaching its ultimate goal. (giving great power and responsibility to its bearer) Also note that Celestia stressed that Twilght had created New Magic, probably finally stepping her role as the Element of Magic, something which I had been wondering for a very long time about.
It's like Celestia and Luna came from the Outside, and brought with them a device (elements of harmony), to nurture and perhaps spread their race using a new indigenous race as vessels, but only if said vessels have the potential and destinies linked to great power. Eg, Cadence's Love and Twilight's Magic. (celestia had her eye on twilight from the very start when she was a young filly)
I believe Season 4's first two parter would probably focus on the Equestria Games as was buit up in this season and left unresolved, and the final two parter would conclude the twilicorn business properly. That's my hope anyway.
Anyways, previous to this episode I held the headcanon that the Elements of Harmony predate pretty much everybody in the show (including Luna and Celestia, who weren't present in Equestria pre-Discord) and were somehow used in the creation of princesses, which seems to follow here. I think Celestia may have been concealing some degree of truth from Twilight when she said that Starswirl the Bearded's spell had never been fixed, as there's a good chance Celestia used an analogous spell to become an alicorn. But, Twilight being able to discover the error in the spell and fix it is the important part, really.
Also, I would kill to have a Tavi/Scratch background moment in Season 4.
Let me put it this way: it could have been a lot worse. The use of so many songs, for example, probably helped it flow better than it otherwise might have. A lot more can happen with greater ease in a song or montage sequence than in most standard scenes, and the audience can accept the increased happenings more easily because the music carries them along on a smoother ride. Honestly, this felt almost like a twenty-minute operetta, in the sense that it felt like there was more sung dialogue than spoken.
As well, considering that this plot point was basically mandated, I think the creative team did a great job motivating the change and making it feel poignant. I actually teared up a bit when Twilight met Celestia and was shown all the images of past scenes from the series showing her progress. It reminds you that rushed though this episode may be, there's still been 65 episodes worth of friendship and magic backing it up and leading to this moment. Remembering that while watching that scene got me right in the feels. :')
Lastly... Okay, I just gotta say it. I'm still a seven-year-old girl at heart.
TL;DR: It could've been worse. We still got some good stuff out of it. And everything's gonna be just fine. ♥
What really makes me laugh are how all those people saying "WAaaaaaah! We're gonna leave the fandom!" are now going "Waaaaaaah! When is season 4 going to start!". Dumbasses.
1 Rainbow Dash
1 Princess Celestia
3 Sweetie Belle
3 Cheerilee
5 Twilight Sparkle
5 Fluttershy
5 Rarity
5 Spike
9 Scootaloo
9 Big Macintosh
11 Princess Luna
12 Pinkie Pie
12 Pinkamena
12 Princess Cadence
15 Discord
16 Derpy
16 Spitfire
18 Apple Bloom
18 Granny Smith
20 Apple Jack
21 Shining Armor
22 Nightmare Moon
23 Diamond Tiara
23 Silver Spoon
23 Iron Will
23 Trixie
27 Vinyl Scratch
27 Zecora
27 Soarin'
30 Queen Chrysalis
31 Pipsqueak
31 Lyra
31 Rose Luck
31 Colgate
31 Octavia
31 Berry Punch
31 Carrot Top
31 Braeburn
31 Caramel
31 Bab Seed
31 King Sombra
42 Flim
42 Flam
44 Bon Bon
44 Dr. Whooves
2 Princess Luna
3 Rarity
4 Rainbow Dash
5 Twilight Sparkle
6 Sweetie Belle
7 Apple Jack
8 Fluttershy
9 Spitfire
10 Discord
11 Queen Chrysalis
12 Princess Cadence
13 Nightmare Moon
14 Soarin'
15 Zecora
16 Trixie
17 Derpy
17 Rose Luck
19 Scootaloo
20 Pinkie Pie
21 Cheerilee
21 Big Macintosh
23 Pinkamena
24 Spike
25 Shining Armor
26 Apple Bloom
27 Granny Smith
27 Colgate
27 Berry Punch
30 Octavia
31 Vinyl Scratch
32 King Sombra
33 Iron Will
33 Lyra
35 Bon Bon
35 Carrot Top
37 Diamond Tiara
37 Pipsqueak
37 Braeburn
40 Dr. Whooves
40 Caramel
40 Bab Seed
43 Flim
43 Flam
45 Silver Spoon