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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Prediction: That interview with the music producer that Scott posted earlier, where he states that they have a song coming up that was recorded with a 20 person choir.

    I predict that to be in the final episode of the season - The Grand Galloping Gala! (Still TBA!!!!!)

    PLEASE let the final two episodes be a two part-er. Book end the season up nicely, perhaps even allow for a slightly deeper episode.
  • edited March 2011
    proposed SI unit: Ponyjoules
    Actually, I take that back. I think the energy used in the performance of a magical act by a pony should be measured in Fausts. The unit is measured as one Faust being equal to the magical energy required to keep one pony airborne for one second.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Ok, here's something really stupid.

    In 1000 years of living in Equestria, Celestia still doesn't know all there is to know about friendship? She needs to learn even basic lessons like Wheaton's Law? On top of that, she needs Twilight to do the research for her. In 1000 years she has no doubt had scores of close pony friends who have lived and died before her eyes. How can she possibly have anything to learn from Twilight Sparkle?
  • edited March 2011
    Theory - I've not watched the show, so cut me some slack on the details, but would it make sense that Celestia didn't help them because maybe if she just goes around saving everyone when they fuck up and might die, then the ponies would learn nothing and end up as stunted, worthless creatures? Particularly Twilight sparkle, who according to wikipedia, is Celestia's student, and whom she sent to ponyville to learn. This would be greatly impaired if Celestia swoops in and saves the day every time they get into trouble - after all, part of the point of sending TS into ponyville is to learn the value of friendship, right? Well, how can she learn that if she sees all the other ponies as just some playful, galloping idiots without a purpose? Maybe, Celestia left the rescue up to the ponies, Rainbow dash specifically in this case, to serve as a lesson that everypony has their value in the grand scheme of things, beyond what would be - for a creature of TS's potential power, if Celestia is any sort of indication of pony magic potential - little more than pointless hobby endeavors, such as dressmaking and apple farming. Is it not possible that Celestia didn't see the need to rescue rarity, because she knew that Rainbow Dash was capable of doing so, and by stepping back and letting the ponies handle it, the ponies learn something? Is it also not possible that if Rainbow dash failed, Celestia WOULD have swooped in and saved the day, after the ponies had been given their chance to do their thing?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • but would it make sense that Celestia didn't help them because maybe if she just goes around saving everyone when they fuck up and might die, then the ponies would learn nothing and end up as stunted, worthless creatures?
    Except for the time she saved Phillydelphia from a swarm of Parasprites.
    Is it also not possible that if Rainbow dash failed, Celestia WOULD have swooped in and saved the day, after the ponies had been given their chance to do their thing?
    It is possible, but Rainbow Dash saved them just inches from the ground, and Celstia was still chilling in the sky colosseum. She would have needed a godly reaction time to do anything. While she is godly, never has she demonstrated any speed whatsoever. She is almost always lounging and taking it easy.
  • Ok, here's something really stupid.

    In 1000 years of living in Equestria, Celestia still doesn't know all there is to know about friendship? She needs to learn even basic lessons like Wheaton's Law? On top of that, she needs Twilight to do the research for her. In 1000 years she has no doubt had scores of close pony friends who have lived and died before her eyes. How can she possibly have anything to learn from Twilight Sparkle?
    I'm pretty sure that Celestia knows all about the magic of friendship from the way she reacts to Twilight's notes: she is pleased that Twilight has learned a lesson, and remains a promising protege. Celestia is grooming Twilight to take over her position as Crown Princess of Equestria, and eventually her heliomotive duties as well, so Celestia can finally retire. For Twilight to do this, however, she must learn social skills as well as magical skills so that she can become a good ruler - this is best effected by placing Twilight in a position where she can learn how to take advice and resolve disputes without the risk of doing significant damage, i.e. Ponyville. Forcing Twilight to analyze these lessons in her reports ensures both that Twilight internalizes those lessons, while Celestia knows Twilight's progress.

    We've had the discussion on Sonic Rainboom already: my position is that Celestia had the power to save Rarity at any point, but she knows from long experience that it is often better to leave the acts and credit to other ponies; the Wonderbolts' fame would be enhanced if they had saved her, and by allowing Rainbow Dash to try, Dash was able to reach her full potential and Sonic Rainboom. Had Dash also failed, Celestia would have caught all of them with telekinesis.

    With over 1000 years of experience, Celestia has learned the essence of friendship and leadership - her subjects and friends can be relied upon to use their own talents to solve problems, and even though she is a god, most problems can be solved without her. But when it's time to raise the sun, and when everypony else fails, she has the power and responsibility to intervene.
  • edited March 2011
    Except for the time she saved Phillydelphia from a swarm of Parasprites.
    Fill me in on the details - is that an emergency that the ponies couldn't handle without her? Because that's a different issue - If it is beyond the ponies capability, it's not unreasonable to give them help - After all, to have them all Die, or at least, the entire land be decimated, just because they are incapable of solving the problem on their own, would probably not serve her purposes. In case you haven't noticed, you probably don't learn the value of friendship by turning Phillydelphia into Mad Max with ponies.
    It is possible, but Rainbow Dash saved them just inches from the ground, and Celstia was still chilling in the sky colosseum. She would have needed a godly reaction time to do anything. While she is godly, never has she demonstrated any speed whatsoever. She is almost always lounging and taking it easy.
    By your own Previous assertion, she doesn't need speed - If she can Telekinesis the sun about the joint, then she can surely telekinesis some ponies about back up to cloudsdale, or at the very least, slow them down so that they don't die on impact as the absolute minimum she could do. Speed is irrelevant. I don't know if she cruises out to the sun to shove it around all the time, but if she doesn't, then she should be able to save the falling pony without so much as moving from her chaise lounge and reruns of Full Stable. Reaction time is also not a factor - If she is godly, and had the option of having any effect on the situation whatsoever as you seem to imply, then she knew what was going on as rarity fell. She didn't need reaction time, as she could have chosen at any point to intervene, even if she saved rarity while she was millimeters from the ground. With a thousand years of experience, I'd be pretty sure she knows how to manipulate a pony better than just being a walking Deus ex Machina.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited March 2011
    Ok, here's something really stupid.

    In 1000 years of living in Equestria, Celestia still doesn't know all there is to know about friendship? She needs to learn even basic lessons like Wheaton's Law? On top of that, she needs Twilight to do the research for her. In 1000 years she has no doubt had scores of close pony friends who have lived and died before her eyes. How can she possibly have anything to learn from Twilight Sparkle?
    I'm pretty sure that Celestia knows all about the magic of friendship from the way she reacts to Twilight's notes: she is pleased that Twilight has learned a lesson, and remains a promising protege. Celestia is grooming Twilight to take over her position as Crown Princess of Equestria, and eventually her heliomotive duties as well, so Celestia can finally retire. For Twilight to do this, however, she must learn social skills as well as magical skills so that she can become a good ruler - this is best effected by placing Twilight in a position where she can learn how to take advice and resolve disputes without the risk of doing significant damage, i.e. Ponyville. Forcing Twilight to analyze these lessons in her reports ensures both that Twilight internalizes those lessons, while Celestia knows Twilight's progress.

    We've had the discussion on Sonic Rainboom already: my position is that Celestia had the power to save Rarity at any point, but she knows from long experience that it is often better to leave the acts and credit to other ponies; the Wonderbolts' fame would be enhanced if they had saved her, and by allowing Rainbow Dash to try, Dash was able to reach her full potential and Sonic Rainboom. Had Dash also failed, Celestia would have caught all of them with telekinesis.

    With over 1000 years of experience, Celestia has learned the essence of friendship and leadership - her subjects and friends can be relied upon to use their own talents to solve problems, and even though she is a god, most problems can be solved without her. But when it's time to raise the sun, and when everypony else fails, she has the power and responsibility to intervene.
    I'm with Linkigi on most of these points. I'm not convinced Twilight is really being groomed as a Crown Princess, but I agree that Celestia already knows most of the stuff Twilight reports to her about and is simply monitoring Twilight's progress.

    I also agree that Celestia had the power to save Rarity, but chose not to do so. I don't know what her reasoning was in doing so, however.
    but would it make sense that Celestia didn't help them because maybe if she just goes around saving everyone when they fuck up and might die, then the ponies would learn nothing and end up as stunted, worthless creatures?
    Except for the time she saved Phillydelphia from a swarm of Parasprites.
    It's too late for Phillydelphia; they already ended up as stunted, worthless creatures.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited March 2011
    It is possible, but Rainbow Dash saved them just inches from the ground, and Celstia was still chilling in the sky colosseum. She would have needed a godly reaction time to do anything. While she is godly, never has she demonstrated any speed whatsoever. She is almost always lounging and taking it easy.
    Actually, she has demonstrated speed in at least one instance. At the end of Feeling Pinkie Keen, she is clearly moving very fast, because her approach is quite loud and then there is a significant impact when she lands. Granted, she was traveling at subsonic speeds because the sound preceded her, but she was still moving very quickly.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Ponyville is kind of portrayed as a backwater:
    • Rarity is always shocked when anyone "of worth" comes to Ponyville
    • Spring can be late over and over with no one even noticing and this major event can be taken over by an outsider at the drop of a hat
    • It's right on the edge of civilization (since the Everfree Forest is within galloping distance)
    Or maybe Celestia doesn't bother coming to their rescue because she doesn't care about black people earth ponies.
  • edited March 2011
    Ponyville is kind of portrayed as a backwater:
    • Rarity is always shocked when anyone "of worth" comes to Ponyville
    • Spring can be late over and over with no one even noticing and this major event can be taken over by an outsider at the drop of a hat
    • It's right on the edge of civilization (since the Everfree Forest is within galloping distance)
    Or maybe Celestia doesn't bother coming to their rescue because she doesn't care about black people earth ponies.
    It's all true.

    Actually, that's another ++ for Rarity that I didn't realize. She's the only pony who seems to want to GTFO of Ponyville. Twilight is definitely the least provincial of the ponies, but she left Canterlot of her own volition. At least Rarity is like, get me to the freakin' city and out of these sticks.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Best Hitler Reaction Video EVER.
  • Actually, that's another ++ for Rarity that I didn't realize. She's the only pony who seems to want to GTFO of Ponyville. Twilight is definitely the least provincial of the ponies, but she left Canterlot of her own volition. At least Rarity is like, get me to the freakin' city and out of these sticks.
    I'm pretty sure ponies tend towards rural civs :-p
  • It appears that Rym is doing his job

  • Celestia might know all about power of friendship, but that doesn't mean she has the emotions to be able to use it. Like I said previously, thousand years of being god-king, might render individual ponies quite meaningless in ones eyes.

  • edited March 2011
    Celestia might know all about power of friendship, but that doesn't mean she has the emotions to be able to use it. Like I said previously, thousand years of being god-king, might render individual ponies quite meaningless in ones eyes.
    This has been previously discussed here, but that comic is awesome.

    Considering that Celestia is responsible for the sun, the fact that Rarity's wings were burned by sunlight is highly suspect. Celestia clearly had a role in the events, but it's possible she was just teaching Rarity a lesson about friendship.

    The weak Celestia theory doesn't really hold up, though. If it took serious effort for her to keep the sun under wraps, the stress would show. It's also clear based on the events of the first two episodes that Celestia controls the sun, because Nightmare Moon stops it from coming up when it was supposed to.

    Nonetheless, it may be that managing the sun is actually a relatively trivial task, and is just a matter of having some kind of secret knowledge that only Celestia and Luna possess.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • because Nightmare Moon stops it from coming up when it was supposed to.
    Veil of darkness between sun and ponies. Causes night (although not a real one, but who would know the difference) and still need huge amount of magical power, but is still easier than moving sun.
  • because Nightmare Moon stops it from coming up when it was supposed to.
    Veil of darkness between sun and ponies. Causes night (although not a real one, but who would know the difference) and still need huge amount of magical power, but is still easier than moving sun.
    Ah, but once Nightmare Moon is defeated and Celestia returns, the sun comes up.
  • oshit, Celestia is totally a Preacher-esque negligent asshole god.

    What, did she FORGET that she controls the sun? Or did she just not care?

    Sounds like a job for Jesse Courser and the Steed of Killers.
  • because Nightmare Moon stops it from coming up when it was supposed to.
    Veil of darkness between sun and ponies. Causes night (although not a real one, but who would know the difference) and still need huge amount of magical power, but is still easier than moving sun.
    Ah, but once Nightmare Moon is defeated and Celestia returns, the sun comes up.
    Also, there are still stars during the eternal night. If NM was just blocking out the sun, there would be patches of nonvisible stars around the sun's location.
  • There is a crucial question of what the deal is with the stars and sun of the MLP world.
    1) Celestia apparently controls the sun and, before Luna's return, the moon.
    2) Four stars seem to have "aided" Nightmare Moon's escape from the moon.
    How do these things work, and what are they?
  • edited March 2011
    There is a crucial question of what the deal is with the stars and sun of the MLP world.
    1) Celestia apparently controls the sun and, before Luna's return, the moon.
    2) Four stars seem to have "aided" Nightmare Moon's escape from the moon.
    How do these things work, and what are they?
    Good question, and something that bugs me to the point where i cant wrap my head around it. IF however, taking into account Heliocentric rules, where the planet is literally at the center of the system, it is conceivable that celestia controls the sun's rotation around the planet. The normal solar system model just wont work here..

    However, this does not corelate very well with the universe in general, unless Celestia's influence expands all the way, which i doubt.

    And then theres Luna. Since night is simply the absence of the Sun, perhaps Luna also has the power to influence the sun, to the point where direct opposition to Celestia''s power stops the sun's orbit around the planet. It is shown that night is symbolised the Moon, and what is the moon but a reflection of the sun's rays. This proves the sun is still there, and eternal night is simply to stop the sun in its tracks. I have no idea why Luna is even needed to be honest, since night and day are corelated to such an extent, just one of them could manage them both, and hence, the events before the first episode.

    But the main question i think, is whether Celestia and Luna ONLY look at the situation in equestria, and not the whole planet in general. If she controls the sun in the Day of Equestria, on another face of the planet, it must be night. Does that mean Luna holds sway in that area.

    The Question about the Stars is also very interesting. Stars are simply other suns in other systems..suppose these particular stars all have simillar god like beings, in simillar heliocentric systems. It wont be hard to imagine Luna sending out messages of help, and these four beings from four other systems responded maybe in pity or whatever agenda they have. They could even be responsible for turning Luna into Nightmare Moon in the first place. (maybe something like the Dark Voice from Starcraft2 for eg), and why Celestia allowed Luna so easily back into the celestial hierachy, due to the influence of these other beings, being erased by the Elements of Harmony.
    Post edited by lifecircle on
  • I have no idea why Luna is even needed to be honest, since night and day are corelated to such an extent, just one of them could manage them both, and hence, the events before the first episode.
    Well Luna isn't and probably never wasn't needed. But remember that Luna and Celestia are sisters and they were equal so it's logical that they shared the ruling over Equestria until Luna got bad case of too much power and Celestia had to imprison her.
  • I am very confident that Celestia and Luna's power only covers the nation of Equestria, and not the entire planet. That's why Equestrians are settling, to expand the borders of Equestria. I bet whatever place Zecora is wild and natural, just like the Everfree forest. That's why she lives there instead of in Ponyville itself. Mandatory community service isn't her style.
  • What are the notable differences between the Everfree forest and Equestria?
  • What are the notable differences between the Everfree forest and Equestria?
    The plants grow, the animals take care of themselves, and the clouds move all on their own!
  • edited March 2011
    Well, with regards to the plants and animals, that could simply be a matter of extensive domestication.
    Clouds in the MLPverse are pretty damned strange, so I don't really know what to think of them.
    As for seasonal changes, however, is there any evidence that there are any seasons at all outside of Equestria?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I found some evidence for my theory that Celestia is either much less powerful than you think, or uses almost all her power managing the sun.

    In Sonic Rainboom, Rarity is falling to her death. Celestia just lets the Wonderbolts take care of it. She doesn't even lift a hoof. If she can lift the sun, she can telekinese some ponies back up to Cloudsdale, or at least slow them down so they don't die on impact with the ground. Instead, she leaves it all to Rainbow Dash.

    I'm telling you, Celestia is a couch potato.
    If you do it right, people won't know you've done anything at all...
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