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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • edited March 2011
    I've been banned from Lauren Faust's DA page. I honestly have no idea why.

    EDIT: Actually, I'm banned from comments everywhere. Still don't know why.
    It DID seem like you were spamming comments a bit...
    Yeah, that's true.

    EDIT: Actually, I'm really only upset because of the way they handled it. They didn't send me an email or even a message on my account. I only found out because I tried to comment and it wouldn't let me.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • MLP infiltrates PPG
    Don't know if it's April fool's, but they look adorable

  • Ray Bradbury says it's OK to like ponies. So there.
  • Ray Bradbury also says Fahrenheit 451 isn't about censorship.
  • Ray Bradbury also says Fahrenheit 451 isn't about censorship.
    It's about temperature.
  • Ray Bradbury also says Fahrenheit 451 isn't about censorship.
    He wrote it, he should know.
  • Ray Bradbury also says Fahrenheit 451 isn't about censorship.
    He didn't write it about censorship, he wrote it about the evils of television. Does it have lot of good reasons censorship is bad in it despite that? Yes. Plus, it really doesn't matter what the author thinks their own work is about.
  • edited April 2011
    Everypony, hurry and order your Rainbow Dash pins!
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited April 2011
    My Little Kratos

    and Obi Wan Kenpony
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Question: How do earth ponies milk cows?

    I'll just leave you with those mental images.
  • Pinky Pie and Laughter match up with Air as Pinky Pie is an air head who has problems focusing. While Pinky Pie is an air head she also has glimmers in which she shows her knowledge such being able to quickly use logic to locate books (as seen in episode S01:E02 'Elements of Harmony') or as having the foresight to see the danger of the Parasprites and figuring out how to stop them (as seen in S01:E10 'Swarm of the Century'). She also lightens up the group with her laughter – an airy operation.
    The rest of the article, fine, but I don't buy this piece for a minute.
  • Pinky Pie and Laughter match up with Air as Pinky Pie is an air head
    They're really trying, huh?
  • I think ponies use magic to milk cows.
  • Twilight does in "Boast Buster," but the farmers are earth ponies.
  • Maybe they just use two hooves.
  • edited April 2011

    Pinkie Pie made this one for me.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited April 2011
    My friends did this to my other friend's dorm door because he refused to watch MLP with us last week. "About 5 hours of effort, 47 pages of printing, 100 pages of KnowYourMeme, and a lot of tape. PONYBOMB 2011. Welcome to the herd."

    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited April 2011
    Christ, would you look at the picture in the bottom left corner? It's like Pinkie Pie is saying "I'm gonna rape you and there's nothing you can do about it". Shit that's a scary picture.

    So, I've been writing a chapter a day of a MLP fanfiction for the last week and, I'm pleased to say, I've got a little following going. Last night, I pranked the ever loving shit out of them with a fake chapter. I'll put a link to it, but lets just say I got them pretty good.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • So, I've been writing a chapter a day of a MLP fanfiction for the last week and, I'm pleased to say, I've got a little following going. Last night, I pranked the ever loving shit out of them with a fake chapter. I'll put a link to it, but lets just say I got them pretty good.
    You need permission to access this item.

    You are signed in as **************, but you don't have permission to access this item. You can request access from the owner or sign-in as a different user.
  • Hm, that's weird. It worked before in incognito mode...
    Anyway, the link is fixed, but here it is again.
  • edited April 2011
    I am not laughing. Ponies do not "fuck." Ponies are cute and innocent and wonderful.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • About that sonic F thing linked earlier in the page. The Nightmare moon appearing in the sand timer...I thought that was a clever bit of video-editing on there part...BUT IT IS ACTUALLY IN THE EPISODE!

  • About that sonic F thing linked earlier in the page. The Nightmare moon appearing in the sand timer...I thought that was a clever bit of video-editing on there part...BUT IT IS ACTUALLY IN THE EPISODE!

    OH SHIT.
  • About that sonic F thing linked earlier in the page. The Nightmare moon appearing in the sand timer...I thought that was a clever bit of video-editing on there part...BUT IT IS ACTUALLY IN THE EPISODE!

    I just choked on my pizza! Damn, good catch.
  • Seriously guys, is this the first time you all catch that?
    I saw it on the first time I watched it :O
  • That... That was... Wow...
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