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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • I just wanna see young Fluttershy.
  • It would mean Rainbow totally lied in those previous episodes.
    But that's what Rainbow Dash does, she's a Liar and a cheater :-p
  • It would mean Rainbow totally lied in those previous episodes.
    But that's what Rainbow Dash does, she's a Liar and a cheater :-p
    Why would she lie to Apple Bloom in a previous episode, and then tell her a completely different story when asked a second time?
  • It would mean Rainbow totally lied in those previous episodes.
    But that's what Rainbow Dash does, she's a Liar and a cheater :-p
    Why would she lie to Apple Bloom in a previous episode, and then tell her a completely different story when asked a second time?
    For the same reason adults often lie to kids: To make em feel better or to sound more awesome.
  • It would mean Rainbow totally lied in those previous episodes.
    But that's what Rainbow Dash does, she's a Liar and a cheater :-p
    Why would she lie to Apple Bloom in a previous episode, and then tell her a completely different story when asked a second time?
    And it would follow for what Rainbow Dash tried to do for Apple Bloom in that episode. Rainbow Dash doesn't represent winning, she represents honesty which goes best with the 2nd story.

    ...if it were about winning, someone should tattoo a red lightning bolt on Charlie Sheen. SHOT
  • And it would follow for what Rainbow Dash tried to do for Apple Bloom in that episode. Rainbow Dash doesn't represent winning, she represents honesty which goes best with the 2nd story.
    Rainbow Dash represents loyalty, not honesty. You lose brony points for that one. The Sonic Rainboom story shows loyalty, so yet another reason it is the "correct" choice. Still, I think I like D&D; monsters choice (#3) the best. I just can't vote for contradictions.
  • And it would follow for what Rainbow Dash tried to do for Apple Bloom in that episode. Rainbow Dash doesn't represent winning, she represents honesty which goes best with the 2nd story.
    Rainbow Dash represents loyalty, not honesty. You lose brony points for that one.
    ...Damn. This picture represents how all will be feeling about me.

  • Eeeyup.

  • Faves? Of the "mane six," it's hard to say. Closer to say that I like each one for different reasons.... still, if I were to put 'em in any order, from most favorite to least, it'd be

    Twilight Sparkle
    Rainbow Dash
    Pinkie Pie

    ... List subject to change without notice, depending on episode. (I changed this three times just typing it down!)
    Fluttershy is number one with a bullet.... too kind and sweet and gosh-darn cute to be anything else.

    Twilight comes in at a fair second-- the Only Sane Pony in the group, smart, and brave too (when you're smart enough to know you should be scared, and act bravely anyway, that's something). But she IS kind of a grump and a naysayer sometimes (first episode, and "Feeling Pinky Keen" being the worst examples.)

    Applejack's a straight third. Gotta love a country girl... her wants and needs are down to earth (caring for her farm and her family), and her mood and her personality don't bounce around a lot. She does tend to be stubborn, though-- once she gets an idea in her head it takes a back hoe to get it out.

    Rainbow dash--- I've got her as fourth, but she's up and down the scale a lot depending on circumstances. I like her go-get-em attitude and her style, but sometimes her cockiness and aggressiveness can be grating. Still, she seriously won me over with "Sonic Rainboom", when that tough aggressive cocky attitude cracked like an egg and you could see how nervous and insecure she really was inside. And the crowning moment, when she literally had all her dreams come true at once, was just too heartwarming.

    Rarity's pretty low on the list. She's elegant and stylish, but she's also prissy, pampered, a raging fashionista and a spotlight junkie. Still from time to time she goes up a couple of notches... you gotta respect a dedicated artist, and in "Green isn't your Color," she saw her friend Fluttershy being humiliated and put her own reputation on the line to bluff the fashion ponies into applauding her... Even though she was wildly jealous of Fluttershy's success. That took some brass ones.

    Pinky pie.... she's last on the list (which in this group is like being third place in the olympics, mind)... and frankly she's another one who wobbles up and down the list. The Cloud Cuckoolander is always fun, but you can get tired of their antics REALLY quickly. And frankly, I tend to fast-forward through her musical numbers.... just a wee bit too ditzy for my tolerances, and ye gods that singing voice...!
  • I am seriously considering the 3rd option. Hell, i might make a coin flip to see whether i choose 1 or 3. 1 fits continuity, but 3 has more charm, monsters, and mystical Pegasus uber thing.

    Think i'll flip right now as i type, i'll choose 3 if i get a heads.



    Tails. Continuity and diabetic fluttershy moe i guess!
  • RymRym
    edited April 2011
    The third option works if:

    1. Rainbow simply lies about the true origin of her cutie mark (likely after years of nopony believing her).
    2. Her ability to perform the Sonic Rainboom is tied to this mystical power.

    However, considering when the episode is due, and the fact that one of the endings fits directly with the continuity, I will bet all the marbles that the voting means nothing and that the first variant was animated some time ago with no consideration of the rest.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I liked the second option, the one about her trying, not making the team, but finding what she was good at.
    Very Burning Wheel-y, what with the whole cost of failure, etc., etc.
  • However, considering when the episode is due, and the fact that one of the endings fits directly with the continuity, I will bet all the marbles that the voting means nothing and that the first variant was animated some time ago with no consideration of the rest.
    I picked #3, but you're probably right. Even if you aren't, chances are #1 will be the most popular anyway.
  • edited April 2011
    Music, 8 bits and up; all awesome:

    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited April 2011

    That last one in particular is a must-see.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • That last one in particular is a must-see.
  • edited April 2011
    That last one in particular is a must-see.
    Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion?

    Also, as an extension to the upper PMV Purgatory, a full Zecora PMV for Baba Yetu would be pretty awesome.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • So a friend linked me to this:

    I went to give equestria daily a check on their posts and sure enough, there was a post about derpymail. It seems the guy running this is currently not taking memberships for the mail service due to stress testing the servers.

    But boy, i hope it gets running again!

  • That last one in particular is a must-see.

  • edited April 2011
    You people...convincing me to watch a show about ponies and shit.

    If only such tactics always introduced me to good things.

    Post edited by Apreche on

  • Pony Pony Dance. You know it's coming.
  • Shit, son! Is that Miku Miku Dance for ponies?
  • But she IS kind of a grump and a naysayer neighsayer sometimes
  • Shit, son! Is that Miku Miku Dance for ponies?
    Not yet it isn't, but who says it can't be eventually?
  • speculations on how large the ponies are:

    Saw a couple of interesting charts elsewhere.....

    This chart
    has Twilight's horn at shoulder height on an adult--- on the assumption that an adult human would be eye-to-eye with Celestia.

    Of course, in the series there is nothing whatsoever to indicate CELESTIA'S height....

    But THIS chart
    has FIM ponies coming up to knee high.

    Personally, I think the second chart is more likely for several reasons.
    One: we know what a bluejay's size is.
    Two: Celestia is a pony too, so assuming she's the size of a horse would be inaccurate
    Three: they're called "My LITTLE Ponies," after all....
  • Although this chart assumes that all shots are from the same distance.
  • The original ponies were big enough for children to ride, so I think its closer to the first one. Or maybe Celestia is the size of the original, and the regular ponies are even littler ponies...
    However we've never seen humans in FIM so who knows.
  • I'll take Celestia for a ride.

    Yeah, I went there.
  • well, regardless of the distance of the shot, a typical bluejay is about 6 to 8 inches tall. So, you get Fluttershy's height relative to the bird, and as Twilight Sparkle is the same size as Fluttershy, you get Celestia's height relative to Twilight Sparkle.

    And I think g1-g3 can be excluded as non-canonical for FIM. *shudder*
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