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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • Official MLP Con!
    Sadly, I'll be at Connecticon that weekend.
  • image

    Everything about this is perfect.
  • I want to see Gary Oak as a pony now.
  • Official MLP Con!
    Sadly, I'll be at Connecticon that weekend.
    Ahh, yes. Hasbro Headquarters. I remember when Flubber was seeping through the cracks in the parking lot. Good times.
    If I was still in Rhode Island, that would be spitting distance from me. *Sigh*

    I really need to move back east. My heart is still there anyway.
  • edited June 2011
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited June 2011

    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Not sure if this was posted here, but I've been looking for new wallpapers and have came across many MLP ones.


    You can find it here.
  • So there's official shirts now.
    The site seems to have... gone away. Anyway, do they sell these in not babydoll?
  • So there's official shirts now.
    Ah man, I so want the one that has Rainbow Dash smirking followed by "Epic Ride".
  • I want the Deal With It Rarity shit and Epic Ride Rainbow Dash. Also all the Pinkie Pie tees. Tell me where I can toss my money!
  • So there's official shirts now.
    I'm not so much a fan of those shirts.
    What we need is Uniqlo to release a batch.
    Uniqlo + MLPFIM = Instant Win.
  • Those shirts are terrible, but hilarious. I definitely got a solid laugh-out-loud moment from them.
  • edited June 2011
    I love this image:
    Also, behold the power of My Little Shell: Ghosts are Magic:
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • The major brings up complex social and philosophical questions regarding the cyberization of ponies.
    Pinkie Pie suggests cupcakes and The major interprets that as the perfect expression of the transient nature of pony consciousness and the simplicity of the parts of the complex system.
    Batou grunts and goes back to his exercise.
  • Another cute Celestia+Luna comic (the font/image size ratio is too small to put it directly in the thread).
    Does Luna really have to bring all the stars up? That seems like a lot more work than Celestia has to do. Poor Luna.
  • Okay, so I go to check out this fan-fiction called "The Neigh of Cthulhu." Of course, I expected to read a Lovecraft pastiche. When I read a Lovecraft pastiche, I need a couple things: 1) Similar style or tone to Lovecraft 2) Some sort of reference to a Cthulhu Mythos or Dream Cycle being 3) If it is named after a pre-existing Lovecraft story, the plot should probably resemble that story. In this respect "The Neigh of Cthulhu" succeeds as a MLP/Lovecraft pastiche as well as a credit card succeeds in being a raft, in that it only succeeds in meeting one requirement. Let's compare the opening paragraphs, "The Call of Cthulhu" has one of the most iconic opening paragraphs in fiction.
    The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
    Now, given the fame of this paragraph, you'd expect that they'd ape this for humorous effect. Let's take a look at the first couple paragraphs of "The Neigh of Cthulhu."
    It was after midnight in Equestria, and everypony in Canterlot was fast asleep under Princess Luna's beautiful night ... that is, except for one.

    High above the tallest towers, a lone dark cloud slowly crawled towards the center of Canterlot. No one would suspect that, lying down in its fluff was a dark-blue unicorn with an elegant silver mane. She wore a cape and wizards hat decorated with stars that blended perfectly in the night sky. It was none other than the Great and Powerful Trixie.
    Lovecratian tone? What's that? Also, there's fucking zombies in this Call of Cthulhu pastiche. When Cthulhu does show up, he literally could be replaced by Bowser and it wouldn't change the tone or plot of the story at all, in that he only exists to kidnap Luna and be defeated by Celestia.
    In conclusion, I will leave with a list of MLP and Lovecraft crossovers that I am giving away for free. Twilight Sparkle-Reanimator, The Shadow over Coltsmouth, The Ponyville Horror, The Music of Octivia.
  • Another cute Celestia+Luna comic (the font/image size ratio is too small to put it directly in the thread).
    Does Luna really have to bring all the stars up? That seems like a lot more work than Celestia has to do. Poor Luna.
    I don't think she does. I just watched the beginning of the first episode and flipped through to just before Twilight goes to the ceremony. There's no mention of the stars, only the moon. Perhaps the stars are always there, but only visible to the residents of Equestria at night as is the case here. They do seem to be something more in that 4 stars move to help Nightmare Moon escape her prison, but we still don't know the details on that.
  • I don't think she does. I just watched the beginning of the first episode and flipped through to just before Twilight goes to the ceremony. There's no mention of the stars, only the moon. Perhaps the stars are always there, but only visible to the residents of Equestria at night as is the case here. They do seem to be something more in that 4 stars move to help Nightmare Moon escape her prison, but we still don't know the details on that.
    In the episode with the owl Twilight is writing about comets, and her description is accurate with respect the real world.

    1. Comets are the same in the pony universe as the real universe.
    2. The constellations are the same in the pony world (Equestria is a country) as they are on earth.
    3. When Celestia was missing the sun did not rise on time. It rose very quickly when she reappeared, so it became the correct time of day.
    4. Both the sun and moon have to be managed manually.
    5. Four stars aided in Luna's escape.

    There's only one explanation that fits. The cosmology of their universe is the same as our. The sun is a star. The stars are stars. The moon is a moon. However, the planet on which Equestria resides does not rotate. Celestia rotates it with pony magic. I don't know what this means for other countries. The moon does not orbit the planet, it is geostationary. Pony magic is also used to put it in orbit. Pony magic has to be applied daily to keep these rotations and orbits going, or they will stop.

    As for the four stars that aided in the escape? I have an easy explanation. Did you see how fast they were moving? Did you see how they went towards the moon, freed Nightmare, and then she appeared just minutes later. The only explanation is that those stars were not stars at all. They were very very close by, not light years away. They must have been satellites, components of some time released magical seal, or something like that. They were definitely objects that were very close by that appeared as stars even with a telescope.
  • I was reading some old PvPs, and came across this, thought it was a bit funny:
  • edited June 2011
    We already know who operates at least seven of the stars.

    Also: Ponybooru, no god can save us now.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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