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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • ph33r.
    OH GOD
    It's back baby.
    ph33r it.
  • @apreche I've never watched a single gundam in my life. How did I know what that was?
  • Toonami.
  • This is a great 8-Bit Remake, but it's so eerily similar as a song from Kirby's Dreamland or something.

  • image

    I've genuinely felt this before. It doesn't really bug me in any way, but it happens.
  • Oh, people view me like that even before I say I like MLP:FIM. I have no masculinity to worry about.
  • Oh, people view me like that even before I say I like MLP:FIM. I have no masculinity to worry about.
  • Oh, people view me like that even before I say I like MLP:FIM. I have no masculinity to worry about.
    I apparently have negative man cards.
  • Oh, people view me like that even before I say I like MLP:FIM. I have no masculinity to worry about.
    I apparently have negative man cards.
    You bring this upon yourself, although I suppose you might have very little shame. I highly doubt you have no shame whatsoever, but very little, maybe.
  • Oh, people view me like that even before I say I like MLP:FIM. I have no masculinity to worry about.
    I apparently have negative man cards.
    You bring this upon yourself, although I suppose you might have very little shame. I highly doubt you have no shame whatsoever, but very little, maybe.
    I have no shame either. Yay!

    ...Not really.
  • I have no shame, and I like it that way. I don't want to be burdened with masculinity, I feel free to express myself however I please and set an all time world record for least number of fucks given.
  • Oh, people view me like that even before I say I like MLP:FIM. I have no masculinity to worry about.
    My friends view me as weird. That's really the only way to put it. I've gotten shit about ponies, but nothing major. One of my friends gets really pissed off when I post ponies on his Facebook wall, so I started posting everything on there and saying I do it all just to piss him off. That helps, but they definitely don't believe it completely. Basically, I'm walking a fine line at the moment, then summer will happen and everyone will forget everything. Even if they don't forget, my friends are dicks, not jerks, so I'm fine really.

    TL;DR I'm walking a fine line. They probably don't think I'm gay.
  • I am comfortable enough in my masculinity not to be bothered what others think of it. It's a nice place to be. Doing good by others matters more to me than conforming to some made up standard.
  • Hey Celestia, call me.
  • edited June 2011

    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited June 2011
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I'm sure you guys have asked yourselves something important: What if Jack Chick existed in the MLP universe? Let's find out!
  • I usually find comics like that in Truck Stop bathrooms, I read them while shitting and they provide a laugh. Then I leave them were I found them, on top of the toilet paper dispenser.

    If I found Doomville, I would fucking keep it.
  • I need to print and distribute this. THE END IS NEIGH!
  • I need to print and distribute this. THE END IS NEIGH!
    Do I smell something that needs to happen at Connecticon? I think I do...
  • I need to print and distribute this. THE END IS NEIGH!
    Do I smell something that needs to happen at Connecticon? I think I do...
  • I need to print and distribute this. THE END IS NEIGH!
    Do I smell something that needs to happen at Connecticon? I think I do...
    God I really wish I were going right now.
  • I think I may print some copies out for Sogencon.
  • edited June 2011

    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I just realized I really want to see a valkyrie profile/friendship is magic crossover. Celestia as Odin, Luna as Loki, and Twilight Sparkle as Lenneth. Her "friends" as einherjar.
  • Oh snap! Bronyism got on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me!
    Holy fuck! I need to listen immediately!
  • Only watching that PMV Hell right now. Somebody HAS to make a full version of Self Esteem starring Spike.
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