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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • This page broken for anyone else?
  • edited June 2011
    Yes. Who broke it?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • SONIC: Yes. Who broke it?
  • Looks fine to me.
  • Looks fine to me.
    I fixed it.
  • Gonna have to get off my ass and watch more of this before I start putting words on a page.
    Evidently you and I have two very different TV watching techniques. . .
  • SONIC: Yes. Who broke it?
    Oops, what'd I do?
  • The guy's got Asperger syndrome, lay off.
    It's not the same as being retarded. They're kind of barely different to normal people, and in fact, are normal. No need to come to their defense. At all.

  • They're kind of barely different to normal people,
    This is an extremely non-committal phrase.
  • edited June 2011
    I might just be working on a MLP:FiM roleplaying game. Just so you know.

    For now, it's a hack of Apocalypse World, but if anything comes of it you won't need that book; it'll be a stand-alone PDF (until Hasbro takes it down or I get a license).
    Post edited by Hans on
  • By the way, if you want an RSS feed for ED without fanfiction, this is it:
  • I dunno about the chick... She's got those crazy eyes...
    Yeah, but if you ever get un-made in time, she could bring you back.
  • I dunno about the chick... She's got those crazy eyes...
    Yeah, but if you ever get un-made in time, she could bring you back.
    Wait a minute... Crap, that's her? Shit, I didn't even recognize her.
  • I dunno about the chick... She's got those crazy eyes...
    Yeah, but if you ever get un-made in time, she could bring you back.
    Wait a minute... Crap, that's her? Shit, I didn't even recognize her.
    Just imagine her in the kiss-o-gram outfit.
  • I dunno about the chick... She's got those crazy eyes...
    Yeah, but if you ever get un-made in time, she could bring you back.
    Wait a minute... Crap, that's her? Shit, I didn't even recognize her.
    Just imagine her in the kiss-o-gram outfit.
    I can totally see it now. And, in a way, it makes sense. Pinkie breaks the fourth wall of the show and Pond breaks the fourth wall of her universe.
  • edited June 2011
  • Today's Least I Could Do's got a little pony somethingsomething in the post.
  • Also, some brony in Finland got his name legally changed to Rainbow Dash.
    Wasn't me.
    Honestly, I think that changing your name to show how big fan of something you are crosses a certain line that I'm comfortable with.
  • Also, some brony in Finland got his name legally changed to Rainbow Dash.
    Wasn't me.
    Honestly, I think that changing your name to show how big fan of something you are crosses a certain line that I'm comfortable with.
    Learn the lesson of the man with the Zune tattoo.
  • Also, some brony in Finland got his name legally changed to Rainbow Dash.
    Functioning Socialism, love for Disney Ducks, backstabbing the Russians in WWII, any reason other than weather that I shouldn't move to Finland?
  • backstabbing the Russians in WWII
    Finland fought everybody in WWII. On skis.
  • edited June 2011
    Functioning Socialism, love for Disney Ducks, backstabbing the Russians in WWII, any reason other than weather that I shouldn't move to Finland?
    Don't forget weekend amateur rally races, close proximity to the rest of scandinavia and europe, and hot women.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Also, some brony in Finland got his name legally changed to Rainbow Dash.
    Functioning Socialism, love for Disney Ducks, backstabbing the Russians in WWII, any reason other than weather that I shouldn't move to Finland?
    Actually, it looks like Finland is one of the few countries that will benefit from global warming.
  • backstabbing the Russians in WWII
    Finland fought everybody in WWII. On skis.
    The Finns were forced into an alliance with the Nazis, because otherwise the Russians would've swallowed them back into Russia. Before making this alliance, the Finnish Prime Minister got the Soviets to send him thousands of crates of ammunition and rifles, by telling them they sided with them, when actually they were with the Nazis. We can assume he looked like this. When the Russians invaded, the Finns killed with a 1600% fatality rate, but refused to let the Nazis take over also; and yes, they did this on skis.
  • Can't let the pony thread be on the second page. PMV BUMP!!!!

  • Only one more pilot of RFE left to edit. The "legit" show will begin production this weekend. To use a word I haven't used in a while:

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