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  • Yeah, don't care at all about the fictive Oceans # film (I would've seen it already anyway), I was more concerned about not having seen Geo's comment. Gotta stop being lazy when I point out people are lazy.
    Oh. I thought you were talking about the Kani Goalkeeper.
  • edited July 2012
    Alternatively you could be the guy who walks in the bank and shouts "This is robbery" while the real heist happens in another bank.
    GENIUS! You're hired. You'll lead the actual heist and announce that "This is not a robbery", huh, huh, see what I did there? Cops will be swarming to take my picture. 10 bucks a shot.
    Oh. I thought you were talking about the Kani Goalkeeper.
    The who in the where with the what now? That registered as gibberish to me. So yeah, no clue on that one mate.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Gomidog = Jewel/Money/Treasure Runner
    Churba = Driver & Arms Dealer
    Rym = Strategist
    TheWhaleShark = Science Officer
    Conrad and Apreche = Hackers
    Anrild & Ryan = Disguise Masters
    jtvh, Constantine, and Greg = Kani Goalkeeper wranglers
    WOO HOO!!!!! Oceans Crustacean.
    WHY THE FUCK DID I NOT SEE THIS BEFORE? Don't answer that, instead answer WHY THE FUCK AM I NOT ON THE LIST?
    I, too, am a little insulted that I'm not on the list. I think I'd make a dandy face man, if nothing else.
  • I, too, am a little insulted that I'm not on the list. I think I'd make a dandy face man, if nothing else.
    Unlike Nine, you were probably forgotten by accident. I would put you up there with Churba on someone I would want on a heist actually.
  • edited July 2012
    Hmmmm. I bet I could rig a portable MRI up to pulse a 17T wave and shut down an entire bank's worth of security systems. Just saying, a safe can't auto-lock if every system fries instantly.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • GeoGeo
    edited July 2012
    Updated list

    •Gomidog = Jewel/Money/Treasure Runner
    •Churba = Driver & Arms Dealer
    •Rym = Strategist
    •TheWhaleShark = Science Officer
    •Conrad and Apreche = Hackers
    •Anrild & Ryan = Disguise Masters
    •jtvh, Constantine, and Greg = Kani Goalkeeper wranglers
    •Sonic = The Faceman/Ladies Man
    •Nine = The Perfect Dutch Bait/Funnyman
    •WUB = Researcher in Secret Easter Euro. Branch
    •Grey = Asst. Science Officer
    •Apsup = Gadgets/Traps Inventor
    •muppet = The guy who says "we're almost in!"
    •Michael Caine = Michael Caine
    Post edited by Geo on
  • That had better be a big heist, considering you have to split the dough between almost 20 people.

    Also, one of those people will betray you, but I'm not going to tell you who.
  • Fucking Michael Caine, always selling bitches out.
  • edited July 2012
    Can I be the guy who tells muppet not to jinx it before we both die ironic deaths?
    Also, one of those people will betray you, but I'm not going to tell you who.
    It's Rym.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited July 2012
    The "experimental nootropic stimulant" I was feeding the team is actually a bioaccumulating poison. Only Churba is naturally immune. Everyone gets the return for one last job.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • What's a good external battery pack to get? What sort of price range should I expect? I remember seeing Rym, Scott, and George at PAX East using an Energizer one.

    I saw this on Amazon: Anker® Astro3 10000mAh Dual 2A USB Output External Battery Pack. There is another Anker one at half the mAh for $35, but $60 doesn't seem to bad.

    I want to be able to charge mainly my iPhone, iPad, and 3DS, and this seems to be what I need for when I go to PAX and to possible help other nubs with charging their stuff.

    Thoughts? Thanks!
  • Re: Heist scenario

    My part on any team would be integral: the sexy leg poking around the corner that distracts the guards. ^_~
  • Guess I'm a guard.
  • What's a good external battery pack to get? What sort of price range should I expect? I remember seeing Rym, Scott, and George at PAX East using an Energizer one.

    I saw this on Amazon: Anker® Astro3 10000mAh Dual 2A USB Output External Battery Pack. There is another Anker one at half the mAh for $35, but $60 doesn't seem to bad.

    I want to be able to charge mainly my iPhone, iPad, and 3DS, and this seems to be what I need for when I go to PAX and to possible help other nubs with charging their stuff.

    Thoughts? Thanks!
    Charging the 3DS might be tricky. The Energizer one we have works well, and you can save a little money getting the Energi Chinese version. But really, I have no idea which one is best. Maybe get the highest rated one from Amazon/Newegg.
  • Well I have a 3DS/DS usb charger, so that won't be a problem. The one I linked seems to have good reviews. I will probably get that one.
  • Guess I'm a guard.
    Nope - you're the sexy leg wielder. You've got very shapely calves.
  • edited July 2012
    I, too, am a little insulted that I'm not on the list. I think I'd make a dandy face man, if nothing else.
    I so slow.
    Also, one of those people will betray you, but I'm not going to tell you who.
    Many people will betray the others. Several groups of people will be trying to get out on top. The entire movie won't even be about the heist, it'll be about all the crazy plots the various groups are making against each other and those unfolding as the movie and heist go along. Cops? Who cares, need to pay attention to the fucker behind me before he stabs me. Self-preservation!

    Then I drive a boat through a wall into the streets and beyond.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Updated list

    •Gomidog = Jewel/Money/Treasure Runner
    •Churba = Driver & Arms Dealer
    •Rym = Strategist
    •TheWhaleShark = Science Officer
    •Conrad and Apreche = Hackers
    •Anrild & Ryan = Disguise Masters
    •jtvh, Constantine, and Greg = Kani Goalkeeper wranglers
    •Sonic = The Faceman/Ladies Man
    •Nine = The Perfect Dutch Bait/Funnyman
    •WUB = Researcher in Secret Easter Euro. Branch
    •Grey = Asst. Science Officer
    •Apsup = Gadgets/Traps Inventor
    •muppet = The guy who says "we're almost in!"
    •Michael Caine = Michael Caine
    Both Rym and Scott (Apreche) will betray the team to get the money. Both as a individuals, they probably know each other well enough to not fully trust each other. Rym might work with Emily though.

    Members of Breakfast club will also betray the rest of the team.

    And all the gadgets and traps I invent will be from "too cheesy for silver age super hero comics" -file.

  • edited July 2012
    Members of Breakfast club will also betray the rest of the team.
    Doubtful. Risk/reward ratio isn't high enough. Sure, your cash goes up, but then you've got the rest of the team working against you. Especially considering that we're split up - Grey and wub are not on the scene, nine is in a precarious position that would rely on the rest of the team helping him, and being the driver means that if I screw you over, you're still RIGHT THERE in my vehicle.

    Odds are better at a payout by not betraying. Rym could easily sabotage, but he's not likely to be close enough to the action to get any loot if he betrays. Apreche could betray, but same problem as Rym, and there are other methods he could use to gain additional money without risking primary payout. Additionally, considering Gomi is apart from him AND boots on the ground, he's risking her if he does betray - his stake in the operation isn't solely monetary.

    In both cases, the best chance would be to pull guns and shoot up the final meet to distribute funds, and in both cases, the rest of the group outnumbers.

    Other than Michael Caine, gomi and myself, who do we have on the scene? We've got a lot of planning and science, but we're understaffed for boots on the ground.

    I think WUB would work better during the execution phase as another driver, and sonic can transition roles in the getaway phase to third driver.

    Seriously, this sort of exercise is what I do for mental exercise and personal amusement. It's good fun!
    Post edited by Churba on
  • There is always the possibility that turning against the group happens when heist is done and the monies have been distributed. At that point you have some cash and you know the names and faces of 18 people who all have good chuck of loose money.
  • edited July 2012
    Members of Breakfast club will also betray the rest of the team.
    Doubtful. Risk/reward ratio isn't high enough. Sure, your cash goes up, but then you've got the rest of the team working against you. Especially considering that we're split up - Grey and wub are not on the scene, nine is in a precarious position that would rely on the rest of the team helping him, and being the driver means that if I screw you over, you're still RIGHT THERE in my vehicle.
    Also, we risk ruining the Breakfast Club's reputation as the best espionage guns for hire in 30 different countries if we fuck you over on this. We can't chance getting burned; we're already on thin ice after that stunt Nine pulled during the Lagos job.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • After hearing about the Zombie theme park that may open in/near Detroit I am starting to want a theme park set up for a heist like this. Pretty sure it is not financially feasible but it would be amusing to see something like this actually occur.
  • If you were going to take over the world, which forum members would you recruit and why?
  • Hard mode: I'm off the table.
  • If you were going to take over the world, which forum members would you recruit and why?
    Does it have to be full on supervillain "I'm taking over the world" take over or can it be a illuminati style shadow government that controls everything behind the scenes?

  • edited July 2012
    If you were going to take over the world, which forum members would you recruit and why?
    Does it have to be full on supervillain "I'm taking over the world" take over or can it be a illuminati style shadow government that controls everything behind the scenes?
    I say pretend to do the first while actually doing the second. I would make sure that after the first seemingly fails it gets blamed on a forum member that is just smart enough to pull it off but crazy enough that when they question them about accomplices they will not believe the illuminati story from them. Make sure to kill off enough world leaders that in the process of replacing them you get more than enough people in high positions of power to do anything you want. This plan will take some manpower.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • I say pretend to do the first while actually doing the second. I would make sure that after the first seemingly fails it gets blamed on a forum member that is just smart enough to pull it off but crazy enough that when they question them about accomplices they will not believe the illuminati story from them. Make sure to kill off enough world leaders that in the process of replacing them you get more than enough people in high positions of power to do anything you want. This plan will take some manpower.
    With my luck, the guy doing the public world domination would actually succeed and then just keep the absolute power leaving me nothing.

  • edited July 2012
    With my luck, the guy doing the public world domination would actually succeed and then just keep the absolute power leaving me nothing.
    That is why you would have to choose them wisely. Give them the semblance of power but actually have it yourself, or in your own coalition. Also make sure he knows more than the true, not less. Have them know almost everything that is going on but also make them believe more is going on than really is. That way once they fail and are getting questioned their statements will be so outrageous that it will have to be considered a lie.

    Also, make sure when they fail they have others to call with them so it will look like they are stopping everyone. Preferably have it be a combination of people who are in on it being betrayed as well as several others who were not but due to your plans causing them to profit they look as guilty.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • edited July 2012
    However you want to do it is up to you. It should effect your choice of recruits, though.
    Hard mode: I'm off the table.
    You conceited fuck. o3o

    Post edited by Walker on
  • advisability on bringing Diplomacy to a friend's birthday party?
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