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  • I hate this kind of video. "IMMA RECORD MAI TEEVEE WIF MAI CELLFONE!! HERP A DERP!"
  • edited August 2012
    Now every ad I get is for Rice Cookers. Time to clear my browser cookies.
    Post edited by 2bfree on
  • Oh yeah, ads on the internet are a thing.
  • I only see ads when I do Incognito Browsing in Chrome at work. It's not too bad since I mainly ignore them.
  • Rice cooker was one of the best uni purchases I made.
  • edited August 2012
    Rice cooker was one of the best uni purchases I made.
    electric kettle man, or microwave.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Rice cooker was one of the best uni purchases I made.
    electric kettle man, or microwave.
    Came with the house, you'd be amazed what stuff people leave when they move out.
  • Aren't microwaves free? I don't think I know anyone my age who's bought a microwave. They're mostly handed down.
  • Aren't microwaves free? I don't think I know anyone my age who's bought a microwave. They're mostly handed down.
    My friend bought one to see if she could blow it up. Does that count?
  • Maybe? That's certainly a more interesting use for it. We used to have a spare microwave we'd throw things into.
  • Aren't microwaves free? I don't think I know anyone my age who's bought a microwave. They're mostly handed down.
    My friend bought one to see if she could blow it up. Does that count?
    My idiot friend put a reflective gum wrapper in a hotel microwave.
  • I'm really agonizing over this election. I want to vote for Gary Johnson, but I know he can't get enough votes to win. What do?
  • Yeah I agreed with him in that Isidewith thing, but other than that I know nothing about him. Just vote Obama, even if it's just as a not-Romney vote.
  • I want to build a microwave gun and kill people's cell phones with it. (just annoying people)
  • Yeah or just a small scale jammer might be fun. Totally illegal, but fun.
  • Yeah I agreed with him in that Isidewith thing, but other than that I know nothing about him. Just vote Obama, even if it's just as a not-Romney vote.
    Yeah see no I was going to vote Romney because he was a not-Obama vote.
  • Ah, the old "Giant Douche" or "Turd Sandwich" conundrum.
  • Ah, the old "Giant Douche" or "Turd Sandwich" conundrum.
    I see it more as "We hate women" vs "let's try to fix the economy"

  • Yeah I agreed with him in that Isidewith thing, but other than that I know nothing about him. Just vote Obama, even if it's just as a not-Romney vote.
    Yeah see no I was going to vote Romney because he was a not-Obama vote.
    But why would you do that? Romney is basically exactly Obama but with unnecessary tax cuts for the wealthy and a whole heaping dose of homophobia, misogyny and racism.
  • edited August 2012
    Obama began a permanent military presence in Australia. I sympathize though disagree with Jack here.

    EDIT: grammar.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • edited August 2012
    Obama began a permanent military presence in Australia. I sympathize though disagree with Jack here.

    EDIT: grammar.
    Well, first, there has been a permanent military presence here since before either of us were born. They're just sending about 2500 marines here at a time for training, supported by our own army.

    Second, there isn't going to be any permanent US military bases here at this time.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • My laptop is telling me that the battery needs replacing, though I haven't noticed any severe decreases in battery life yet. How long can I go before buying a new one?
  • I know this probably isn't in line with your intended meaning, but severe decreases in battery life generally don't occur; it's a gradual process.

    As far as I know, you replace the battery when it no longer does the job you need it to.
  • As far as I know, you replace the battery when it no longer does the job you need it to.
  • I just can't vote for a guy, or a congress, that spent more money than all presidents previous combined to no noticeable end and who can't even own up to that fact. Hell I'd at least respect Obama if he would just say "Yeah, I said I'd do that, and I didn't achieve it."
  • edited August 2012
    "Spent more money than all previous presidents combined?" "No noticeable end?" Where are you getting these from? I consider the economic stimulus to have been at least somewhat useful (pretty much as useful as one that size could be), and I'd vote for him on the basis of getting AHCA passed alone.

    The Republicans would do literally exactly what Obama would, except for the parts where they cut Medicare, cut taxes for the rich, raise taxes on the poor, and institutionalize racism, misogyny, and homophobia.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Basically, what I'm saying is that while the Democrats may actually be corporatist and incompetent, the Republican platform for this election is actively evil.
  • I say we elect someone who will fix our voting system. Down with the 12th Amendment, and up with multi-vote ballots. Then this discussion wouldn't have to be an argument of "Well, yeah, you're fucked if you do A, but you're more fucked if you do B."
  • I say we elect someone who will fix our voting system. Down with the 12th Amendment, and up with multi-vote ballots. Then this discussion wouldn't have to be an argument of "Well, yeah, you're fucked if you do A, but you're more fucked if you do B."
  • "Spent more money than all previous presidents combined?" "No noticeable end?" Where are you getting these from? I consider the economic stimulus to have been at least somewhat useful (pretty much as useful as one that size could be), and I'd vote for him on the basis of getting AHCA passed alone.

    The Republicans would do literally exactly what Obama would, except for the parts where they cut Medicare, cut taxes for the rich, raise taxes on the poor, and institutionalize racism, misogyny, and homophobia.
    I don't see how much more they can cut after Obama's 700 Billion for AHCA (which probably will drive up costs because suddenly everyone HAS to have healthcare or pay a government fine).

    And while yes the stimulus potentially stopped the slide from being worse than it has been, when Obama says the stimulus will drop joblessness to about 5%, and it still creeps up to over 8%, I just want him to acknowledge his mistake, rather than move the goalposts.

    Plus you can't take money from the job creators, because then that's money they don't have to pay more employees.

    I seriously want to vote for Gary Johnson. I really do.
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