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  • The funny thing is, moderate conservatives were thinking the same thing in 2004: I don't like our current president, but I don't feel safe with some milquetoast Democrat like Kerry taking over while the terrorists are at our doorstep.

    I mean, I'm an Obama supporter, but it's still an interesting turn of events.
  • Gary Johnson 2012
  • The funny thing is, moderate conservatives were thinking the same thing in 2004: I don't like our current president, but I don't feel safe with some milquetoast Democrat like Kerry taking over while the terrorists are at our doorstep.

    I mean, I'm an Obama supporter, but it's still an interesting turn of events.
    To be fair, being afraid of Kerry not being tough enough on terror is paranoid and delusional. Being afraid of Romney the Libertarian robber baron misanthrope is a little less paranoid.

  • Gary Johnson 2012
    I'm a Kucinich fan, myself. I wish he'd get going on a campaign.
  • edited August 2012
    Congress can't be blamed for his first two years, his leadership is the issue there.

    He also doesn't really have an issue with Guantanamo beyond paying it some lip service. He's just right of center and to call him a Liberal is a joke.
    I get what you're saying on Guantanamo, but during his first two years he did get a big stimulus package passed which probably helped stave off a second Great Depression as well as health care reform. Both are pretty big deals, IMHO. He also tried to be a true politician/statesman by at least trying to compromise with the uncompromisable so that he didn't look like a total partisan, even though in retrospect he probably should've taken advantage of the Democratic Congressional majority and rammed through more of his proposed bills as-is, instead of trying to appeal to the GOP.

    As I said, average to mediocre President, though certainly not bad, and probably would've been better as a Secretary of State. It would've been interesting to see how things would've worked out if Hillary Clinton got the nomination and won the election and Obama, hypothetically, ended up as Secretary of State under Clinton.

    Oh, and Kucinich is a wacko. He's basically the Democratic equivalent of Ron Paul.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Johnson won't win, but he's a big issue for both candidates. Obama and Romney are really close in the polls, and Johnson is polling between 10-15 points in some big electoral states. He could prove to be a spoiler for either candidate.
  • edited August 2012
    Congress can't be blamed for his first two years, his leadership is the issue there.

    He also doesn't really have an issue with Guantanamo beyond paying it some lip service. He's just right of center and to call him a Liberal is a joke.
    I get what you're saying on Guantanamo, but during his first two years he did get a big stimulus package passed which probably helped stave off a second Great Depression as well as health care reform. Both are pretty big deals, IMHO. He also tried to be a true politician/statesman by at least trying to compromise with the uncompromisable so that he didn't look like a total partisan, even though in retrospect he probably should've taken advantage of the Democratic Congressional majority and rammed through more of his proposed bills as-is, instead of trying to appeal to the GOP.

    As I said, average to mediocre President, though certainly not bad, and probably would've been better as a Secretary of State. It would've been interesting to see how things would've worked out if Hillary Clinton got the nomination and won the election and Obama, hypothetically, ended up as Secretary of State under Clinton.

    Oh, and Kucinich is a wacko. He's basically the Democratic equivalent of Ron Paul.
    Kucinich is the only moral and honest politician I know. I'd get out and campaign myself for a Kucinich/Warren ticket.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Kucinich isn't a goldbug, he's not going to annihilate our treaties, and he's not a vicious isolationist hatemonger. He's certainly not perfect, but he's one of the only politicians out there who is even moderately straight with his people and not utterly disgusting in his beliefs.
  • edited August 2012
    Kucinich also wants to lower the voting age to 16, is a fan of Hugo Chavez, and believes to have been personally visited by space aliens.

    As I said, he's basically the Democratic Ron Paul.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Obama seems to be doing an alright job as far as politicians go.
  • Kucinich also wants to lower the voting age to 16, is a fan of Hugo Chavez, and believes to have been personally visited by space aliens.
    1) Might be okay; only kids who know something about politics want to vote.
    2) Debatable as to whether or not this is good or bad. Lord knows we need a better relationship with Venezuela.
    3) Jimmy Carter did, too.

    1. Maybe, but then again, maybe not.
    2. There's a difference between wanting a better relationship with Venezuela and being a fan of a borderline dictator who has been cited by various well-respected NGOs for human rights violations.
    3. Carter did not think that the UFO he saw was an alien spacecraft. It was merely the more generic definition of UFO as literally a flying object that wasn't identified. Kucinich honestly believes aliens paid him a visit.
    Then again, maybe I'm just too much of a centrist to agree with someone as far left as Kucinich.
  • Obama seems to be doing an alright job as far as politicians go.
    As long as you're not concerned about the US becoming an authoritarian police state in ever larger steps.

  • Then again, maybe I'm just too much of a centrist to agree with someone as far left as Kucinich.
    Yeah, wanting society to benefit everyone. Whoa. Hold on their hoss, we got troubles.
  • Then again, maybe I'm just too much of a centrist to agree with someone as far left as Kucinich.
    Yeah, wanting society to benefit everyone. Whoa. Hold on their hoss, we got troubles.
    The problem isn't with wanting society to benefit everyone -- it's with the selected methods to do so. Hell, even the GOP publicly claims they want society to benefit everyone (even though their methods only result in society benefiting the wealthy).
  • Well, one good way to get started is to abolish inheritance over some multiplier of the median wage for the region in which the inheritance is administered. Let's start there. That's no doubt too authoritarian for you already. :-)
  • edited August 2012
    While I'm not a fan of abolishing the estate tax, the abolishing of inheritance as you proposed is so full of complicated issues that such a simplification is ridiculous. For one thing, there is the family farm inheritance issue -- especially since Kucinich is a fan of locally-grown food. Hard to keep the local farm operational if the next-of-kin can't inherit said family farm due to inheritance abolishment. For another, what if the inheritance could be used to pay for the education of a grandchild? Finally, there are other games that can be played with money that would be inherited by simply giving it away to the next of kin while the person leaving the money behind is still alive.

    Second, I find it funny you claim to dislike Obama because of his turning the US into an authoritarian police state, yet your hero Kucinich is a fan of Hugo Chavez, who is turning Venezuela into an authoritarian police state.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • But he's doing it in a way that suits me. :-P

    Don't mind me, I'm not in my head this week. I'll have better arguments later when I'm not worried about strokes and brain tumors and god knows what else.
  • The funny thing is, moderate conservatives were thinking the same thing in 2004: I don't like our current president, but I don't feel safe with some milquetoast Democrat like Kerry taking over while the terrorists are at our doorstep.

    I mean, I'm an Obama supporter, but it's still an interesting turn of events.
    To be fair, being afraid of Kerry not being tough enough on terror is paranoid and delusional. Being afraid of Romney the Libertarian robber baron misanthrope is a little less paranoid.

    To be fair, Kerry was not terribly charismatic. Most of the people I've talked to old enough to have voted in that election either stayed home or very very reluctantly voted. Regardless of why, I'm not sure that anyone was really convinced that he would be good, it's just a question of how bad they thought he would be.

  • Considering that Bush had started two wars on false pretenses and everyone was pretty well aware of that by that point, signed the PATRIOT Act, and other onerous things, it would have been tough to have been worse.

    I was in the hospital on an IV drip. That's why I didn't vote for Kerry.
  • Considering that Bush had started two wars on false pretenses and everyone was pretty well aware of that by that point, signed the PATRIOT Act, and other onerous things, it would have been tough to have been worse.

    I was in the hospital on an IV drip. That's why I didn't vote for Kerry.
    I'm not arguing ethics, I'm arguing mathematics. I stopped thinking ethics were worth arguing over after seeing what happened to Obamacare. Kerry didn't lose because people were paranoid, he lost because he couldn't connect with those people. GWB acts like an idiot, but he acts like an idiot you know.

  • Gary Johnson 2012
    Ratliff 2012
  • I'm not arguing ethics, I'm arguing mathematics. I stopped thinking ethics were worth arguing over after seeing what happened to Obamacare. Kerry didn't lose because people were paranoid, he lost because he couldn't connect with those people. GWB acts like an idiot, but he acts like an idiot you know.
    True, the old "vote for the candidate you'd most like to have a beer with" notion. GWB, for better or worse, had this folksy charm to him that connected with a lot of people. Granted, a lot of that folksy charm was fake given how he came from a background that was at least just as elitist as Kerry's (they even went to the same college, Yale, and were part of the same secret Skull and Bones society). His mother, Barbara, in particular was known to look very poorly on those less well-off than themselves -- far more so than the elder George Bush. Obama, at least during the 2008 election, also seemed more charming in many ways than the competition. Arguably, he's still more charming than Romney, but that charm will only carry him so far in this election due to everything else that's going on.
  • edited August 2012
    Gary Johnson 2012
    Ratliff 2012
    You need to be 35 to be President. Presidential Candidate Conor Ratliff is 36. Ratliff 2012~

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'm not arguing ethics, I'm arguing mathematics. I stopped thinking ethics were worth arguing over after seeing what happened to Obamacare. Kerry didn't lose because people were paranoid, he lost because he couldn't connect with those people. GWB acts like an idiot, but he acts like an idiot you know.
    True, the old "vote for the candidate you'd most like to have a beer with" notion. GWB, for better or worse, had this folksy charm to him that connected with a lot of people. Granted, a lot of that folksy charm was fake given how he came from a background that was at least just as elitist as Kerry's (they even went to the same college, Yale, and were part of the same secret Skull and Bones society). His mother, Barbara, in particular was known to look very poorly on those less well-off than themselves -- far more so than the elder George Bush. Obama, at least during the 2008 election, also seemed more charming in many ways than the competition. Arguably, he's still more charming than Romney, but that charm will only carry him so far in this election due to everything else that's going on.
    That charm may be starting to wear off as well.
  • edited August 2012
    Gary Johnson 2012
    Ratliff 2012
    You need to be 35 to be President. Presidential Candidate Conor Ratliff is 36. Ratliff 2012~
    Presidential Candidate Connor Ratliff recently experienced a birthday and is now 37. Luckily, that's still old enough to be president.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Gary Johnson 2012
    Ratliff 2012
    You need to be 35 to be President. Presidential Candidate Conor Ratliff is 36. Ratliff 2012~
    Presidential Candidate Connor Ratliff recently experienced a birthday and is now 37. Luckily, that's still old enough to be president.
    With age comes wisdom. Ratliff 37, 2012.
  • As people may or may not know, I've decided to start running panels at conventions. What people might not know is that I've also decided to start an anime club at my college and want to use my laptop as the main device for showing anime (connecting it to a projector). Unfortunately, my problem actually lies in the realm of technology.

    I've found that my Lenovo W530 is less than perfect when it comes to setting it up to connect to either projectors or external monitors (HDTVs, actual external monitors, etc). I have to do a lot of weird arcane stuff to make it set up as opposed to it just working like it should.

    By default, my laptop comes with a VGA port and a Mini Displayport (because the geniuses at Lenovo decided to axe the HDMI port for whatever unfathomable reason). I'm confused at what I should use when it comes to projecting images. I've been told that I shouldn't use VGA because it is less good than MDP. Yet, I can hardly find any kind of cables or adapters that work with MDP on PC (almost all of them are specifically designed for Macs).

    Any of you out there who has experience with this kind of stuff, I need some help here; it is critical and would really save me from wasting money on accessories that end up not working. Can any of you tell me what I should use when it comes to this kind of stuff?
  • Congress can't be blamed for his first two years, his leadership is the issue there.

    He also doesn't really have an issue with Guantanamo beyond paying it some lip service. He's just right of center and to call him a Liberal is a joke.
    I get what you're saying on Guantanamo, but during his first two years he did get a big stimulus package passed which probably helped stave off a second Great Depression as well as health care reform. Both are pretty big deals, IMHO. He also tried to be a true politician/statesman by at least trying to compromise with the uncompromisable so that he didn't look like a total partisan, even though in retrospect he probably should've taken advantage of the Democratic Congressional majority and rammed through more of his proposed bills as-is, instead of trying to appeal to the GOP.

    As I said, average to mediocre President, though certainly not bad, and probably would've been better as a Secretary of State. It would've been interesting to see how things would've worked out if Hillary Clinton got the nomination and won the election and Obama, hypothetically, ended up as Secretary of State under Clinton.

    Oh, and Kucinich is a wacko. He's basically the Democratic equivalent of Ron Paul.
    Kucinich is the only moral and honest politician I know. I'd get out and campaign myself for a Kucinich/Warren ticket.
    Jared Polis should also be on this list.
  • As people may or may not know, I've decided to start running panels at conventions. What people might not know is that I've also decided to start an anime club at my college and want to use my laptop as the main device for showing anime (connecting it to a projector). Unfortunately, my problem actually lies in the realm of technology.

    I've found that my Lenovo W530 is less than perfect when it comes to setting it up to connect to either projectors or external monitors (HDTVs, actual external monitors, etc). I have to do a lot of weird arcane stuff to make it set up as opposed to it just working like it should.

    By default, my laptop comes with a VGA port and a Mini Displayport (because the geniuses at Lenovo decided to axe the HDMI port for whatever unfathomable reason). I'm confused at what I should use when it comes to projecting images. I've been told that I shouldn't use VGA because it is less good than MDP. Yet, I can hardly find any kind of cables or adapters that work with MDP on PC (almost all of them are specifically designed for Macs).

    Any of you out there who has experience with this kind of stuff, I need some help here; it is critical and would really save me from wasting money on accessories that end up not working. Can any of you tell me what I should use when it comes to this kind of stuff?
    If VGA works easily or is your only option, use VGA. For what you're doing, I wouldn't worry a huge amount about the benefits of MDP vs VGA.
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