Cell coverage is fine everywhere I've been (central Florida), but wireless can be a bit spotty. I only notice that when I visit the parents and they live well in the sticks. They also have the best price for what I use: $30 for 100 minutes (use VoIP instead), unlimited SMS and data.
Here is the relevant page. Bear in mind that it's only applicable for "New activations only. Available exclusively in-store at Walmart, on Walmart.com, and T-Mobile.com.", so you'll need a fresh phone or SIM card. It's also a non-contract monthly plan.
Swans are viscious bastards, They bite. I remember when one chased my little brother across the yard hissing. That was hilarious. Then the fucker bit me when I went to scare it away from him. That was less hilarious but still pretty funny.
Come to think of it pretty much all birds are assholes.
A swan killed a man last fall in Newcastle, IIRC. Husband and father, two kids.
The internet connection on my computer, and just my computer, not the other ones on my network, keeps cutting out, and I have to disable and enable the connection to get it back. It usually lasts about a minute or less. What do?
It's contrasted with "perfect" use, which means you 1) follow the instructions for using the condom to the letter, 2) use them every single time your penis enters a vagina, and 3) don't attempt to re-use a condom that has either been used or applied incorrectly.
You should be wearing a condom from the start of foreplay, technically.
Both "typical" and "perfect" use refer to your overall pattern of behavior over a year. The crux of it is that "typical" condom use means that you either don't always use one when you should, or you use it wrong. The 20% failure rate in that scenario is because they're not being used properly.
Failure rate with "perfect" use is ~2%, and that's the mechanical failure rate.
I figured the 20% was the mechanical failure rate, given they average out the speed and force of thrusting as compared to how guys might actually thrust, but that's good to know.
Edit: and doesn't that set a bad precedent if they apply high school grading to condom failure? If a guy says the condom failed and resulted in a pregnancy, and he hasn't worn a condom, what does that say?
Fuck swans.
Tasty, but oh so angry.
My dick.
anyone know where I can get some Woodchuck Cider?
You should be wearing a condom from the start of foreplay, technically.
Both "typical" and "perfect" use refer to your overall pattern of behavior over a year. The crux of it is that "typical" condom use means that you either don't always use one when you should, or you use it wrong. The 20% failure rate in that scenario is because they're not being used properly.
Failure rate with "perfect" use is ~2%, and that's the mechanical failure rate.
Edit: and doesn't that set a bad precedent if they apply high school grading to condom failure? If a guy says the condom failed and resulted in a pregnancy, and he hasn't worn a condom, what does that say?
EDIT: thanks, Cheese.