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  • North Star Furious Iron-Shattering Palm?
  • What would be the main features of living on a terraformed moon as opposed to a terraformed planet?
  • You had domed sporting events so you do not kick a ball to the planet by mistake...
  • You had domed sporting events so you do not kick a ball to the planet by mistake...
    The ultimate home run.
  • You had un-domed sporting where the goal was to kick the ball to the planet.
    Also; gravity would be lower which probably has a whole bunch of physiological implications. Plus I don't think that most moons are able to sustain an Earth-like atmosphere, so you would likely either live underground or in enclosures on the moon's surface, and there would be a lot of equipment around to keep solar radiation from killing you.
  • The moon is a harsh mistress.
  • edited May 2011
    Also; gravity would be lower which probably has a whole bunch of physiological implications.
    Something that the anime PLANETES touches upon briefly. Great anime, quite a realistic outlook on future and space travel becoming common. We already are having problems with garbage in our night sky.

    Another anime that [SPOILER] deals with living on a moon (far, far underground) is Pale Cocoon.

    And to finish up with a comment regarding solar radiation. Kite Liberator gives us awesome bone-armoured monsters that were once human but became these monsters after eating special astronauts food and being exposed to a lot of solar radiation. Everyone died on that spaceship.
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • I remember something Heinlein said, that was like you haven't seen a woman walk sexy till you have seen her do it in 1/6 Earth's gravity.
  • edited May 2011
    I remember something Heinlein said, that was like you haven't seen a woman walk sexy till you have seen her do it in 1/6 Earth's gravity.
    That brings to mind a short story of Asimov, "I'm in Marsport Without Hilda". It's a story which (spoilers) revolves around someone telling three suspected criminals about sex in 1/6th gravity to work out which is NOT on drugs and is just faking. From wikipedia: "Growing ever more desperate as his time runs out, Max starts describing his planned evening with Flora in graphic detail. The two honest men are too inebriated to be affected, but the faker develops a physiological reaction which gives him away."
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • edited May 2011
    Spent this morning watching the Triple Threat panel on Rym's YouTube account. This being the first time I saw a Geeknights convention panel the question is, where the fuck can I get more of that? And please don't say "[Con X]" because that would require me to travel to the U.S., which I don't have the money for, though I'd like to.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • And please don't say "[Con X]" because that would require me to travel to the U.S., which I don't have the money for, though I'd like to.
    Con X.
  • Hardy har har, Scott, hardy har har.
  • Hardy har har, Scott, hardy har har.
    Well, Con X may one day be in foreign lands. PAX London is rumored.
  • London is still pretty far away, and a very expensive city in its own right. Plus, are you guys really going to cross the atlantic of that were to happen?
  • Plus, are you guys really going to cross the atlantic of that were to happen?
  • Okay, until then let me rephrase the question: Are there any more videos of Rym and Scott panels on the internet and where can I find them?
  • edited May 2011
    Plus, are you guys really going to cross the atlantic of that were to happen?
    Calling bullshit in advance. Proof me wrong bitches.
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • Scrym, quick. Buy tickets to London right now. Just go.

    Your internet reputation is at stake!
  • Scrym, quick. Buy tickets to London right now. Just go.

    Your internet reputation is at stake!
    No PAX London yet.
  • If there were a PAX London I'd seriously consider going. Sure, I could go to the German gaming cons, as do some of my friends, but a trip to London is way more interesting than Essen. I have family close by too.
  • If there's a PAX London between September of 2011 and August of 2012, count on me being there.
  • Count me being there. Finally a decent con is hitting this city.
  • Joe, we should hang out when I pass through London.
  • Fuck London. What good has ever been done in that city other than the Dutch blasting up the shipyards. Seriously.
  • We so should, I can show you the sights, take you up town and generally have a good'ol time. You would think that more GeekNights people would live in and around the "other" best city in the world.
  • "other" best city in the world.
    If the one best city in the world is New Amsterdam, is the "other" best city then Amsterdam?
  • What is Amsterdam? Wait, it is just one of London's suburbs.......

    But seriously, London has more stuff going on than Amsterdam, we get legit tourists and not just stoners, because for about 300 years, the world was run from here! Plus, the music scene here is way literally the best in Europe. And we are not even onto the Parks and Kew......
  • Joe, we should hang out when I pass through London.
    Also, there is secret coffee I need to show you. (and the rest of the world!)
  • First, stop slapping your dick on the period key, it doesn't help. Secondly, you're thinking of Harlem, which is a part of New Amsterdam, which in turn is the child of Amsterdam.
    we get legit tourists and not just stoners
    You only get 'legit' tourists, while Amsterdam gets both 'legit' tourists and 'drugs' tourists. You can also marry your boyfriend here. At least the morons here are adults.
    because for about 300 years, the world was run from here!
    You mean the time period where you had to team up with France to get kicked in the cunt by the Dutch? Who owned pretty much all the parts of the world that mattered? Because it sounds like you're saying that. And we all know how well you 'ran' the 'world', which I'm guessing is your synonym for the current-day US, in those 300 years.
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