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  • Also, the only Chavs in Amsterdam are imported, and you've no excuse whatsoever for SARRRRRF LUNDUN.
  • Nineless's Greater Postulate of Travel Destinations: "If a nation is Europe is being discussed, said discussion can be turned to the overwhelming superiority of the Dutch and the Netherlands, without exception."
  • So I purchased a bamboo cutting board as an impulse buy because it was on sale.

    I was reading the back for how to care for it and it says:
    To season you new cutting board, generously apply Totally Bamboo's Revitalizing Mineral Oil every few day for the first month. For regular upkeep and to extend its life, liberally oil when the board appears dry, or as needed. Do not clean in the dishwasher.
    Is this really necessary? Oil? If so, can I just use normal mineral oil?
  • Nineless's Greater Postulate of Travel Destinations: "If a nation in Europe is being discussed, said discussion can be turned to the overwhelming superiority of the Dutch and the Netherlands, without exception."
    Addendum: If no success, blow harder out of your arse. Hell, I possibly could do it for every country in Europe with some research.
  • So I purchased a bamboo cutting board as an impulse buy because it was on sale.

    I was reading the back for how to care for it and it says:
    To season you new cutting board, generously apply Totally Bamboo's Revitalizing Mineral Oil every few day for the first month. For regular upkeep and to extend its life, liberally oil when the board appears dry, or as needed. Do not clean in the dishwasher.
    Is this really necessary? Oil? If so, can I just use normal mineral oil?As a chemist in training, my guess is that their Revitalizing Mineral Oil is just really expensive mineral oil, maybe with some extra additives to stop nasty flavors from going into the board. Normal mineral oil or any other suitable long-chained hydrocarbon should do the trick. I'm assuming that the oil is just for waterproofing the board to prevent it from getting soft, which is bad for running a blade across, and to prevent it from growing mold.
  • edited May 2011
    Is this really necessary? Oil? If so, can I just use normal mineral oil?
    Just use some 10w40.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Is this really necessary? Oil? If so, can I just use normal mineral oil?
    Any natural cutting board or utensil should be seasoned with oil, but you don't need fancy name brand shit. Just get an inexpensive bottle of extra-virgin olive oil and rub it into the surface of the board/spoon/etc daily. When it develops a nice dark sheen that doesn't go away after washing, you're done.
  • edited May 2011
    So I am going to enter a Topless Robot contest. One must come up with fake Star Wars names. They can be jokey, puns, whatever. I went a little beyond that. Can you guys please tell me what you think? Also please don't steal this for yourself.

    Gil Buurgrape and his faithful albeit malfunction droid R-Nee are slaves of Baunee the Hutt.. Gil feels trapped and that he will never be free from Baunee. He longs to leave Nnduraah, the moon he calls home, and explore the galaxy. One day a young woman from the planet Eyeowah, which Nndura orbits crashes her ship near Baunee's palace. She finds Gil trying to get his droid down from a com tower. Gil eventual gets R-Nee down and the strange young girl introduces herself as Bekk Kie. They soon part ways but make plans to meet up later. That evening Gil and Bekk watch the binary suns set and talk all night into the morning. Bekk dazzels Gil with fantastical stories of living on planet Eyeowah. She and Gil hatch a plane to free Gil. The next morning when Gil returns he finds that he left R-Nee in the oil bath. The oil must have soaked in to some circuit boards because R-Nee now shakes and twitches uncontrollably. Gil promises to never leave R-Nee alone again. He spends the day doing what ever Baunee the Hutt ask;:his mind never leaving his escape plan for that night. Later that night while Baunee sleeps Gil sets fire to the palace burning Baunee in her sleep. Gil and R-Nee escape and meet up with Bekk. Bekk had finally finished fixing her ship. The trio take off and explore the galaxy for a year. Then they finally settle down back on Eyeowah where Gil finds work in a bakery that is setup miners.


    Gil Buurgrape (human)

    R-Nee (Droid)

    Baunee (Hutt)

    Bekk Kie (Human)
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Why does every single game install DirectX when you install it? It's probably been installed 20 times by now. Why can't they just realize I already have it installed?
  • Why does every single game install DirectX when you install it? It's probably been installed 20 times by now. Why can't they just realize I already have it installed?
    It says installing, but if it's a modern game it will actually just check your version and do nothing.
  • edited May 2011
    What's a good western counterpart to the Tengu? It's for a drawing.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Harpies? Granted, Tengu are usually depicted as male, and harpies are usually female, but both are some sort of bird-human hybrid demons.
  • edited May 2011
    That's actually very good, I was looking for a female counterpart.

    Might use sirens instead, harpies don't have hands.

    Anyone know of anything from west or especially northern European folklore? Sirens are kinda hard to distinctively depict as not looking like angels.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited May 2011
    Blimey, I'm dumb; How the blazes did I not think of valkyries?

    Edit: Problem: Valkaries are good spirits. Keep up with the ideas.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • And arn't Valkaries females?
  • I thought Valkyries were simply angels of nordic mythology.
    Still think Harpies are the best option. I've seen them occasionally depicted with both arms and wings (6 limbs total), and even if not there could be artistic license taken. I've also seen Tengu depicted with only wings (4 limbs total).
  • Harpies would technically be the best fit, both being spirits relating to hatred and vengeance but the image I'm planning is much more whimsical so it wouldn't be so important.
  • edited May 2011
    Maybe Lamias? Unless the wings are the important bit important.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited May 2011
    Lamia could be good. It's hard to find western female daemons where seductress isn't one of the main powers. I'm aiming more for rage and power, wings would be a bonus, as would be some kind of distinctive clothing. Something big and flashy.

    Could just make a male daemon and change it over.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited May 2011
    The Greek Erinyes (the Furies) seem to fit the raging, winged bill rather well.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited May 2011
    Nice coincidence?
    Buddhism long held that the tengu were disruptive demons and harbingers of war. Their image gradually softened, however, into one of protective, if still dangerous, spirits of the mountains and forests.
    Horus served many functions in the Egyptian pantheon, most notably being the god of the Sky, god of War and god of Protection.
    Both bird humans, both gods of war, both gods of protection.

    EDIT: What is it with gods of war and birds?
    The birds of Ares (Ornithes Areioi) were a flock of feather-dart-dropping birds that guarded the Amazons' shrine of the god on a coastal island in the Black Sea. Vultures and dogs, both of which prey upon carrion in the battlefield, were sacred to him.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • Am I the only black American here? I always wondered, but a bit scared to ask.
  • Half Caribbean British dude here.
  • Am I the only black American here? I always wondered, but a bit scared to ask.
    I'm sure Tyrone is around here somewhere.
  • I just heard on a different podcast that Paul Chapman, sometimes known as the almighty Gooberzilla, is supposedly 48 years old. I find that hard to believe as I'm under the impression he was around 30 years old. Anybody know how old Paul really is?
  • Paul exists outside our concepts of time and space.
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