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Random Questions



  • edited June 2011
    Why do so many superheroes/comic book characters have two first names? Clark Kent. Bruce Wayne. Barbara Gordon. Mary Jane Watson has three! Peter Parker. Charles Xavier. Barry Allen. Alan Scott. Hal Jordan. Jon Stewart. Anna Marie. Allison Blaire. Clint Barton (a stretch). Wade Wilson. Eddie Brock. Matt Murdoch.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • I think you're just noticing those with two first names. Wally West. Max Eisenhardt. Scott Summers. Warren Kenneth Worthington III. Dr. Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy, Jean Grey. Kurt Wagner. James "Logan" Howlett. Piotr Nikolaievitch "Peter" Rasputin. Remy Etienne LeBeau. Victor Creed. Emma Frost. Most of those are from X-Men alone.
  • Why do so many, not why do all.
  • Why do so many, not why do all.
    You just want them to name a character Jason Jason.
  • edited June 2011
    I have a name composed entirely of first names. Fuck you haters.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Don't forget that the naming thing spreads over into the writers, too: "Peter Alan David". :)
  • Don't forget that the naming thing spreads over into the writers, too: "Peter Alan David". :)
    Stan Lee.
  • Stan Lee's got three first names: Stan, Lee, Stanley. Pretty good for just two words.
  • Does anyone know how to delete files from an fourth gen ipod nano? I need to do this while it is not connected because there are some of Dave and Joel's podcasts that are on the ipod, but when connected it does not show up in itunes. If i disconnect from itunes I can play the episodes no problem. Is there some way to get them off or am I going to need to reformat the entire ipod?
  • Does anyone know how to delete files from an fourth gen ipod nano? I need to do this while it is not connected because there are some of Dave and Joel's podcasts that are on the ipod, but when connected it does not show up in itunes. If i disconnect from itunes I can play the episodes no problem. Is there some way to get them off or am I going to need to reformat the entire ipod?
    Use iTunes to switch the Nano to USB storage mode, then navigate through the file system via Explorer.
  • How do I switch it to USB storage? The only way I know is to connect it to something with out itunes, like my xbox. But this causes it to format itself..
  • Go to the iPod page in iTunes and select "Enable Disc Mode" then apply.
  • So, I have never played a Castlevania game before. Where do I start?
  • So, I have never played a Castlevania game before. Where do I start?
    Buy the XBLA Symphony of the Night, set the graphics to retro, and slay some abominations.
  • That or Dawn of Sorrow on the DS, which is a bit more accessible and in the same style as SotN.
  • set the graphics to retro,
    Any particular reason?
  • In the default setting they just blur the original pixels together
  • They attempted to HDifiy them and it didn't turn out to well.
  • Dawn of Sorrow on the DS
  • So, I have never played a Castlevania game before. Where do I start?
    Buy the XBLA Symphony of the Night, set the graphics to retro, and slay some abominations.
  • Do any of you americans know who Bud Spencer and Terence Hill are, without looking it up?
  • Costo stopped stocking Lucky Country Country Apple Licorice. It made me sad. I ordered some on Amazon. I was tempted to buy the 15lb container for $40, but thought it was a bit much. I opted for the cheaper and smaller order.

    You Aussies are so lucky to have such yummy things. Has anyone else tried the other flavors? If so, what do you recommend. Note, I hate black licorice with all the hatred in the world.
  • edited June 2011
    You Aussies are so lucky to have such yummy things.
    I have never seen that stuff before in my life.

    However, amazon does also recommend the Darrell Lea liquorice, which is Excellent, and comes in original, green apple, mango, and strawberry. Also, You need To Get Some of these Down Ya.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited June 2011
    What is the best book for beginner's game theory/game design?
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • What is the best book for beginner's game theory/game design?
    Just play tons and tons of games of every shape and size. When you play, try very hard to win. Don't be distracted. Every single decision you have to make, think about it very hard. After the game is over, reexamine what happened and summon captain hindsight to figure out what happened. Repeat this many many times. Then when you finally do read a book about game theory/game design many things will be familiar to you already, you'll just be learning the proper names for them.

    Also, Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals
  • Which games best illustrate good design principles?
  • Which games best illustrate good design principles?
    You can't learn just playing the good games. Play every possible different game you can. Only by comparing one gaming experience to another will you be able to see what's what.
  • To actually answer the question: Valve games and much of Nintendo's first party stuff is well thought out and designed. Good design principles is a bit vauge; There's a lot in games to design.
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