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  • Valve games and much of Nintendo's first party stuff is well thought out and designed. Good design principles is a bit vauge; There's a lot in games to design.
    Not too useful to learn game theory, though. Game theory and game design are two entirely different fields. Almost no videogame can teach you game theory unless the game is itself about game theory.
    Which games best illustrate good design principles?
    To what end? Being a good game from a theoretical perspective isn't really the same as being a good game from other perspectives.

    If you want to learn theory, start with Settlers and solve it. Understand why you solved it. Then play every other game until you solve it.
  • What is the best book/game for beginner's game theory/game design?
    If you want a text to learn game theory, I would AI texts as they tend focus on game theory as a basis for designing agents. AI a modern approach is one of the better texts. For game design it's a lot more vague as good design for games hasn't been nailed down. The art of game design may help. I cont vouch for that one as much, but the author is an acclaimed designer. Valve games as mentioned have particularly good commentary, particularly to the end of level design. The Extra Credits series on The Escapist has some good analysis. Beyond that, I would agree with Scrym and say play lots of games with a critical eye.
  • Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction covers all of the bases pretty well, and the maths are both minimal and easy to follow.
  • Is it possible for someone to overdose on placebos?
  • edited June 2011
    Technically you can overdose on anything and there's stuff in homoeopathic pills (Just no active ingredients.) so you could overdose on sugar if you took a dustbin or two full.

    I owe my life to homoeopathic medicine as I once ate a whole packet because they tasted sweet. Real anti-fever pills would have messed me up.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I'd like to get some sort of tablet-ey device in the next few months and a smartphone is out of the question since I can't afford the monthly bill. I'm leaning towards either an iPod touch, or some sort of small tablet. I mainly just want something small I can dick around on the internet with that isn't a netbook or laptop. I'll have either my bag or a big coat for much of the year so it doesn't have to be THAT small but what do you guys think is a better choice?
  • I'd like to get some sort of tablet-ey device in the next few months and a smartphone is out of the question since I can't afford the monthly bill.
    Do you live in the US? If so, Virgin Mobile Optimus V. $200 phone, $25 a month bill.
  • I'd like to get some sort of tablet-ey device in the next few months and a smartphone is out of the question since I can't afford the monthly bill.
    Do you live in the US? If so, Virgin Mobile Optimus V. $200 phone, $25 a month bill.
    Yeah but they have shit service in Northern Michigan.
  • I'd like to get some sort of tablet-ey device in the next few months and a smartphone is out of the question since I can't afford the monthly bill.
    Do you live in the US? If so, Virgin Mobile Optimus V. $200 phone, $25 a month bill.
    Yeah but they have shit service in Northern Michigan.
    Ah. Sucks.
  • Yup. Rumor has it that the new iPod touch is due this fall and there may be a 128 gig model. I don't need one that big but that may mean that the iPod touches at all price points get a higher capacity. I would be great if the cheapest one was 32 gig. And hopefully the new model will have a better camera too. An iPod touch would be great but I just wonder if it would be too small and if I will have trouble with the school network. I'm pretty sure we are only allowed one non-computer device on the network and I already have my Xbox on there.

    Does anyone have any decent Android tablets on here? The galaxy tab is pretty small and not much more than an iPod.
  • Rumor has it that the new iPod touch is due this fall and there may be a 128 gig model.
    I am intrigued.
  • Does anyone have any decent Android tablets on here? The galaxy tab is pretty small and not much more than an iPod.
  • Yeah but the Xoom is like $600
  • iPad 1.

    It does 95% of what an iPad 2 can do.

    IF you can get it cheap...

    But you WILL need wifi. Its a doorstop without it.
  • The galaxy tab is pretty small and not much more than an iPod.
    Yep. And I'm lovin' it.
  • What do you fellas think of Slenderman? I know it was created recently, but I really like it and find it creepy/scary.
  • What do you fellas think of Slenderman? I know it was created recently, but I really like it and find it creepy/scary.
    It's the kind of stupid bullshit creepypasta-ready thing 4chan would think is scary (even though I'm pretty sure it was made on SA).
  • Yes. It was made on SA. But I find the image creepy even if it is stupid. There is a pretty enteraining youtube series from a user called Marblehornets.

  • edited June 2011
    The galaxy tab is pretty small and not much more than an iPod.
    Yep. And I'm lovin' it.
    Do you have a 3g or wifi model? I heard the wifi model has a slower processor.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • edited June 2011
    Is it weird listening to older episodes of Geeknights for anyone else? Can't explain when I mean, but whatever.
    What do you fellas think of Slenderman? I know it was created recently, but I really like it and find it creepy/scary.
    It's the kind of stupid bullshit creepypasta-ready thing 4chan would think is scary (even though I'm pretty sure it was made on SA).
    Jed is all about this created mythos. I'm not really interested
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Is it weird listening to older episodes of Geeknights for anyone else? Can't explain when I mean, but whatever.
    I can't listen to pre-2007 GeekNights. The audio quality is off, and Rym seems to be trying too hard to do a Calm Radio Voice.
    What do you fellas think of Slenderman? I know it was created recently, but I really like it and find it creepy/scary.
    It's the kind of stupid bullshit creepypasta-ready thing 4chan would think is scary (even though I'm pretty sure it was made on SA).
    Jed is all about this created mythos. I'm not really interested
    Here's every Slenderman story ever:

    There was a guy who was really tall and had long arms. He looked really creepy. The end.
    Some people are elitist assholes about Anime, or Video Games. I'm an asshole about Creepypasta.
  • edited June 2011
    The galaxy tab is pretty small and not much more than an iPod.
    Yep. And I'm lovin' it.
    Do you have a 3g or wifi model? I heard the wifi model has a slower processor.
    I have the 3G model. According to samsung, the wifi-only model has a 1GHz A8 Cortex Processor and the 3G model has a C110, 1GHz, Cortex A8 Hummingbird Application.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Those sound the same to me. I have a Viewsonic G-Tablet. I like it, but the screen is kinda eh. But its $300 price point was nice.
  • Does anyone else eat a cantaloupe/honeydew by cutting it in half and using it as a bowl to spoon out the fruit and eat is as you go?
  • Does anyone else eat a cantaloupe/honeydew by cutting it in half and using it as a bowl to spoon out the fruit and eat is as you go?
    I believe so.
    The galaxy tab is pretty small and not much more than an iPod.
    Yep. And I'm lovin' it.
    Do you have a 3g or wifi model? I heard the wifi model has a slower processor.
    I have the 3G model. According to samsung, the wifi-only model has a 1GHz A8 Cortex Processor and the 3G model has a C110, 1GHz, Cortex A8 Hummingbird Application.
    Oh well that pretty much the same to me.
  • Oh well that pretty much the same to me.
    They're exactly the same.
  • Does anyone else eat a cantaloupe/honeydew by cutting it in half and using it as a bowl to spoon out the fruit and eat is as you go?
    I believe so.
    I do!
  • Does anyone else eat a cantaloupe/honeydew by cutting it in half and using it as a bowl to spoon out the fruit and eat is as you go?
    Do you mean spooning out the melon fruit or eating the melon and then using it as a bowl for other fruits?
  • Do you mean spooning out the melon fruit or eating the melon and then using it as a bowl for other fruits?
    Just eating it as you spoon out the fruit. Then discarding the empty half.
  • The best thing to do with cantaloupe is serve it with a little bit of bacon and a vinaigrette reduction.

    ...I apologize if this seems like a non-sequiter. I am drunk.
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