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Random Questions



  • Your drunkedness brings forth great ideas! Continue in your merry times!
  • edited June 2011
    I've run out of isopropanol, a highly flammable cleaning solvent. Should I get 500ml this time or go for the 1l and save about a third per volume?

    Going to be fun when my family sees it come through the door.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • After the melon is empty I like to use the rind as a hat.
  • edited June 2011
    Are you from Saskatchewan? :-P
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • How would one go about making an MMA of swords?
  • How would one go about making an MMA of swords?
    What? Like Kendo vs Fencing?
  • Buffy watching people: Does anyone else find Angel... what's the word... less than compelling?
  • edited June 2011
    Does anyone else find Angel... what's the word... less than compelling?
    Yes, though not everyone. We've talked about it in the Buffy thread.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Secondary Question: Instead of a spinoff about Angel, what other character would you prefer have a spinoff.

    My answer: Giles the Early Years
  • edited June 2011
    Giles is a good choice. Faith, Anya, Oz, Jonathan, and maybe even Clem would all probably be second choices for me. I would say, like, Willow or Spike or someone like that, but there's enough of them in the main series that there wouldn't be a ton of places to go with a spin-off.

    But I just remembered you're only on season 2 and know nothing of the majorty of the characters I just mentioned, so I'll shut up now ;)
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited June 2011
    Buffy watching people: Does anyone else find Angel... what's the word... less than compelling?
    My girlfriend and I just finished the second season of Angel. Oh my god it was bad. I kept waiting for it to get better, but it actually kept getting worse. I really do want to see what happens -- I just don't think I can handle any more of actually watching it.
    My answer: Giles the Early Years
    They already have that -- it's called Hellblazer.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Does anyone else find Angel... what's the word... less than compelling?
    Yes, though not everyone. We've talked about it in the Buffy thread.
    Oh! We have one of those? Cool! I guess I never thought to check.

    Also, I'm talking about the character Angel, I've never seen the series. However, taking what I consider the most boring character and making him the main character of something seems like a bad idea.
  • edited June 2011
    Also, I'm talking about the character Angel, I've never seen the series. However, taking what I consider the most boring character and making him the main character of something seems like a bad idea.
    Oh, well, you clearly haven't gotten to that part of the plot yet. Reserve judgement until season 2 episode 14 or so.

    Based on the other thread, apparently you have.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Is Angel just about him being a totally heartless and awesome vampire and fucking up motherfuckers?
  • Is Angel just about him being a totally heartless and awesome vampire and fucking up motherfuckers?
    No, I was just contesting your point about him being the most boring character.
  • Can anyone tell me what it means when a poster in a thread quotes someone but doesn't add any of their own text?

    Is that the same as "+1" as in, you agree with this post?

    I just find it odd.
  • edited June 2011
    You know what I want? I want a compilation of just the gag episodes. Like when Buffy's town becomes a musical or when Angel gets turned into a Muppet.
    Can anyone tell me what it means when a poster in a thread quotes someone but doesn't add any of their own text?

    Is that the same as "+1" as in, you agree with this post?

    I just find it odd.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Is Angel just about him being a totally heartless and awesome vampire and fucking up motherfuckers?
    No, I was just contesting your point about him being the most boring character.
    I like soulless Angel (Hereafter referred to as Angelus) a lot and I really like the emotions that we get to see in Buffy. But I find the romance boring and souledAngel unable to make me care about him as a character.
  • Buffy watching people: Does anyone else find Angel... what's the word... less than compelling?
    I much preferred Angel to Buffy. Angel as a main character, may be not so great, but they make fun of him as a character and his stereotyped emo ways regularly. I found the series to be a little faster paced and darker than Buffy, both of which I appreciate. The cast of side characters were also more compelling in my opinion (any responses to that should probably go to Flamewars, cuz I know that's gonna start fights ;)
    Secondary Question: Instead of a spinoff about Angel, what other character would you prefer have a spinoff.

    My answer: Giles the Early Years
    I would like a spinoff of the green singing demon whose name I don't recall, but he was a side character in Angel. I don't think he ever actually showed up in Buffy. So given the time travel paradox, we wouldn't have ever seen the singing green demon in Buffy to make a spinoff of him instead of Angel. :P
  • If you start out watching Buffy, Angel will seem very slow paced by comparison, and there seems to be less going on. Stick with it. It picks up.
  • Also, I'm talking about the character Angel, I've never seen the series.
  • How would one go about making an MMA of swords?
    The SCA sort of does this - different people use different "period" fighting styles. The best example I can give is this one guy we know, Sir Yoshi, whose persona is that of a samurai pre-1600. I believe he actually knows some amount of kendo - or at least he fights as though he does - and goes up against dudes with polearms, dudes with swords and shields, and so forth. By and large, there's one sort of heavy combat taught in the SCA, and it's really an extrapolation and distillation of different period fighting techniques - much in the way that modern MMA is becoming its own martial art. But people still mix it up, like Sir Yoshi.

    It's not quite what you're after, but it's along the right path.
  • Waffles. Why?
  • Waffles. Why?
    Mmmmm, delicious, tiny syrup bowls made out of pastry.
  • You should try to find some proper Belgian style waffles. They are gods among pastries.
  • I agree that waffles are delicious, but how did they come to be? What was the driving force behind the invention of the waffle? It's just a fluffy pancake. Wikiped is not helping me.
  • Does anyone else have any trouble with Steam games practically freezing when openin/closing them? Also, does anyone else access the forums through the Steam browser?
  • Got a PCI USB card to up my computer from 4 to 8 external USB ports but it also has an internal USB port. Any ideas as to what I could use it for?
  • Got a PCI USB card to up my computer from 4 to 8 external USB ports but it also has an internal USB port. Any ideas as to what I could use it for?
    If your case has front-facing USB ports or some such. You can also connect a little bracket to that port to add two more ports to the back at the expense of a slot.
  • I picked up an old ps2 phat for like $5 a while back but the dvd drive seems to be dead. Is there any way I could still hack it to play ripped games off of a hard drive? If not, how hard is it to swap out the disc drive?

    And does anybody here have any experience hacking the original Xbox?
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