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Random Questions



  • Coming up 2 years but I lurked for at least a year. Probably would not have joined at all until one episode Scott said something along the lines of: Anyone else listening to this show is probably more like yourself that anyone else on the planet. It's SUCH a small niche audience.

    Probably true.
  • Three years in two days. Lurked for a while before that, still lurking now.
  • In four days I would be a forum member for four years. How long have you been here?
    You joined the forum AFTER me?
    Anyway, in October I'll have been here five years.
  • Four years, five months, seventeen days, according to wolfram alpha, and a year of lurking before that.
  • You guys realize you can see when the other people have joined by clicking on their user name? Doesn't count lurking, but whatever.
  • You guys realize you can see when the other people have joined by clicking on their user name? Doesn't count lurking, but whatever.
    Yo dawg, why you being such an e-peen block, bro? Not cool, bro.
  • In November, I will have been here for 5 years.
  • Oh look, it's this contest again.

  • edited July 2011
    Can't we just run a calculation over the database to get the Top 10, like
    SELECT uo.username, COUNT( MAX(upr.posttimestamp) - MIN(upr.posttimestamp) ) AS epeen
    FROM userpostrelation AS upr, userobjects AS uo
    WHERE == upr.userid
    ORDER BY epeen DESC
    GROUP BY uo.username
    LIMIT 10;

    I like my SQL queries to be unreadable.

    The timestamp subtraction will probably need to be converted into some scalar unit of time (like seconds since epoch), but this varies by RDBMS implementation unfortunately. In PostgreSQL, you'd wrap the subtraction up as EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM [subtraction clause]).

    EDIT: epeen is defined by the number of posts you've made total divided by the time from your first post to your last post, which provides some ratio of post count against the time over which you've been contributing. People who posted for a bit, stopped posting for 2 years, and posted again would be artificially penalized. I could probably come up with a fix if this was legitimate.

    DBL EDIT: oh and spambots who posted like 50 posts in a few seconds would be artificially rewarded. I could probably come up with a fix for this also.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • In four days I would be a forum member for four years. How long have you been here?
    My four years was about a month ago.
    Ugh... you beat me by 2 days.
  • I've already been here four years, back in May.
  • Almost five years. Look upon my internet wang, ye Mighty, and despair!
  • In four days I would be a forum member for four years. How long have you been here?
    I'm 4 in December.
  • Ugh... you beat me by 2 days.
    I win this round! Woohoo!
  • 3 years, 3 days, but I wasn't active all that time.
  • You're only as good as your posts, whether you joined yesterday or in 2006. :D
  • You're only as good as your posts, whether you joined yesterday or in 2006. :D
    Winter is coming.

    How's that for a good post?
  • I've been signed up for 2 1/2 years, but I didn't become a regular visitor until very recently.
  • Anybody here ever eaten Punschkrapfen? If not, I highly recommend it :)
  • I think mine was created on Jul 25th 2006.

    My random question, do you remember your best summer, back when you were a kid?
    I do, it was the summer when I learn to ride the bus in the city back in Peru. It was a summer full of glory, adventure, and many many many long walks :P
  • My whole childhood is just kind of meshed into one big memory, like everything happened at once. I've noticed that whenever I'm telling a story about something that happened to me as a kid, I always say it happened when I was 7.
  • I've been here since 2006.... So almost 6 years? Crazy.
  • I've been here since 2006.... So almost 5 years.
  • I've been here for almost four years? Seriously? Wow.
  • My 3rd will be in September.
  • I know I'm cheap but, does anyone know what the best 2.1 Desktop speakers around $50 are?
  • permalinkquote
    Don't even bother with 2.1. Just get 2.0. Also, learn to use Newegg/Amazon.
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