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  • edited July 2011
    How insulting is it to ask for separate checks at the end of a first date?
    Not at all. First dates are to get to know each other, and if either party volunteers to pay the entire bill, split it properly according to your consumption. Later dates are more difficult. I would say, the one inviting the other should pay if both parties understand and desire that the bill be paid by just one of them (which is a ridiculous idea imho, you're not fucking married, so split bills until you want to get serious).
    I think it's only gentlemanly to pay on the first date.
    I find that anything but gentlemanly. Maybe 18th century gentlemanly, but women were excluded from mostly everything back then. It is gentlemanly to offer the fair lady the choice to show she is independent.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I am not interested in a woman who carries the expectation or desire that I pay for her meal, unless she's willing to do the same later. It implies she buys into a gender imbalance which I do not buy.
    I kind of feel this way too, but I also feel like a dick for saying it.
  • edited July 2011
    It is gentlemanly to offer the fair lady the choice to show she is independent.
    Perhaps you just worded that badly, but that's silly. She shouldn't have to show it as if it's anything uncommon. When you go out with male friends, do you set up little challenges for them to solve for you to be impressed by? =P

    Edit: Also, I'd like to note that I misread choice as chance. I would change my entire responses, but I'm going to bed, bye.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • When you go out with male friends, do you set up little challenges for them to solve for you to be impressed by? =P
    Yes. I view the whole world as a toy whose sole purpose is to amuse me.

    But I'm also an asshole. :P
  • Full disclosure: Air Co. is Dutch :P
  • When you go out with male friends, do you set up little challenges for them to solve for you to be impressed by? =P
    Yes. I view the whole world as a toy whose sole purpose is to amuse me.
    Do you also take a potato chip...AND EAT IT?
  • When you go out with male friends, do you set up little challenges for them to solve for you to be impressed by? =P
    Yes. I view the whole world as a toy whose sole purpose is to amuse me.
    You've obviously never played games with or around any members of the FRC, Aria. Its... an experience.
  • edited July 2011
    Here's my take on the whole buy dinner or not debate:

    I treat my male and female friends equally in this regard. If there is someone I don't know really well and may not go out with again, split the bill based on what you owe. That way there is no impression of debts left unpaid. If a person offers to pay for me, refuse once, make it known that I can pay myself and don't mind, but if they insist, let them pay if it makes them happy. As for well known people that I see a lot, we take turns paying for each other or all throw in. If someone is short money, we cover them with the assumption that they will eventually make up for it.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Here's my take on the whole buy dinner or not debate:

    I treat my male and female friends equally in this regard. If there is someone I don't know really well and may not go out with again, split the bill based on what you owe. That way there is no impression of debts left unpaid. If a person offers to pay for me, refuse once, make it known that I can pay myself and don't mind, but if they insist, let them pay if it makes them happy. As for well known people that I see a lot, we take turns paying for each other or all throw in. If someone is short money, we cover them with the assumption that they will eventually make up for it.
    Da, This vay seems best.
  • Perhaps you just worded that badly, but that's silly.
    Not downright saying "I'll pay" is silly? Okay. Whatever floats your boat.
  • edited July 2011
    Here's my take on the whole buy dinner or not debate:

    I treat my male and female friends equally in this regard. If there is someone I don't know really well and may not go out with again, split the bill based on what you owe. That way there is no impression of debts left unpaid. If a person offers to pay for me, refuse once, make it known that I can pay myself and don't mind, but if they insist, let them pay if it makes them happy. As for well known people that I see a lot, we take turns paying for each other or all throw in. If someone is short money, we cover them with the assumption that they will eventually make up for it.
    This is definitely the best policy. Unless it was really, really significant margin or you want to make a strong impression. (Note, STRONG, which could be good or bad depending on how you want to tell it or you liked the person)
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • I'm of the opinion that everyone is in too much of a rush to make everything an official date. I say just hang out with people, and if you and another person have mutual feelings, things may just happen on their own. Hanging out with cute girls is always a plus. Even if they aren't interested in you that way, their friends might. Cute girls have cute girl friends. And if you're just hanging out they won't assume you'll just pay for everything (unless they're a bitch).
  • Why oh why did I start watching 3 different series at the same time? So now I must choose between The Avengers, Princess Tutu and MLP.... WHY????
  • Here, I'll help you make that decision: Princess Tutu.
  • Eeeh. Well I just started an Avengers episode. Ill watch Tutu after.
  • Does LEGO sell buckets of minifig parts? Because the idea of playing DnD with figures you made from a bucket of parts sounds awesome and I want to do it so bad.
  • Why don't we see more book cover t-shirts?
  • Books have a long tradition of being reprinted with different covers, so no one cover is particularly iconic.
  • edited August 2011
    Books have a long tradition of being reprinted with different covers, so no one cover is particularly iconic.
    Also, back in the olden days, people were so proud of their books that they would design elaborate covers of their own for their favorite books, or sometimes painstakingly recreate an original cover that has been damaged by time (yeah, i watch Antiques Roadshow).

    EDIT: I would love to get a shirt of the classic Catcher in the Rye cover.
    Post edited by maddmaxx on
  • edited August 2011
    Does LEGO sell buckets of minifig parts? Because the idea of playing DnD with figures you made from a bucket of parts sounds awesome and I want to do it so bad.
    They unfortunately don't. However, you could use the Pick A Brick option in the Lego online store. Minifigure parts are unfortunately rather expensive though. They also sell certain kinds of Mini-figure sets, such as for example the "Fairytale and Historic Minifigure Set", but they're also quite pricey at 50 bucks.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Is anyone else extremely bothered by the sound of people talking on the phone? I think of myself as a guy who is pretty hard to disturb but this just bothers me on a different level.
  • Is anyone else extremely bothered by the sound of people talking on the phone? I think of myself as a guy who is pretty hard to disturb but this just bothers me on a different level.
    In any kind of public setting I can't handle it. My old boss used to sit in the office beside mine and talk loudly on his phone, I have trouble even typing an email while that's going on. It drives me insane when someone is talking on the phone in a book store. I was in Borders once and a guy was talking on his phone at the top of his lungs and ended the conversation with, no lie, "good luck with that rash."
  • Books have a long tradition of being reprinted with different covers, so no one cover is particularly iconic.
    Also, back in the olden days, people were so proud of their books that they would design elaborate covers of their own for their favorite books, or sometimes painstakingly recreate an original cover that has been damaged by time (yeah, i watch Antiques Roadshow).

    EDIT: I would love to get a shirt of the classic Catcher in the Rye cover.
    I will share with all of you a secret of mine.
  • What would happen if our representatives would be scientist that use logic to solve problems?
  • What would happen if our representatives would be scientist that use logic to solve problems?
    I say would interesting.
  • edited August 2011
    They unfortunately don't. However, you could use the Pick A Brick option in the Lego online store. Minifigure parts are unfortunately rather expensive though. They also sell certain kinds of Mini-figure sets, such as for example the "Fairytale and Historic Minifigure Set", but they're also quite pricey at 50 bucks.
    Hmmm. Seems like LEGO Minifigs are something I'd need to save up for if I want to use them for DnD. I may check out the LEGO Store in one of our malls to see if I can customize them there for less.

    Do you know of any similar miniatures?

    I checked out the parts, and I thought they were gonna be a dollar each, and knowing it was less than that, I bought a shit ton, which may or may not have been a wise choice. Maybe I'll have that regret later.

    I have one of each hair, a few capes, each body, two of each legs (they didn't have that many colors, but whatever), each weapon with some doubles just in case, and a mug for the dwarf. I also bough the lightsabers for funsies.

    Compared to 7 minis from Reaper, including a goblin set, I think this was the better purchase.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • edited August 2011
    What would happen if our representatives would be scientist that use logic to solve problems?
    I say would interesting.
    Are you really been far even as decided?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • What would happen if our representatives would be scientist that use logic to solve problems?
    What if our representatives were historians that use experience to solve problems? We need to stop electing congressmen who went to law school, and start electing congressmen who went to useful school.
  • What would happen if our representatives would be scientist that use logic to solve problems?
    They wouldn't get re-elected as their constituents would have no idea what in the blasphemy they were talking about.
  • Can somebody who has more knowledge in far-east mysticism than I do explain to me what the thing about tigers and dragons is?
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