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  • To paraphrase Steinbeck, there's no foresight because none of them are poor. They're only temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
    I think a better analogy can be found by looking at their relationship with Ayn Rand - They always see themselves as the Dagny Taggarts, Dominique Francons, John Galts and Hank Reardons of the world, rather than one of the legions at the bottom of the heap that will inevitably get fucked over by those far more powerful than they.
  • Gold and silver have no inherent value to joe post-apocalyptic smith.
    I agree about Silver, but Gold conducts electricity, is easily malleable, and all kinda of other neat things. Ancient civilizations used gold for a lot of stuff.

    It ain't just shiny, it's useful.

    However, basing money on ONE useful resource is stupid; if you trade, say, iron for gold, you've lost gold but gained something useful in return; a gold standard doesn't account for the gain, only the loss. If someone were to account for all useful resources and base a currency on the accumulated sum of all resource in current possession, I think that is more helpful.

    But in the end, modern economics eschews the concept that "what you have" is important, only "what other people want" is important in denoting the value of anything. I disagree with the latter statement, but everyone on this forum who has any kind of economics background has been taught that this is absolutely, inarguably, and undeniably correct.
  • Is there such thing as a budget Android tablet? I have what amounts to a budget Android phone, and I dig it, but a tablet of the same vein would be neat.
    Yes, but be careful. You can find a lot of Ipad ripoffs from shady chinese dealers on ebay but they're all pretty crap, and you don't always get the specs that you were promised. Archos makes some cheaper ones that aren't too bad, but they don't support the official android market out of the box. With some hacking I think they are able to though. I don't know if I'd get the nook color as a tablet just because the Samsung Galaxy tab 7inch isn't that much more, and is probably a lot more powerful. I bet it will probably have a price drop in a couple months anyway. Check Woot too. I got my Pocket Edge android tablet/ereader combo for $120 a month or so ago. Hell you might be best off just buying and older model ipad when the ipad 3 comes out.
    Woot today has a refurb Archos Android tablet for like $80.
  • But in the end, modern economics eschews the concept that "what you have" is important, only "what other people want" is important in denoting the value of anything. I disagree with the latter statement, but everyone on this forum who has any kind of economics background has been taught that this is absolutely, inarguably, and undeniably correct.
    The "value" is entirely based on what other people would give you for something. If you keep it to use yourself, the value doesn't matter. Economics deals with how money flows between people. For trading, It doesn't matter how useful something is: if people don't want it, they won't give you anything for it.
  • Don't silver slippers walk all over gold roads?
  • So I introduced a new group of people to Catan and we are playing like crazy! I am now thinking about getting an expansion to the game. So what one should I get? Also can you play more then one expansion at once?
  • edited August 2011
    Seafarers was fun.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I like Cities and Knights. It's really good for when you're starting to get bored with the base set.
  • Do I have to buy a set? Or is it possible to build your own home made set? (not make up one but have a home made seafarers) also can you play multiple sets at the same time?
  • You can make your own set, but I'm not sure how easy it is. The knights and barbarians would be very easy, but the commodities could get tricky.
  • Traders and barbarians? or Cities and Knights?
  • Were any of you ever so college poor/lazy that you'd eat dry ramen?
  • edited August 2011
    I remember people eating it for snack in elemetary school. Not sure it was exactly ramen(called something else I think) but pretty sure its the same.
    Edit: Pretty sure it was ichiban, a brand of ramen. Or maybe not. For some reason I think it had the flavoring baked in, not in a packet.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • My friend's roommate seems to think boiling water for proper ramening is the most onerous task in the world and gets thoroughly mocked ever time he dry eats ramen.
  • edited August 2011
    My favorite mathematical equation is "0.999... = 1". What is yours?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • My favorite mathematical equation is "0.999... = 1". What is yours?
    Variant on yours: 1 + 1 = 3 (for high enough values of 1). Though I did figure out an equation in high school that would graph out to Pac Man, I liked that one a lot.
  • I absolutely love the fact that 10^3+9^3 = 12^3+1^3
    I also love the narcissistic numbers, which have a property of the form 1^3+5^3+3^3 = 153 and 8^4+2^4+0^4+8^4 = 8204
  • edited August 2011
    My favorite mathematical equation is "0.999... = 1". What is yours?
    integral e ^ x

    Looks great on a t-shirt, too (with or without a multiple of y).

    Second favorite is e^(i*x) = cos(x) + i*sin(x). Fuck memorizing trig identities, they solve sooo easily with Euler's formula.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • Help me, internet! Do I buy Prototype while it's 10 bucks, or do I buy Bastion!?
  • I decided not to, I've got AC2 to get through which is the same style of game.
  • Is there a way to embed a youtube video in the forums at a specific time, in the way that I would add #t=*m*s to the end of a URL if I was linking to it?
  • Help me, internet! Do I buy Prototype while it's 10 bucks, or do I buy Bastion!?
    I say Prototype 2. Bastion will still be there in the future.
  • So I'm making another Jayne Cobb hat from Firefly for a friend. I'm not longer using that wretched Red Heart yarn, but Lion Brand. However, I can't decide on which color to use for the ear flaps.


    It's one of the bottom 3 reddish colors.

    Most of the ones you see on the internets is a more of a red color, but the actual one is a darker orange:


    So which one would you guys suggest. I'm really torn. Jeremy says the far left, but I like the middle one. Also the right one is more read like the ones on the internet but goes with the hues of the yellow and orange for the top part.

    What do you guys think?
  • I vote for the middle because it matches my own Jayne hat. :3
  • It looks almost more like a pink...
  • It's definitely a salmon.
  • It's definitely a salmon.
    Yes or the red has just been worn out after a few washes.

  • It's definitely a salmon.
    Yes or the red has just been worn out after a few washes.

    Curse dye's sudden but inevitable betrayal!
  • Curse dye's sudden but inevitable betrayal!
  • Is it wrong to go on Omegle and pretend to be a 13 year old girl. And not do anything gross or dirty. But then when some creeper asks you about sex stuff and then asks if you have nude pictures pretend to be a cop and say you are logging this conversation and his IP address? Or to not do that and say, "Hold on, let me get Daddy. He takes the best naked pictures of me."?
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