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Random Questions



  • edited October 2011
    Do people say "Lemme see X" when they mean "Let me hold X" in places that aren't the South (U.S.)?
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Do people say "Lemme see X" when they mean "Let me hold X" in places that aren't the South (U.S.)?
    The rest of the US does it too.
  • Do people say "Lemme see X" when they mean "Let me hold X" in places that aren't the South (U.S.)?
  • Do people say "Lemme see X" when they mean "Let me hold X" in places that aren't the South (U.S.)?
    Are you saying "Let me hold X" as in "Let me borrow X" or as in "Let me grab X"?

  • As in "Gimme X, where X is nearer to you than me".
  • As in "Gimme X, where X is nearer to you than me".
    I think "Could you pass me X" is slightly more common.

  • Will a collapsible baton hold up to the pressures induced by firing a bullet out of said baton?
  • Depends on the material of the baton, the caliber of the bullet, and the construction/placement of the chamber/firing mechanism.
  • You'd probably be better off using a big spring and have a similar design to a ballistic knife handle.
  • I've seen pens chambered for .22, no idea how they manage to do it though.
  • Big-ass pens?
  • Big ass-pens?
  • edited November 2011
    Big-ass pens?
    Not really, Most of the pens I own would be 5.6MM or above. You'd easily fit a .22 in most fancy pens, unless they were super slim, and a simple spring-and-pin firing mechanism wouldn't take up much space.

    Of course, assuming your pen could take the pressure, and you could get a good enough seal that the bullet would actually go somewhere sensible. But if you were making one, I suppose you'd account for that.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm writing a song about people complaining on the internet. The second part will be about people complaining about the internet on the internet. What are some free services that you use that you've heard people complaining about?

    I have:
    Google. Use your library instead, and get back to me in a few days time.
    Email. When was the last time you bought stamps?
    Skype. Do you want to pay for a long distance phone call instead?
    Facebook. Remember when nobody remembered it was your birthday?
    YouTube. Do you want to pay for all that bandwidth yourself?

    Got more examples?
  • Amazon. Do you even remember bookshops?
  • Amazon. Do you even remember bookshops?
    An important part of the concept of that verse in the song is people complaining about free services. If someone pays for something from Amazon and get bad service, complaints are justified. I mean more like people complaining about Facebook on Facebook, not realizing the only reason they can easily complain to a large audience is because Facebook is Facebook.

  • Dropbox; Carrying a bunch of CD's is clearly better.
    Pandora; The radio doesn't have ads. Ever.
    Google docs; You'd rather buy an expensive office suite?
  • Changes on forums.
  • I am pretty sure that could be its own song.
  • I'll hide it in my stocking/And he'll find it rather shocking
    During the whole month of December, this album will be on loop at Casa De P_TOG. Everyone is invited.
  • Does anyone have suggestions for buying a suit?
  • Does anyone have suggestions for buying a suit?
    Go to a shop. They will talior it to you and make you look pimptastic.
  • 1. Figure out the suit's purpose (fancy dress parties? Interviews?)
    2. Figure out your money range
    3. Look for stores that cater to that range
    4. Try on a bunch of different suits and see what style fits you
    5. Find a suit that fits as close to perfectly as possible
    6. Find a good tailor and get the suit custom-fitted
  • Is it weird that I find tracking the stats on my blog to be absolutely fascinating?
  • Is it weird that I find tracking the stats on my blog to be absolutely fascinating?
    No. I was like that too. I still find it interesting how people get to my blog. Since I don't update it really, it's mainly people looking for either my Scott Pilgrim hat pattern or my Home Sweet Home Yoshi cross-stitch pattern.
  • Would wooden dance pads be awesome at college or cumbersome and inconvenient?
  • You could probably shove them under your bed just fine, but I think they would be broken and sticky with booze more than anything.
  • I'm writing a song about people complaining on the internet. The second part will be about people complaining about the internet on the internet. What are some free services that you use that you've heard people complaining about?
    Got more examples?
    This forum?

  • Didn't someone just post the other day about doing the same thing in another thread?
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