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Random Questions



  • edited November 2011
    Does anyone else randomly touch walls to see if they have gotten powers and now can stick to them.?
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Does anyone else randomly touch walls to see if they have gotten powers and now can stick to them.?
    No, but I'll occasionally try to run on walls to see if I gained the powers of Ryu Hayabusa.

  • edited November 2011
    Does anyone else randomly touch walls to see if they have gotten powers and now can stick to them.?
    No, but I'll occasionally try to run on walls to see if I gained the powers of Ryu Hayabusa.

    Okay, so you wanna talk about running on walls, let me tell you about running on walls.

    Okay, so a few halloween's back (it was on a friday), the school threw this big party. Well, I came in a ninja costume (special tabi boots and all), and my friends and I, well, we each brought some friends and one of my friends brought this really cute girl. So, during the course of the night, we went to the indoors part of the party where they had some inflatable obstacle courses. To get to them, though, you had to go through this really long corridor with a bit of chicane.

    Anyway, I was working on this girl all night, so as we get inside this building she says to me, "I think you're cute and, if you can catch me, I'll give you my number" then bolts it down the hallway. Well I run right after her and, as I'm chasing her, this couple come out of this doorway and now there's some people between us. So, and mind you I had no idea what I was doing, I jump up against the wall and run on it for a few steps. Mean while, here comes the chicane. So I jump off of the wall I was on and onto the other side of the chicane. This all happens in the span of a few seconds. As I'm coming down off the wall, all I can hear are my friends behind me yelling, "Holy shit" "Jesus Christ" "He IS a Ninja!". It was only until I caught her a few seconds later that I actually stopped and thought about what happened.

    So, the key to running on walls is becoming an adrenaline and horny ninja.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Didn't you know that's how ninjas achive all their acrobatic feats? It's like a squirrel's tail, they're counterbalanced by their erection.
  • edited November 2011
    Wow Sonic, I knew you were awesome but I am pretty sure I have never came close to achieving anything half that impressive. Maybe tried a ton of things but never been successful.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • You've lived up to your namesake, Sonic.
  • There's a manga with a plot like that, Aria of the Scarlet Ammo if I'm not mistaken. This kid goes to some secret agent high school, and his ability is that when he's turned on, he becomes super strong and shit. Unlike your story, it sucks.
  • So awhile back I remember seeing a mashup film trailer of Prescious and Twilight. I can not find this video at all now. Does anyone else remember this? It was really funny.
  • Wow Sonic, I knew you were awesome but I am pretty sure I have never came close to achieving anything half that impressive. Maybe tried a ton of things but never been successful.
    I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to do it without the Tabi boots. Those things grip like crazy.
  • edited November 2011
    Ok so my friends are dumb and keep smoking weed in the woods on campus. I'm trying to get one of them to buy a Launch box since its more efficient and whatnot, but do you think it would set off a smoke alarm? I remember someone on here mentioning they had one a while back.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Since I'm at work, I'm not gonna open that link, but is it a vaporizer? Hypothetically, those wouldn't set of a fire alarm.

  • It's a vaporizer.
  • All about them hookah pipes with molasses and weed.
  • Man, I really should buy some good shisha and bust out my hookah sometime.

    Question: Tech Support said they'd call me back, but it's nearly 5:30pm and I'm the only one in my department still at work. Should I go home and play Skyrim?
  • So my theology teacher mentioned today that sometime soon he's going to give us an article about how separation of church and state (possibly just the way it is now, he wasn't very clear) is not what the founding fathers intended. Can I get some recommended reading to shut him down? Bonus points for anything quotable; I need to be able to really back myself or he'll ignore everything I say (he probably will anyway). Many thanks.
  • All you need is this quote from the Treaty of Tripoli (1797):

    "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"

    Also, my handy dandy Articles of Confederation has some fun stuff about giving Canada the benefits of being in the Union in Article XI, if you want to point out the drastically different world the Founding Fathers lived in, and how we shouldn't worry too much about their intentions.
  • I recommend reading the letters of Jefferson, including this one.
  • edited November 2011
    If you really want to get into the matter and your theology teacher is open minded, I would recommend just giving him the book "Liars for Jesus" by Chris Rodda. If he's not, I'd recommend buying the book yourself, and then look up the misquotes he's using in it and using it as a guide to the actual correct historical situations, documents and quotations.

    Rodda also provides pretty much all documents she refers to in the book as scans on her website, which also provides a couple of other resources that may help you.

    But in general, the Treaty of Tripoli and the letter to the Danbury Baptists (referenced by Shadoworc01 and YoshoKatana), should already be enough to smack anything down. Rodda only provides ammunition to take out the lies that have been constructed by the the Christian Nationalists in order to deny the fact that a separation of church and state is what the founders of the US intended.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Ok so a while back I accidentily lost the screw the holds the blade in place on one of my knives. I found another screw that fit, but it ended up not working that great. I found the original screw, but I managed to strip the new one and can't get it out. Any ideas? Its a tiny Hex-screw if that helps.
  • Nuclear tesuji?
  • Ok so a while back I accidentily lost the screw the holds the blade in place on one of my knives. I found another screw that fit, but it ended up not working that great. I found the original screw, but I managed to strip the new one and can't get it out. Any ideas? Its a tiny Hex-screw if that helps.
    Nothing terribly practical, I'm afraid - were it me, I'd just cut my losses, bore out the hole, and re-tap it for a slightly larger screw.

  • Or, depending on the cost of the knife, just buy a new one (or keep using it like it is).
  • I wonder if anyone here would be able to help me with this problem. A while ago, I bought three DLC packs for Sims 3 via Steam. When I opened the game up to play my new content, the DLC didn't show up. I verified the integrity of my game cache and what have you, and it came back as 100% fine. I did a complete wipe of everything that is Sims 3 from this computer (which included two other DLC packs that were working just fine), and reinstalled it all again. This ended up doing nothing, and the DLC still didn't work (except for the two that already were). I contacted Steam support, and they told me to contact EA, because I had already done what they were going to suggest. I contacted EA, and they gave me instructions that didn't make sense (they told me to uninstall everything, then go about installing everything one at a time, which, to my knowledge, can't be done in Steam). So, does anybody have any idea what I could do to try and get my DLC to work? ;_;
  • edited November 2011
    I'm not entirely sure if it's legal to suggest that you pirate it in my country. Regardless, YOU SHOULD UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES PIRATE THE GAME!
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • edited November 2011
    I'm not entirely sure if it's legal to suggest that you pirate it in my country. Regardless, YOU SHOULD UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES PIRATE THE GAME!
    Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, if I did that, I would sorta feel like my money went to waste.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • I'm not entirely sure if it's legal to suggest that you pirate it in my country. Regardless, YOU SHOULD UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES PIRATE THE GAME!
    Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, if I did that, I would sorta feel like my money went to waste.
    So you're saying money spent on a game you likely will never be able to play isn't wasted?
  • I'm not entirely sure if it's legal to suggest that you pirate it in my country. Regardless, YOU SHOULD UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES PIRATE THE GAME!
    Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, if I did that, I would sorta feel like my money went to waste.
    So you're saying money spent on a game you likely will never be able to play isn't wasted?
    It's completely wasted, unless I could get what I had already downloaded to work. I was just hoping I could get my existing files to start working, instead of just torrenting them, but I guess it's pretty much the best (and only) solution.
  • It's completely wasted, unless I could get what I had already downloaded to work.
    I don't understand what you mean by this.
  • I get it. Its wasted to him because if he was going to pirate them he would have in the first place so he spent his money for nothing.
  • Well, you can be glad you supported the developers. It's important to remember how video games are funded almost entirely by charitable donations.
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