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Random Questions



  • Is there anything actually useful you can do with a Philosophy degree?
    Work in a coffee shop?
  • What is the best Final Fantasy out there?
  • You can use it to charm women into bed.
  • Is there anything actually useful you can do with a Philosophy degree?
    I can't think of philosophy without thinking of a morose muskrat. My years of reading have really effected my was of thinking.
  • You can become Plato's Spelunker. JTVH used hers to get a job in managing super-computers. Go figure.
  • Is there anything actually useful you can do with a Philosophy degree?
    Become a badass alcoholic?

  • Is there anything actually useful you can do with a Philosophy degree?
    Would you like fries with that?
  • AmpAmp
    edited January 2012
    If your going to use the joke get it right. Thats drama students any way.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • If your going to use the joke get it right. That's acting students any way.
    Not Design and Production, thank you very much.
  • AmpAmp
    edited January 2012
    Well as I gaze down from my ivory tower of academia one can not tell the difference.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • edited January 2012
    What is the best Final Fantasy out there?
    Mystic Quest.

    Seriously though, it depends, what era? If Pre-PS1, FF6. PS1 and beyond gets trickier.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • Am I bad person for writing, "Thug 4 Life" on the backside of my dog?
  • "Pug 4 Life" would be funnier....if it was one.
  • Pre-PS1: VI and IV. Just play both of them.
    PS1: IX
    PS2: XII
  • Its an Irish Terrier. She does have a coller with fake diamonds on it. She is also a bit of a bitch.
  • If you can pray the gay away, does that mean you could also pray someone gay?
  • If you can pray the gay away, does that mean you could also pray someone gay?
    This is an excellent, excellent idea.
  • I routinely pray for republican politicians to turn gay. Ironically, the success rate is a pretty good argument for finding religion.
  • I haven't had much trying to pray the gay. I mostly pick people that are gay and just don't know it, but they keep on staying in the closet. It's sad.
  • Well as I gaze down from my ivory tower of academia one can not tell the difference.
    If the history students sit in the ivory tower, where are the premedical molecular bio students?

    A space platform, one presumes. ~_^
  • Well as I gaze down from my ivory tower of academia one can not tell the difference.
    If the history students sit in the ivory tower, where are the premedical molecular bio students?

    A space platform, one presumes. ~_^
    The space platform is for the physicists. The only higher space is occupied by philosophers and mathematicians, who reside outside the universe, in order to technically be over everybody.
  • What is the best Final Fantasy out there?
    Mystic Quest.
    Phantasy Star IV

    Seriously though, that game will make you cry at least twice. It's an epic adventure.

  • Well having asked my Zoologist girlfriend and her History hating dad they don't bother with towers as they know that they are right and only an idiot would bother with them. To wich I reply "Don't come crying to me when barbarians attack!"
  • What is the best Final Fantasy out there?
    Mystic Quest.
    Phantasy Star IV

    Seriously though, that game will make you cry at least twice. It's an epic adventure.

  • Going back to natural hair color tomorrow with one colored stripe. Any suggestions on the color stripe? I'm feeling purple or red.
  • I was thinking of green because it's my favorite color, but I'm not sure I can pull it off.
  • You'll never know until you try.
  • You could get some temporary dye that washes out to see how you like it.
  • Two stripes: one purple and one pink.
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