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  • Yeah, I'm considering upgrading to a wireless Xbox controller so I can play vidjigames on the TV. My roommate and I use long HDMI cables (2x25ft) (with a repeater) to plug our desktops into the TV without having to move the computer every time.
  • How do you clean a cashmere scarf?

    I found one in a parking lot on my way to the bar last night. It's clean and very nice, but I want to wash it before I use it.
  • How do you clean a cashmere scarf?

    I found one in a parking lot on my way to the bar last night. It's clean and very nice, but I want to wash it before I use it.
    Cashmere is dry clean only IIRC.
  • Cashmere is dry clean only IIRC.
  • How do you clean a cashmere scarf?

    I found one in a parking lot on my way to the bar last night. It's clean and very nice, but I want to wash it before I use it.
    Did it have a red dot on it?
  • Did it have a red dot on it?
    I don't quite the relevance of this question, please expand on it.
  • Did it have a red dot on it?
    I don't quite the relevance of this question, please expand on it.
    Go watch Superbad.
  • RymRym
    edited December 2011
    Did it have a red dot on it?
    I don't quite the relevance of this question, please expand on it.
    Go watch Seinfeld.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Of course it's cashmere.
  • Anybody happen to recognize this coin? I found it in my change drawer and I've not no idea where it came from.
  • How is it possible to be both a natural scientist (like a neurologist, physicist or organic chemist) who does research into the natural world, and still be a theist of the "Higher power" sort?

    Is it compartmentalization? You're curious but at the same time enjoy the comfort of religion? Do you simply not think about the illogical parts of religion?
  • Have you been to Japan? Is it some sort of arcade token?
  • Have you been to Japan? Is it some sort of arcade token?
    Not yet, but arcade token is my assumption. I haven't driven any Japanese people around in a long time either.
  • edited December 2011
    How is it possible to be both a natural scientist (like a neurologist, physicist or organic chemist) who does research into the natural world, and still be a theist of the "Higher power" sort?

    Is it compartmentalization? You're curious but at the same time enjoy the comfort of religion? Do you simply not think about the illogical parts of religion?
    I think it's mostly compartmentalization. I remember Scrym doing a podcast a while back on being "spiritual atheists" -- yes, they're atheists, but they also have no problem with having a spiritual side as well (although they prefer a spirituality without any sorts of deities, etc.). In the case of these scientists, I believe they rely on religion to fulfill whatever spiritual need they have. Some justify it by feeling that scientific research is just the manner of determining "God's laws" that He established at the time of creation and otherwise leave God out of their research or whatnot.

    If you ever get the chance to see him speak, I strongly recommend you attend any sort of lecture by Dr. Kenneth Miller of Brown University. He's a biology professor there, a practicing Catholic, and routinely lectures on how Creationism and Intelligent Design are full of crap.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Is there a type of paper or pencil that will help prevent smearing? I've taken to keeping a notebook over the past few months and it's getting really annoying when I close my notebook and come back to it later only to find that the page I just wrote on got all smeared and hard to read. I'm working on staff paper and if I'm notating, using a pen isn't really an option. I would if I could, but I need to be able to erase mistakes cleanly.
  • Does a dog have buddha nature?
  • Sail, there's a spray you can buy that fixes graphite and charcoal once you're done working on arts that would probably work. Don't know if it's the best solution, but it's a solution.
  • edited December 2011
    Haha, I actually briefly entertained that idea. But carrying around workable fixatif with me everywhere would be pretty impractical. And it would also mean I wouldn't be able to erase something I wrote earlier, and would pretty much defeat the purpose of using a pencil.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Oh, I found out the solution is to just write with a wooden pencil instead of a mechanical pencil. Derp. No wonder I didn't start having this problem until now. I didn't even think about the fact that I switched.
  • Does a dog have buddha nature?

  • Does a dog have buddha nature?
    No, it has a dog's nature.
  • How did "batshit" become the canonical crazy?
  • Wiktionary to the rescue:
    resumably from batty (“crazy”), itself from earlier have bats in one's belfry, from tendency of bats to fly around erratically. Possibly influenced by or derived from apeshit, particularly in phrase go apeshit.
    As for apeshit:
    From ape + shit, possibly from the tendency of certain primate species to throw faeces when extremely annoyed.
  • edited December 2011
    Ok, so I bought the new humble bundle and I already have Super Meat Boy. Could I trade the copy I have to someone else, and then redeem the humble bundle version to get it back into my library?

    Err, never mind. Turns out I can't.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • edited December 2011
    I got a Logitech G510 for christmas. When I was looking at it and the G15 a while ago, I found a forum with a bunch of different profiles and applets for it. It wasn't the official logitech forums. The official one was too disorganized and had a single category for everything to do with all of their keyboards. I can't find the one I was looking at before now. Does anyone know a good forum for this kind of thing?

    Edit: It looks like it was, which no longer exists.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited December 2011
    Does a dog have buddha nature?

    What is Buddha?

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • What is Buddha?

  • As good a kōan as any.
  • edited December 2011
    Can somebody tell me what's up with "Tsubasa wo Kudasai"? Has that song now become a standard for school ceremonies in japan or is it just popular enough to show up repeatedly in anime?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • When the hell will Pottermore open for the public? Is anyone here in on the beta?
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