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Random Questions



  • I could go the Spike route and do purple and green.

    I'm getting so many different answers. Such a tough decision.
  • I hear grey is really in right now, oddly enough. That said, I'm in favor of purple or blue.
  • edited January 2012
    I'm looking for a generic "mp3" player that supports formats like .wav and Ogg/FLAC, has a back-lit screen, and won't ever freeze or lag on me. HD size is not much of a concern. Just need something that is reliable and bare-bones to play backing tracks off of, if anyone has any recommendations.

    Oh, and it would help if the software for it supported both Mac and PC.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited January 2012
    Archos players do all that, and they're all drag-n-drop. Their internal memory maxes out at around 8GB, but they take MicroSD, and it doesn't sound like you're too worried about having a hard drive in it or anything.

    Make sure to check the tech specs as all of the players handle FLAC and .wav, but not all of them support Ogg.

    EDIT: My mistake. Not all of the players support FLAC and .wav, but some of their most basic ones do. Hit up their site and browse the tech specs to find the right fit for you.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'll back up the reccomendation on the Archos. Catherine had one, and couldn't say enough positive things about it. Didn't mess with it much myself, but the few times I did, it seemed a pretty solid little beast.
  • Another brand to look at is Sansa. I'm positive they have players which play FLAC and Ogg but am not sure about wav. The clip+ is pretty nice and also quite cheap.
  • I was looking at the Clip+ and, according to their forums and the manual, it does play .wav, it's just not advertised as such.
  • I will add to the Archos recommendations but I will add that there are some models that do not support MicroSD so be careful of which one you pick.
  • I say get a sansa the newest model of the clip has a little color screen instead of the basic blue lcd one, and it still has a MicroSD card slot. Plus they're pretty damn cheap and support all the formats you mentioned.
  • AM I a bad person for laughing as some nazis lifted a wheelchair-bound man off the ground? (watching the Pianist, I stopped as they dropped him off the balcony)
  • edited January 2012
    Opinions on this video? I can't put my finger on it yet, but something about it strikes me as...Off. It's definitely pegging my suspicion meter. Not the events themselves, I mean with the actual video.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm not quite sure what you mean. I can definitely believe the protesters were arrested, if that's what you're talking about.
  • I'm not quite sure what you mean. I can definitely believe the protesters were arrested, if that's what you're talking about.
    No, like I said, the video itself, not the events you see within it.

  • I'm not quite sure what you mean. I can definitely believe the protesters were arrested, if that's what you're talking about.
    No, like I said, the video itself, not the events you see within it.

    Right, but that's what I'm unsure about. What element of the video are you questioning, if not the events portrayed? It certainly appears to be real; I doubt anyone would go through the effort of staging something like this.

  • edited January 2012
    Right, but that's what I'm unsure about. What element of the video are you questioning, if not the events portrayed? It certainly appears to be real; I doubt anyone would go through the effort of staging something like this.
    The multiple cutaways and camera switches, the jumps in timing, the editorializing. I'm not saying it was staged, I think we're just not getting the full story, which is suspicious, because one would think it would be to their advantage to release the full video, uncut.

    We shouldn't and can't simply trust people because they're on the side of the occupy movement. Remember the Collateral murder video? It was much the same - editorializing, jump cuts, etc, etc, all to point to a different conclusion than unaltered reality would suggest.

    On top of that, it provides no evidence for the claims it makes in the title cards - the woman is taken away by the police, sure.

    But for some reason, we jump from one camera showing the officer walking up to her, to suddenly an above view with the crowd in very different positions, and the officer already having grabbed her and two more officers being amongst the crowd, jump cut to her being frogmarched away proclaiming how she's sorry she is and how she offered to talk to them but they pushed her away - despite her shouting "Don't push me, copper, get the fuck off of me then" in the previous cut, though it's hard to hear it over the crowd, it doesn't sound like an offer to talk by my ear - and while she's saying this, she seems to be addressing the camera for at least half of it, rather than the police, whom she's apparently speaking to, and then a jump cut away when the officer starts to say something about how she was trying to evade police arrest. Jump cut away from her departure to another guy yelling, who is then bundled away - which skips from upstairs to downstairs without any way to gauge how much time has passed, or what has happened. During that final shot, right before the final captioning, you can see him struggling against the police, and about three seconds from the end, you can hear the unmistakable sound of a fight starting, but you're not given that portion of the video, instead, you have a text URL, leaving you unable to tell if it's the police striking people, or a protester starting a fight.

    Sure, that's real quick and dirty, but before I make any judgement one way or the other, I want to see the uncut version of that footage, without the title cards, where we can see every event in the video, and without all the random jump cuts and uncertain timing.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited January 2012
    Right, but that's what I'm unsure about. What element of the video are you questioning, if not the events portrayed? It certainly appears to be real; I doubt anyone would go through the effort of staging something like this.
    The multiple cutaways and camera switches, the jumps in timing, the editorializing. I'm not saying it was staged, I think we're just not getting the full story, which is suspicious, because one would think it would be to their advantage to release the full video, uncut.
    Oh yeah, that makes sense. The jump cut to an overhead angle when the police ask her to move prohibits us seeing if she pushed the cop. That said, the second person being arrested doesn't make a lick of sense, and there's not an obscuring cut or shot. He's just talking, then they drag him away.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited January 2012
    Oh yeah, that makes sense. The jump cut to an overhead angle when the police ask her to move prohibits us seeing if she pushed the cop. That said, the second person being arrested doesn't make a lick of sense, and there's not an obscuring cut or shot. He's just talking, then they drag him away.
    That's true, but we don't know the timing of it, other than that it happened at the same event, and propably after the lass was dragged away. We don't know how much later it is, what happened in the intervening time, what happened around it. Also, the single officer that is moving toward him when he starts shouting "I'M GETTING ARRESTED" wouldn't have reached him yet, the person that yanks him away isn't a police officer, but rather, a protester(brown jacket, white scarf or shirtcollar), then we have shakycam for a few seconds, then the next thing we see, the officer is trying to usher him through the crowd, but he's not restrained in any way, there is only one officer, and he's behind him, the protestors runs into or shoves the same cameraperson, shakycam again, then subtle jump-cut to the section where suddenly he's got a crowd of officers on him, and one puts his arm around the protestor's chest and starts bringing him backward, with the officer who was ushering him through the crowd no longer visible.

    One thing that makes me think the latter half is a bit dodgey is where he looks up, sees the camera person, then steps forward and bumps them, and his shoulders looking like he's moving his arms about. That makes me suspicious, simply because if I was being filmed in a crowd, and I wanted to smack an officer, the first thing I'd do would be shove the cameraperson, then drive my elbow into the cop behind me or otherwise strike them - if you're subtle, It looks to everyone else like the cop has suddenly increased force, making them more likely to attack the cop and/or aid my escape. Of course, that's simply being basic level devious, and I can't expect random new york protester to think like I would in that situation.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Where did the PAX 2012 thread go? I can't find it.
  • Forum search is borked. Google ' XXX' to actually find things.
  • Ok, maybe I'm just retarded, but can someone tell me how to select a payment method on Amazon? I'm trying to buy Amazon prime but it won't let me select the right card to purchase from. It's just "Sign up" or "No thanks" and even though it says you can select another payment method, it won't let me or give me any options at all.
  • Pretty sure there are more ways, but in your account, under payment methods, you can be like "Yo use THIS card (by default)"
  • I thought so too, but I couldn't find it for the life of me. I just ended of temporarily deleting the card I didn't want to use, but that's a pretty shitty solution to a simple problem.
  • GRRRRR! Why do people on ETSY not list the length of their scarves? My birthday is coming up and my brothers asked me what I would like. I want to find a Slythern Scarf and hat. But I want a really long scarf. Like 6-7 footer. Would any forumite be willing to make one for me? And a hat? My brothers would be willing to pay handsomely for it. PLEASE let me know!!! My birthday is 2/10. PLEASE HELP A BROTHER OUT!
  • edited January 2012
    There are several listings that show the dimensions of the scarves that fit your needs. For the ones that don't list it, it's not hard to send them a message asking about the dimensions.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Thanks, Ro! :). Its just that I wish they would provide the info without me having to take that extra step. I kinda see it as if I went jean shoping at a store and the jeans did not have any sizes and was only able to look at pictures of the jeans and had to ask someone what size they were. I feel they should just include that info in the item description. Also I do feel that the gift would be have more meaning if I had a fellow member of this forum make them... I know we have several talented members here. Again thankyou1!! :)
  • If I were Rainbow Dash, and you were the clouds, could I do you in ten seconds flat?
  • If I were Rainbow Dash, and you were the clouds, could I do you in ten seconds flat?
    That's a pickup line that either gets you a hot geek girl or arrested for lewd behavior towards a minor.
  • That's not something I would be bragging about to anyone if one is speaking about their stamina when it comes to sexy rumpus.
  • That's not something I would be bragging about to anyone if one is speaking about their stamina when it comes to sexy rumpus.

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