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  • I never heard of that with Catholicism, but it could be some weird Pentecostal or Evangelical teaching. It definitely rings a bell, but I couldn't name the exact teaching.
    It's a reformed or protestant sort of thing, I know that, but I need to know the name. I thought it was a central tenet of Calvinism, but I couldn't find anything relevant on google.
  • Is it part of the doctrine of Predestination; that is, the Calvinist belief that good people are good because they are destined to go to heaven, a decision made before their birth by God?
  • Is it part of the doctrine of Predestination; that is, the Calvinist belief that good people are good because they are destined to go to heaven, a decision made before their birth by God?
    That might be it, plus a healthy dose of narcissism and a pinch of psychopathy. I'll roll with it.

  • Basically, the thought was that if God knows everything, then he knows whether or not any given person will go to heaven. An individual is predestined to heaven or hell. A person's actions will not change where they end up, but if someone does bad, God would have already known they would and decided to send them to hell.

    I think it applies even more broadly to "if God knows what you're going to do, then you can't really choose."
  • Can you breathe through your penis?
  • Can someone recommend a good registrar and host to me? I'm going to fill up my free time by setting up a website.
  • Can someone recommend a good registrar and host to me? I'm going to fill up my free time by setting up a website.
    Best registrar is if you ask me.

    For hosting it depends if you know what you are doing as far as being able to administer a Linux server. If you can, you definitely want "real" hosting like Linode or Amazon web services. If you can't administer a server, you should still avoid the managed hosts like Dreamhost. They suck balls. Instead, you should just get a hosted blog from wordpress or blogger or tumblr or whatever.
  • Why can't the search distance on dating sites use real world mapping data? Yes, long Island is under 75 miles away from me as the crow flies but it's about twice that as the car drives.
  • Submit a feature request to the developers? It would be a lot more complicated than what they have now, though. (They'd need to account for both car and metro distance, would probably have to tie into the google maps api, etc)
  • Can someone recommend a good registrar and host to me? I'm going to fill up my free time by setting up a website.
    I use Hover for my domains because it's dead simple and their customer support is pretty good. I host my sites on an Amazon Web Services EC2 micro Linux instance. If you want to learn, there's no way to have an EC2 instance and not learn at least some Linux administration.
  • I'm looking for a cooking website optimized for mobile viewing (Kindle Fire).
  • If you still need hosting ask Omnutia about his sweet hosting deal.
  • Hover and Gandi are both very good. As for hosting, I can personally recommend Linode (I've never used AWS). If you don't know / don't want to learn Linux sysadmin stuff, Wordpress or Tumblr are the way to go, and you can use your domain with both (I believe).

    As much as I'd really like to roll my own blog on my own server, I use Tumblr (with a custom domain) for my blog. It's just so easy...
  • edited January 2012
    I'm looking for a cooking website optimized for mobile viewing (Kindle Fire).
    Food Sense's website is responsive, and it seems to have a pretty nice mobile / tablet layout.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited January 2012
    I'm looking for a cooking website optimized for mobile viewing (Kindle Fire).
    Food Sense's website is responsive, and it seems to have a pretty nice mobile / tablet layout.
    The hunger... I feel it just by looking at the home page photos...

    Crap. It's an aggregator not a full service website.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Has anyone else lost interest in the ponies?
  • Good. You're one step closer to human.
  • You all suck.
  • You all suck.
  • Eh, it's ok. We're still awesome, Pete.
  • You all suck
  • Eh, it's ok. We're still awesome, Pete.
    Oh, I knew that. I'm just pointing out that they suck, thus widening the gulf of awesome.

  • It's obvious that the magic of friendship has not gotten to their hearts, that is, if they have one. ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
  • Well, kinda no. I've not lost any interest in it, but then again, my level of interest has always sat comfortably around the "Cursory" mark. It's just not my thing, but I appreciate that y'all are or were into it.
  • You all suck.
    I'm not opposed to ponies by any means, but I haven't watched a new episode in weeks and I haven't really missed it.
  • You all suck.
    I'm not opposed to ponies by any means, but I haven't watched a new episode in weeks and I haven't really missed it.
    WTF. The newest episode what about drinking. Your favorite thing Mr. Alcoholic.

  • I'm not opposed to ponies by any means, but I haven't watched a new episode in weeks and I haven't really missed it.
    This. I watched MLP, and enjoyed it, but it doesn't have the staying power that Madouka Magicka or other shows have had.
  • You all suck.
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