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  • edited January 2012
    You all suck.
    Also, I am terrible at exercising. I am still sore from Saturday (mostly my back and legs), should I work out tonight or skip it and do something stretching-related instead?
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • Ok so I just picked up a used ipod touch, but its running the old firmware. I tried checking for updates and itunes said it was the latest, but I know its not because it only said 1.1.5. I've been looking at tutorials on how to do it but none of the files they link to are valid anymore. Often because they were hosted on megaupload. Grr. Anyhoo, does anyone have any suggestions or perhaps just have and ipod touch G1 3.1.3 firmware lying around?
  • Ok so I just picked up a used ipod touch, but its running the old firmware. I tried checking for updates and itunes said it was the latest, but I know its not because it only said 1.1.5. I've been looking at tutorials on how to do it but none of the files they link to are valid anymore. Often because they were hosted on megaupload. Grr. Anyhoo, does anyone have any suggestions or perhaps just have and ipod touch G1 3.1.3 firmware lying around?
    You have to buy it.

  • You all suck.
    I'm not opposed to ponies by any means, but I haven't watched a new episode in weeks and I haven't really missed it.
    WTF. The newest episode what about drinking. Your favorite thing Mr. Alcoholic.

  • I tried buying it and I couldn't find it in the itunes store.
  • edited January 2012
    Ok so I just picked up a used ipod touch, but its running the old firmware. I tried checking for updates and itunes said it was the latest, but I know its not because it only said 1.1.5. I've been looking at tutorials on how to do it but none of the files they link to are valid anymore. Often because they were hosted on megaupload. Grr. Anyhoo, does anyone have any suggestions or perhaps just have and ipod touch G1 3.1.3 firmware lying around?
    Let me google that for you. The felixbruns result thats 1st or 2nd there works fine.

    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I tried buying it and I couldn't find it in the itunes store.
    It should be here.
  • Ok so I just picked up a used ipod touch, but its running the old firmware. I tried checking for updates and itunes said it was the latest, but I know its not because it only said 1.1.5. I've been looking at tutorials on how to do it but none of the files they link to are valid anymore. Often because they were hosted on megaupload. Grr. Anyhoo, does anyone have any suggestions or perhaps just have and ipod touch G1 3.1.3 firmware lying around?
    Let me google that for you. The felixbruns result thats 1st or 2nd there works fine.

    Derp -_- I swear I didn't see that when I was looking for it. Its all updated and whatnot, and I'm jailbreaking as I type.

  • Recently someone I barely know went completely crazy. A few years ago, the same thing happened to my younger brother. I seem to be totally fine, but so did both of them up until they suddenly flipped. The idea that I could just suddenly lose whatever grasp on reality I have is amazingly frightening. I kinda wish there was a test I could take at any given time to verify whether or not I've completely flipped out. Have I gone crazy yet? Have I gone crazy yet? Have I gone crazy yet?

  • Recently someone I barely know went completely crazy. A few years ago, the same thing happened to my younger brother. I seem to be totally fine, but so did both of them up until they suddenly flipped. The idea that I could just suddenly lose whatever grasp on reality I have is amazingly frightening. I kinda wish there was a test I could take at any given time to verify whether or not I've completely flipped out. Have I gone crazy yet? Have I gone crazy yet? Have I gone crazy yet?

    While that seems scary, it also seems kind of awesome. What sort of crazy did they go? Paranoid schizophrenic crazy?
  • While that seems scary, it also seems kind of awesome. What sort of crazy did they go? Paranoid schizophrenic crazy?
  • edited January 2012
    I've come to terms with the fact that my grasp on reality is tenuous at best. I've had major audio and visual hallucinations multiple times without the aid of drugs or sleep deprivation. It's all good.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I've come to terms with the fact that my grasp on reality is tenuous at best. I've had major audio and visual hallucinations multiple times without the aid of drugs or sleep deprivation. It's all good.
    I'm having them right now. From lack of sleep.
  • Recently someone I barely know went completely crazy. A few years ago, the same thing happened to my younger brother. I seem to be totally fine, but so did both of them up until they suddenly flipped. The idea that I could just suddenly lose whatever grasp on reality I have is amazingly frightening. I kinda wish there was a test I could take at any given time to verify whether or not I've completely flipped out. Have I gone crazy yet? Have I gone crazy yet? Have I gone crazy yet?
    Want to find out if you're crazy? Go to a mental institution and do a voluntary stay. You can sign a form to get out at pretty much any time and if you're sane they'll let you go shortly after your 72 hour hold is up.
  • Recently someone I barely know went completely crazy. A few years ago, the same thing happened to my younger brother. I seem to be totally fine, but so did both of them up until they suddenly flipped. The idea that I could just suddenly lose whatever grasp on reality I have is amazingly frightening. I kinda wish there was a test I could take at any given time to verify whether or not I've completely flipped out. Have I gone crazy yet? Have I gone crazy yet? Have I gone crazy yet?
    Want to find out if you're crazy? Go to a mental institution and do a voluntary stay. You can sign a form to get out at pretty much any time and if you're sane they'll let you go shortly after your 72 hour hold is up.
    I want a button.
  • Sorry, sanity isn't that tangible.
  • edited January 2012
    Or you could just go see a shrink. If you ever start feeling crazy, or worry about feeling crazy, they will talk to you and tell you if and what kind of crazy you have.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Knock over a bank or resort to cyber crime?
  • Knock over a bank or resort to cyber crime?
    Cyber Crime? I have just the thing...

  • Does anyone have any idea where I might find old versions of iPhone/iPod touch apps? A Lot of current apps won't run on my gen 1 iPod touch but I know they used to. And I know much of it is just apple trying to phase out old tech.
  • Does anyone have any idea where I might find old versions of iPhone/iPod touch apps? A Lot of current apps won't run on my gen 1 iPod touch but I know they used to. And I know much of it is just apple trying to phase out old tech.
    Cydia and Installous Repositories.
  • I couldn't find the Installous repositiories within Cydia. Am I going to have to download the Installous .deb and ssh it to my ipod, or is there an easier way I've overlooking?
  • You need to get the Installous repository address from the Google and then manually add it to your Cydia repos. Then, download and run Installous to access the shared (and cracked) app DBs.
  • Can I make this torrent go faster?
  • If you get faster internet.
  • That's not how it works. My internet should allow for more than ~1kbps. Especially cause I'm seeing at like 480 on the same torrent.
  • That's not how it works. My internet should allow for more than ~1kbps. Especially cause I'm seeing at like 480 on the same torrent.
    Try limiting your upload.
  • Yeah no.. Speed didn't change before the third peer connected, which is when I started uploading.
  • Ilmarinen, what does your avatar say? I see something forest volcano? I'm new at japanese.
  • Ilmarinen, what does your avatar say? I see something forest volcano? I'm new at japanese.
    Wiki. This is actually the only forum I've ever had an avatar on, I really can't stand them. I don't even know why I used this either, but I was younger and significantly nerdier at the time so I probably got the idea from some anime or another.
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