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Random Questions



  • What did people think of my old avatar of Luigi giving an O-face?
    After reading this all I can imagine is a Nintendo version of Office Space with Mario as Lumbergh, Yoshi as Milton, Ice Climbers as Michael Bolton and Samir, and other characters in fitting roles. My imagination goes crazy sometimes.
  • What did people think of my old avatar of Luigi giving an O-face?
    Somehow I always thought that was you wearing a costume.

    Gonna have to go with Nuri here, kind of thought it was you in costume.
  • No one makes fun of either my username or avatar because they're both AWESOME
  • Naw, that's not me with a fake mustache:
    This is me with a fake mustache.
  • You should make that your new avatar.
  • edited May 2012
    You should make that your new avatar.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • No one makes fun of either my username or avatar because they're both AWESOME
  • I don't mean to zigurat but...
    You should make that your new avatar.
  • Made a new iPhone default ringtone. It may have to do with a saxophone solo and an 80's love song about a pledge of no longer cutting a rug.
  • I don't mean to zigurrat but...
    You should make that your new avatar.
  • So, I'd like to get some of those weighted rollers that you can set a bike on that force you to use all your muscle groups while stationary cycling. I'll be using them both at home (where I have plenty of room) and in my apartment (where I won't), so being able to break them down or otherwise stow them in a compact fashion would be a plus. Can any other cyclists recommend a good set?
  • My boss is a pretty avid cyclist and I've overheard him telling someone specifically not to use those things... but it could have been context specific... he does a lot of racing so his "training" is probably more specialized.
  • edited May 2012
    My boss is a pretty avid cyclist and I've overheard him telling someone specifically not to use those things... but it could have been context specific... he does a lot of racing so his "training" is probably more specialized.
    He might have been talking about Trainers, which wear out your rear tire and keep the bike straight so you don't learn to balance, ride in a straight line, or avoid doing the push-push. Rollers are pretty standard training equipment for anyone who needs to do some serious training indoors; Illinois being what it is for rain and snow, I kind of need a set.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • What did people think of my old avatar of Luigi giving an O-face? It was a relic from an old forum I used to post on. The image was from a clip of Japan's Mario Kart DS commercials, with four different forumites each taking on one of the different racers. I never realized how awkward it looked out of context until right now...

    Face for reference below:
    I had Miku for a while. Your argument is invalid.
  • Anyone played Ora and Labora? Good?
  • edited May 2012
    Can any Latin scholars here translate, "In fire we are tortured, in fire we are forged," into Latin for me, using crucio for torture and conflo for forge? I need it for a project I'm working on.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Can any Latin scholars here translate, "In fire we are tortured, in fire we are forged," into Latin for me, using crucio for torture and conflo for forge? I need it for a project I'm working on.
    Try asking here.
  • Should I buy Artemis while it's on sale for $30. I think I've already gotten one friend interested, but he's also the token flaky friend...

    On a related rant, the game is DRM free, so I could just pirate it, and buy it if I like it... but I still WANT to support the developers because they're doing something cool... but if my motivation is more patronage than purchasing, should I really be quibbling over $10?

    Ugh... yet again, New Media Economics are making my head spin...
  • Can any Latin scholars here translate, "In fire we are tortured, in fire we are forged," into Latin for me, using crucio for torture and conflo for forge? I need it for a project I'm working on.
    This will be significantly more efficient.
  • Automatic translators may be more efficient, but people (even strangers from the internet) do a better job.
  • Also, Greg TvH's link only handles single words for English->Latin.
  • Also, Greg TvH's link only handles single words for English->Latin.
    No, it has two input boxes for each.
    Automatic translators may be more efficient, but people (even strangers from the internet) do a better job.
    It's not an automatic translator. It's a dictionary that recognizes all forms of a word. WuB already has the rest of the passage, he ought to be able to figure out any necessary prepositions from context.
  • Declining and conjugating in Latin can be tricky business, as I'm pretty sure you know.
  • I never studied Latin. That's why I asked for someone to translate that shit for me.
  • There's a lot more to effective translation than just looking up words. Capturing the full sense of a passage is much more nuanced.
  • Sorry, misread your request. I thought you wanted Latin to English. I am pretty great at fucking up. Here:

    Inferne cruciar, inferne conflar

    Or if you want to be more fanciful:

    Inferne cruciar, conflar
  • Anybody here know much about compound bows? I picked up an older Darton wooden compound bow at goodwill for $20 today, and my dad got all pissy but I thought it was a good deal. Anyone know if this was a good deal and/or how much it might be worth? I'm not having good luck finding this model online.
  • edited May 2012
    Anybody here know much about compound bows? I picked up an older Darton wooden compound bow at goodwill for $20 today, and my dad got all pissy but I thought it was a good deal. Anyone know if this was a good deal and/or how much it might be worth? I'm not having good luck finding this model online.
    I know some, Darton does make quality bows but I cannot tell you about the shape of the one you have is in unless I saw it.

    What model is the bow? I can see if it has any issues specific to the model maybe.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Its the Darton Compound Huntsman. It seems to be in pretty good condition.
  • Wow, I am going to have to ask a friend about that one as I have to be wrong for it to look like it is in that good of shape at the age I am thinking. If I am correct that is around 35 years old though, and they were not that bad then. They are a bit faster than some modern compound bows.
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