One thing I really like about this game is the way that my excavation evolves. I started out with a plan for my mine, but as I run into pockets of resources, I build my mine around that. It's pretty neat. Also, I like breaking into undiscovered caverns. That's super neat.
One thing I really like about this game is the way that my excavation evolves. I started out with a plan for my mine, but as I run into pockets of resources, I build my mine around that. It's pretty neat. Also, I like breaking into undiscovered caverns. That's super neat.
Yea I don't like the "Yay I explored the new area now I'll find my way back and build awesome things.. Wait what's that *get stabbed*" Where the hell was I? Until that game gets some mini map I'm not a fan.
Yea I don't like the "Yay I explored the new area now I'll find my way back and build awesome things.. Wait what's that *get stabbed*" Where the hell was I? Until that game gets some mini map I'm not a fan.
This isn't so bad now that you can set your own spawn point.
Don't force me to use the nuclear option and blot the sun with a dark rain of TNT.
Challenge accepted.
EDIT: Actually, I sort of want to sculpt a giant nightmare out of some suitably dark block, then use that ever-burning block from the Netherworld to make its mane and tail. I think that'd look fucking awesome.
When you forge iron, it is magically turned into Convenientium.
Ah, only one problem - After a brief test to confirm my suspicions, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work for mining obsidian. It'll tear through anything else like butter, but it won't produce anything from blocks that iron normally won't mine. I say pretty sure, because it might be a problem on my end, but I tested it in various locations, none of them worked, even when I specifically created an obsidian block outside to do so.
All I have so say is that this game prevent George from watching the latest episode of Castle last night. BLASPHEMY!
It was really work and dinner that stopped that. I didn't get home until 6:45 and I had to cook the pork tenderloin I bought or it was gonna go bad. I wasn't even mining until after 8 and then 2 hours tops.
Whoever put the forest next to my swamp may regret doing so; I've already burned down the bath house once (Gotta watch out for those little fireballs.).
Whoever put the forest next to my swamp may regret doing so; I've already burned down the bath house once (Gotta watch out for those little fireballs.).
I've started building a floaty island type castle around the -540's, 65's since I couldn't find where Pete started to build. Also, it was fun Skypecrafting last night with you guys. I suggest everyone use skype while on the server.
This game is going to eat me alive.
HINT: Your answer had better be Minecraft.
EDIT: Actually, I sort of want to sculpt a giant nightmare out of some suitably dark block, then use that ever-burning block from the Netherworld to make its mane and tail. I think that'd look fucking awesome.
It's cool.
All I have so say is that this game prevent George from watching the latest episode of Castle last night. BLASPHEMY!
Also, it was fun Skypecrafting last night with you guys. I suggest everyone use skype while on the server.