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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim



  • edited November 2011
    Just got the game. Frozen on the character creation screen, since I can't decide whether I should be a Spellsword or a Battlemage. Which one is a bit easier to manage and more flexible?

    Decide for me, forumites!
    Well, of those two, I'd personally go with Spellsword - better to have some protection, and be able to crack some heads as well as casting, rather than just focusing on casting with less on the swords. But that's the thing - both are close enough that you can try one or the other out, and figure out which better suits you, and play towards that - My natural playstyle lead me into being a super-stealthy assassin type, but as well as being sneaky and good with a bow, short sword or dagger, I'm also pretty decent with spells and the like - because sometimes, it's you want to be able to become invisible at will, or just start throwing some fireballs at a motherfucker, because some enemies will have an elemental weakness, and especially starting out as a stealthy assassin type, mages will fuck your shit up if they spot you.

    Side observation - a huge amount of people in that game pronouce the word Sword as "Ss-wor-d" rather than "ss-ord"

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2011

    Couple of impressive trick shots.
    Post edited by Alan on
  • Just got the game. Frozen on the character creation screen, since I can't decide whether I should be a Spellsword or a Battlemage. Which one is a bit easier to manage and more flexible?

    Decide for me, forumites!
    Any decisions you make at character creation will pretty much be moot when you start playing, since your character levels up its skills based on how much you use them in-game, rather than an arbitrary decision you make upon creating your character. Just pick whichever character sounds most appealing to you now, your natural playstyle will shape them more than anything else.

  • Well, Razael the lizardman has found Whitecastle or something, but no hamburgers there :(
  • Roommate has Skyrim. Temptation increasing. FML.
  • I'm confused the most by that last trick-shot. I guess I couldn't tell what direction he fired them in.
  • I read something interesting about the 360 version. The save file is compatable with the PC version.

    You can play it on 360 and when you get a good PC move the save file over!
  • I read something interesting about the 360 version. If you install it on your 360, it'll only use the lowest quality textures. If anyone here plays it on 360, don't install it (yet).

    On a related note, the moving over of save-files goes 2 ways.
  • I read something interesting about the 360 version. The save file is compatable with the PC version.

    You can play it on 360 and when you get a good PC move the save file over!
    Interesting...And considering on the 360, you can now save games or move saves and such around with a USB drive, that'd be trivial to do.

  • Interesting...And considering on the 360, you can now save games or move saves and such around with a USB drive, that'd be trivial to do.
    There's a piece of software that reads the image on a formatted or partially formatted USB stick. Simply copy/paste it.
  • I finally got the time to put in one long playsession on Sunday and got to level 11. Totally amazing I know. My roommate was entranced and wound up watching like 6 out of the 8 hours I was playing. The whole day was basically doing a bunch of the mage guild quests before I pick up trying to finish off the tasks the Graybeards gave me. Almost half of that time was doing Mzult or whatever it's called. Seriously, fuck Chauruses (Chaurii?). Either they're cake or my health magically disappears. Definitely experienced a big ramping of difficulty with that dungeon, need to use buffs, toss down a fire rune and pull out an Atronach to have good success in addition to opening with a sneak archery attack and closing with 2x firebolts.

    I'm putting most of my perks into destruction, conjuration, and archery, wondering whether anyone is finding one of the other magic schools particularly useful.
  • Illusion is the business. Well, maybe not illusion as a whole, but muffle and invisible. I've gotten it to 100 just casting those two spells and they make sneaky-stabby much easier.
  • I really want to run a Burning Scrolls BW game with my friends...
  • Can we also talk about the amazing soundtrack in the game? Jeremy Soule has really out done himself and I'll definitely be picking up soundtrack when it's available.

    My favorite exploration theme

  • edited November 2011
    So, I've been playing strictly magic since I got Skyrim. I decided to roll an Orc and try out Two-handed fighting. I have Volendrung and full Orcish Armor. At level 11. :O So much rape.

    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • How has that thing not torn your shoulders right out of their sockets yet?
  • You know you've been playing too much Skyrim when you see a butterfly in real life and your first instinct is to sprint towards it and snatch it out of the air.
    There's probably a whole blog post in that theme somewhere. I've been playing so much that real life conversations are starting to have a dialog tree feel to them.

    Also, I'm playing so much that I can see where by the end of my life, gaming simulations will probably get to the point where I really no longer care about real life. But then I think maybe that has already happened. But then that would mean that I'm in a game and playing a game while inside a game.

    Yo Dawg, we heard you liked computer games so...

  • How has that thing not torn your shoulders right out of their sockets yet?
    The game has dragons that spew magical fire and ice by talking, people shooting fire and lightning from their hands, and the fact that crouching can make you practically invisible, and you're noticing that the weight of a weapon is unrealistic?
  • Broke down and bought it...
  • Broke down and bought it...
    One of us, one of us
  • Come Saturday, and my life shall be over...
  • I can't think of any reason to wear light armor, or robes for that matter. I can just enchant heavy armor to basically do the same thing and even if it's slightly worse, the increased defense makes up for it. I have like 700 defense, things that almost kill me in robes can't even scratch me in my armor. Is there anything I am not seeing here?
  • oh yeah....

    Dragon Plate armor FTW
  • How has that thing not torn your shoulders right out of their sockets yet?
    The game has dragons that spew magical fire and ice by talking, people shooting fire and lightning from their hands, and the fact that crouching can make you practically invisible, and you're noticing that the weight of a weapon is unrealistic?
    Some things I can suspend disbelief about churba, others I cannot.
  • How has that thing not torn your shoulders right out of their sockets yet?
    The game has dragons that spew magical fire and ice by talking, people shooting fire and lightning from their hands, and the fact that crouching can make you practically invisible, and you're noticing that the weight of a weapon is unrealistic?
    Some things I can suspend disbelief about churba, others I cannot.
    ad hoc ergo propter hoc: "We should suspend disbelief on somethings, therefore we should suspend disbelief on all things". Did I dooooo it right gaiz?
  • Yea, in Oblivion my fighter/mage wore heavy armor the whole time, for some reason in skyrim I decided my fighter/mage would use light armor.
  • Yea, in Oblivion my fighter/mage wore heavy armor the whole time, for some reason in skyrim I decided my fighter/mage would use light armor.
    But heavy armor takes up all the space I need for the plates I keep stealing by accident
  • edited November 2011
    How has that thing not torn your shoulders right out of their sockets yet?
    The game has dragons that spew magical fire and ice by talking, people shooting fire and lightning from their hands, and the fact that crouching can make you practically invisible, and you're noticing that the weight of a weapon is unrealistic?
    Some things I can suspend disbelief about churba, others I cannot.
    Well, in that case, it's magically light. Problem solved.

    Ooooor IIRC, the game only lists the weight as something like 16-20something pounds, and as an untrained, non-magical, not-fictional person, I can swing a 16 pound non-magical hammer around without a huge amount of difficulty, let alone with any worry of injury - that aside, while it'd be slow to swing and take a fair bit of effort, even a 30 pound hammer isn't going to pull your arms out of your sockets - so your objection is entirely baseless. I mean, you could hold onto an overhead bar with your feet off the floor, without your arms tearing out of their sockets, and an average adult male weighs more than a hammer.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I did some poking around. Light armor perks give you no encumbrance earlier and faster stam regen. You also move faster and don't take penalties for stealth. Heavy armor just protects you more and you don't get the 0 encumbrance perk until 90 skill level. if your goal is to loot everything from every dungeon you will probably want to go light armor, or punch a wolf and then let it beat on you until you get heavy armor to 90
  • I'm going to do both, eventually. I have sneak and Smithing to 100. The armor skills are coming next, methinks.
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