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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim



  • I don't really mind the game breaking thing. Because I have had 12 hour sessions with this game, I get so tired that a wolf pack can still kill me. When I'm tired, I can't execute magic and weapons fast enough. If I can tank out and take punishment while I get my act together, it will probably be better. If not, there's always the giants and mammoths.
  • edited November 2011
    And Churba, how many houses do you have?
    Currently three, but I think I'm one quest away from having another one for sale(which I can afford pretty easy), unless you count the Arch-mage's quarters and my Companion's guild quarters, in which case it'd be five.

    I am the 1% of Tamriel.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2011
    I stumbled on a house in the middle of nowhere and the owner kind of had an accident. Can I squat in it and keep stuff there or will random people start to wander into it now that the owner is dead?

    also Im level 20 and I don't even know what the main quest line is, I wandered off on a misc quest landed in winter run working for the companions and now I'm leveling bandit camps.
    Post edited by highdefinition on
  • I stumbled on a house in the middle of nowhere and the owner kind of had an accident. Can I squat in it and keep stuff there or will random people start to wander into it now that the owner is dead?
    Yes, but there is a chance your stuff will vanish from any containers there.

  • is that a random event or is it the result of something in the world? because right now I have about 900lbs of stuff in an end table in jorrvasker
  • Just the game cleaning up after itself.
  • edited November 2011
    is that a random event or is it the result of something in the world? because right now I have about 900lbs of stuff in an end table in jorrvasker
    There are different chances for it - if you're part of the companions guild, stuff in Jorrvasker is safe. If you're part of the mages college, stuff in your chests - your student room or the arch-mage's quarters - is safe. Anything in your houses is safe. I don't know about other people's houses, though they seem to be safe if the people who lived there are dead. Chests out in the wild, it seems random, but it's also a fairly regular occurrence. Leaving stuff in chests of a bandit or forsworn camp, if it gets re-populated, then your stuff will almost certainly be gone.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • 80 hours & level 25. I've never really gone for resistance buffs in RPGs. They matter in Skyrim. Daedra's kicking your butt? Load up on resist fire buffs and they are kittens. Also, when you practice Thanor genocide, they send hit squads after you.
  • The kid that hires a hitman (me) to savage his sadistic orphanage head-mistriss? What a champ!
  • Yeah, some of the Riften plot lines are pure Grand Theft Auto.
  • edited November 2011
    Thanks for the hint on sword and board. I think my problem was actually that I wasn't taking the mechanics of shield placement literally enough. Probably a byproduct of playing too much World of Warcraft back in the day. I got reasonably effective with a few more hours of practice, don't think I want to take it all the way through, however.

    Kept rerolling and finally found a build I can tell I'll want to play dozens of hours of, archery/stealth/light armor with conjuration for dragons, bosses, and other situations where I can't drop everyone from range. Don't know why I didn't try stealth before since I did Fallout 3 many years ago as stealth/small arms with explosives.

    Not really sure what else to add to the build, though. I'm not big into pickpocketing. It doesn't seem like I need 1h since through early dungeons this build doesn't even get scratched as long as I'm willing to run backwards to get a summon in, and I see no point going past 3x bow in sneak. Illusion, enchantment, smithing? Is this hybrid somehow going to break later? Hmm.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • edited November 2011
    The dragons are stupid easy once you get the hang of them. Once they land just smack them with a shield in the face every 2 hits or so. They get all confused and can't do anything but eventually try and fly away (plot shout takes away that option though).

    You'll want to level alchemy, enchanting, and smithing if you want to really break the game.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • It doesn't seem like I need 1h since through early dungeons this build doesn't even get scratched as long as I'm willing to run backwards to get a summon in, and I see no point going past 3x bow in sneak.
    There is one more that's worth it - the 15X damage with a dagger for a sneak attack, it's pretty wicked, especially when you get some of the better daggers and better crafting skills.

  • There is one more that's worth it - the 15X damage with a dagger for a sneak attack, it's pretty wicked, especially when you get some of the better daggers and better crafting skills.

    I made another new character because my Two-Handed guy was one-shotting everything. I got this character up to 70 smithing and went for glass daggers (Daggers only). With perks and the Shoruded Gloves, I do 30x on backstab and can basically run up to their backs in broad daylight.
  • edited November 2011
    I ran into a giant.


    I'm going to avoid that elephant graveyard / hotsprings area in Eastmarch and NEVER GO BACK.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
    I was about to lament the amount of signatures it had gotten, until I saw exactly who signed it.
    I was about to lament the amount of signatures it had gotten, until I saw exactly who signed it.
    I count at least 2 Batman.

  • edited November 2011
    It got put in by, which has a couple of mildly amusing Skyrim reviews as well.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • edited November 2011
    The graphics of this game are way too realistic for the type of blood shed they ejaculate all over the player’s CPU monitor… is a pretty funny parody site.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • One does not simply walk into Skyrim.
  • edited November 2011
    "Wabbajac K

    November 28, 2011
    Signature # 369"

    "Jzarg o
    Mages College, Winterfell
    November 27, 2011
    Signature # 351"

    "John Freeman w
    Gordon Freeman's Brother, NJ
    November 26, 2011
    Signature # 289"

    Even with these references of choice, I see too little DudeBro in that petition.
    Post edited by Casa Vino on

  • So we were just sitting there, Flame dude catching up on his book club duties, when...

    No, seriously dude, behind you...

    Then I was eated.
  • Which city is the all-round best one in your opinion? I'm close to the 100 hour mark. I've finished the mage quest and I still end up in Whiterun a lot.
  • I've rerolled as a two-handed melee only Orc. The game is much more interesting now, although we'll see what happens when I max alchemy, smithing, and enchanting.
  • Which city is the all-round best one in your opinion? I'm close to the 100 hour mark. I've finished the mage quest and I still end up in Whiterun a lot.
    Whiterun's fun, Riften is way to skeezy for me. Windhelm is way too racist and dingy. I'm looking forward to visiting Solitude and Markath, though.
  • Whiterun all the way. I haven't done much in Markarth or Solitude besides murder, though I've been to them multiple times.
  • Other than Whiterun, Solitude is where I've spent most of my time and have a house, and I think I like it the best. I like the yarl, the firebeard guy, the "I'm a weapon in human form" guy, and the people in general (except those clothing store bitches who are always mean and sent the guards after me for no reason for entering their store one day.) I've only been to those and Riften though, and a little bit of Markarth and WIndhelm (trying to stay away from those misc quests!) I think there are still 2 or 3 cities I've never even been near yet.
  • edited November 2011
    Got the sneaky bow conjuration build to the late teens. I'm finding dragon killing pretty straightforward with horse+companion+atronach to draw fire, and the last several dungeons up to the boss have been basically a string of one-shots... and thief/mage bosses don't fare much better. Have run into a couple tough melee bosses on the barrow missions, and either it's 15 minutes of careful plinking and running away, or a really messy fight blowing potions and sprinting around the dungeon because these guys will 3-shot an atronach and 4-5 shot Lydia. Stagger can't get here fast enough. I can see why ranged people go looking for a better tank companion around this point, because Lydia's got up to date armor but she's no longer performing very well at the one thing I still actually use her for.
    Post edited by Nissl on
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