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Be Angry and Complain and Stuff!



  • "So that's how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."
    As it turns out, something good did come from the prequel trilogy.
  • More and more I realize that the brains in the US are mostly in the northeast. Every time I deal with a workgroup in another state I end up dealing with idiots.

    Last night I called a support center to work a trouble on a 56K circuit. The guy who answered claimed to be untrained on this type of circuit and then forwarded my call to an automated customer facing trouble ticket status number!

    I work an out of hours shift. No one should be untrained when I call a support line during my work hours.
  • The TSA still exists
  • Watching the SOPA hearings reminds me why I never got into politics.
  • Watching the SOPA hearings reminds me why I never got into politics.
    On Facebook, some friends and I were talking about SOPA, and I declared, "If SOPA passes, I will download a car and drive it into the Grand Canyon."
  • Watching the SOPA hearings reminds me why I never got into politics.
    On Facebook, some friends and I were talking about SOPA, and I declared, "If SOPA passes, I will download a car and drive it into the Grand Canyon."
    I might move to another country, for serious.

  • edited December 2011
    I was thinking more along the lines of burning government buildings. Depending on how it all pans out, this could be grounds for revolutionary-level shit.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Watching the SOPA hearings reminds me why I never got into politics.
    On Facebook, some friends and I were talking about SOPA, and I declared, "If SOPA passes, I will download a car and drive it into the Grand Canyon."
    I might move to another country, for serious.

    I'm highly considering it. What's the point of staying in the US if some group of douchebags with a billion dollars can buy my rights and use them to wipe their collective asses?
  • I'm also considering it, but AFTER I graduate college. After all, If I'm moving to another country, might as well default on those college loans.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm also considering it, but AFTER I graduate college. After all, If I'm moving to another country, might as well default on those college loans.
    Fuck that, dude, I'm going balls-out. Might as well swindle some horribly corrupt Wall Street bank out of a quarter million worth of med school loans and then book it to Queensland or Madrid.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2011
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • I really need to get to buying a passport.

    Old people are fucking stupid.
  • Come to Canada. It's like the US, but better.
  • Come to Canada. It's like the US, but better.
    Your Internet is slow as balls.
  • Come to Canada. It's like the US, but better.
    Your Internet is slow as balls.
    Also, Stephen Harper.
  • edited December 2011
    Harper is bad, but he's not American politician bad. Our internet isn't THAT slow. We're less censorship-y than Australia and less surveillance-y than Britain, and if you want something from the US it's right over the border. What more could you want?
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • We're less censorship-y than Australia
    LOL wut. You've got stricter broadcast rules than we do, and the only remaining difference - that you have 18+ video games - is a very rapidly dwindling difference, since our R18+ rating is only days away, as they wanted to implement it by the end of 2011. At most, it's a month or two out.

    Internet Censorship is pretty much defeated - there is no new legislation regarding it drafted, and it would be impossible to get it through until at least post-election 2013, and even then it's looking incredibly doubtful, since two of the three major parties are against it, along with the majority of independents. I would hardly be surprised if a few Labor politicians crossed the floor to oppose it, too.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm trying to marathon the SOPA hearings tonight. I'm only 30 min in and I already want to cry.

    I think Pfizer's slip-up was pretty good "Stop Online Priva- Piracy Act"
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • I really need to get to buying a passport.

    Old people are fucking stupid.
  • edited December 2011
    We're less censorship-y than Australia
    LOL wut. You've got stricter broadcast rules than we do, and the only remaining difference - that you have 18+ video games - is a very rapidly dwindling difference, since our R18+ rating is only days away, as they wanted to implement it by the end of 2011. At most, it's a month or two out.

    Internet Censorship is pretty much defeated - there is no new legislation regarding it drafted, and it would be impossible to get it through until at least post-election 2013, and even then it's looking incredibly doubtful, since two of the three major parties are against it, along with the majority of independents. I would hardly be surprised if a few Labor politicians crossed the floor to oppose it, too.
    Also, fucking Great Barrier Reef. Australian outback rallying. Surfing. Slap on the wrist pot laws in the Northern and Western Territories, and only for more than 30g or two plants. Proximity to Asia, Indochina, and all sorts of awesome island nations.

    Fuck yes, Australia.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on

  • Fuck yes, Australia.
    Translated to English to Harden the Fuck up.

  • edited December 2011
    We're less censorship-y than Australia
    LOL wut. You've got stricter broadcast rules than we do, and the only remaining difference - that you have 18+ video games - is a very rapidly dwindling difference, since our R18+ rating is only days away, as they wanted to implement it by the end of 2011. At most, it's a month or two out.

    Internet Censorship is pretty much defeated - there is no new legislation regarding it drafted, and it would be impossible to get it through until at least post-election 2013, and even then it's looking incredibly doubtful, since two of the three major parties are against it, along with the majority of independents. I would hardly be surprised if a few Labor politicians crossed the floor to oppose it, too.
    Also, fucking Great Barrier Reef. Australian outback rallying. Surfing. Slap on the wrist pot laws in the Northern and Western Territories, and only for more than 30g or two plants. Proximity to Asia, Indochina, and all sorts of awesome island nations.

    Fuck yes, Australia.
    And don't forget the NBN coming soon, which should put us right up there with the states in terms of internet connectivity, with it's aim being nationwide Fiber-to-the-premises becoming standard. And don't forget the great driving roads, incredible scenery, fantastic education system, excellent pay rates, no tipping culture, super-laid back people, fantastic parties, fantastic food and drink, and all sorts of booming industries.

    Also, fuck yeah Ronnie Johns.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • And don't forget the NBN coming soon, which should put us right up there with the states in terms of internet connectivity, with it's aim being nationwide Fiber-to-the-premises becoming standard. And don't forget the great driving roads, incredible scenery, fantastic education system, excellent pay rates, no tipping culture, super-laid back people, fantastic parties, fantastic food and drink, and all sorts of booming industries.
    Also, your sexy ladies with their sexy accents.

    Anyway, I've discussed this with Churba before, but my personal strategy is just to divide time between Australia (gotta get citizenship) and Europe (already have dat citizenship) for the rest of my life if the US goes to complete shit in the next five years. And it very well might!

  • Flight of the Conchords is the best documentary.
  • First thing, I need to hurry up on getting a degree.

    Second, how dangerous is Australia really? I mean I know how dangerous the animals are, we have dangerous animals here too, but as long as you pay attention, and do not do stupid, you are usually safe. Trying to decide where to move when US goes to shit but I am not sure I trust somewhere with an egg laying mammal that happens to be venomous.
  • First thing, I need to hurry up on getting a degree.

    Second, how dangerous is Australia really? I mean I know how dangerous the animals are, we have dangerous animals here too, but as long as you pay attention, and do not do stupid, you are usually safe. Trying to decide where to move when US goes to shit but I am not sure I trust somewhere with an egg laying mammal that happens to be venomous.
    Scientists have discovered a link between mildly higher cancer rates in some parts of Australia and the fact that there is more uranium in the ground there than anywhere else on Earth.

    The very ground itself will see you dead.
  • edited December 2011
    In all seriousness, I answered this kinda on an episode of FNPL, and the answer is "It depends."

    Basically, if you're stupid and don't listen to what you're told, it can be incredibly dangerous - For example, if your car breaks down, you stop, you wait, you stay with the car. Check under the rims of things that have been outdoors for a bit before you pick them up. Don't fuck with anything that's ambulatory, it's quite possible it will fuck with you right back. Wear sunscreen, don't try imitating the accent, and don't try to keep up with the drinking until you're used to it.

    But, if you listen and use a bit of common sense, it's no worries, right as rain, no problem at all. Just be smart, and listen to what you're told. If someone says "Don't touch that" you don't fuckin' touch it. If you're at the beach and someone says out of the water, or don't swim there, then do what they say. It all works out in the end.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited December 2011
    You both have made a pretty strong case for staying the hell out of Australia. I did not even know stinging trees existed. I have something new to fear now, thanks for that.

    But, if you listen and use a bit of common sense, it's no worries, right as rain, no problem at all. Just be smart, and listen to what you're told.
    Wow, you are quicker than me. I figured that was a big part of it. A big part of the decision my wife and I have to make is where is best for our kids too, safety and education.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • You both have made a pretty strong case for staying the hell out of Australia. I did not even know stinging trees existed. I have something new to fear now, thanks for that.
    Dude, fuck that. I want to go to Australia because of those things.

    "What's that Alaska? Bears and the cold? Oh, I'm sorry. I live in a place where groundwater can give you thyroid cancer, a single glass hair from a tree can sting you for a decade, and there are jellies smaller than my thumb that are both invisible and lethal. But you're right. Bears and snow are scary."
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