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Be Angry and Complain and Stuff!



  • edited December 2011
    You both have made a pretty strong case for staying the hell out of Australia. I did not even know stinging trees existed. I have something new to fear now, thanks for that.
    Hey, if I can survive it, you can too.
    "What's that Alaska? Bears and the cold? Oh, I'm sorry. I live in a place where groundwater can give you thyroid cancer, a single glass hair from a tree can sting you for a decade, and there are jellies smaller than my thumb that are both invisible and lethal. But you're right. Bears and snow are scary."
    Hey, snow can be scary. Nearly broke my leg a half dozen times trying to walk on the stuff. Never seen a bear, though, except on TV, or the Polar bears at the zoo.

    Post edited by Churba on

  • Hey, if I can survive it, you can too.
    I actually responded to you in my post above too, you were a bit quicker to answer so I justed added it as an edit but I will put it here too.

    But, if you listen and use a bit of common sense, it's no worries, right as rain, no problem at all. Just be smart, and listen to what you're told.
    I figured that was a big part of it. A big part of the decision my wife and I have to make is where is best for our kids too, safety and education.
  • Well, if you're looking that way, we've a pretty damned good education system. Excellent schools top universities and trade schools, and your university education, you pay for it afterwards in tiny increments, comes out of your pay in exactly the same way taxes do. Healthcare is also excellent, universal, and paid for by a small levy that comes along with your taxes - it's only about 1.4 percent or so.

    Don't worry, really, cities and suburban areas, more people are killed by swimming pools than the wildlife, you really don't need to worry about it that much - and your kids will pick up the tricks real fast, because it's pretty much built into the school system, the culture, and all that.

  • Don't worry, really, cities and suburban areas, more people are killed by swimming pools than the wildlife, you really don't need to worry about it that much - and your kids will pick up the tricks real fast, because it's pretty much built into the school system, the culture, and all that.
    Okay, that sounds a lot more appetizing than I was expecting. I think Australia just bumped another location off of my list of possible places to go.
  • Okay, that sounds a lot more appetizing than I was expecting. I think Australia just bumped another location off of my list of possible places to go.
    As long as they know how to swim. Just so they don't become prey to a vicious, bloodthirsty swimming pool.

  • Okay, that sounds a lot more appetizing than I was expecting. I think Australia just bumped another location off of my list of possible places to go.
    As long as they know how to swim. Just so they don't become prey to a vicious, bloodthirsty swimming pool.

    Or the Funnelwebs that chill out in them.

  • edited December 2011
    Or the Funnelwebs that chill out in them.
    Not in Queensland too often, they prefer the southern states. The one I torched a few months back was the first one I'd seen in ages.

    Blue-tongue lizards are funny-looking, but harmless, well, other than that you might get an infection in they bite you, but you can get an infection from a human bite.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Or the Funnelwebs that chill out in them.
    Not in Queensland too often, they prefer the southern states.
    And we all know about the southern states.

  • And of course back to scaring me with the Australian funnel-web spider. Also, we have a ton of fatalities in the US due to pools too. People need to block off their pools better from kids everywhere it seems.
  • And of course back to scaring me with the Australian funnel-web spider. Also, we have a ton of fatalities in the US due to pools too. People need to block off their pools better from kids everywhere it seems.
    Eh, it's not so bad - there is a legal requirement to fence off pools to a certain standard down here, but you can't fix everything - after all, kids still find a way around, or a parent isn't paying attention at just the wrong moment.

  • Here in Berlin, 16 of our politicians are from the Pirate Party, as it got just under 10% of the vote. Due to not have a fucked up electoral system, we can actually vote on specific issues like Internet policy.
  • Australia Post, you have lost my package twice in a row. Don't make it 3/3.
  • I'm finished with tolerating people I don't want to be around. Fuck these redneck parties, fuck everyone who judges what they don't understand, and fuck everyone who tries to talk to me at the coffee shop when I've got my nose in a book. I'm not hiding, god damn it; I've got nothing to prove to these assholes.
  • edited December 2011
    fuck everyone who judges what they don't understand
    You seem to be awfully hypocritical Guenter...

    @Australia v. Canada, Canada's 6 places higher in global broadband access, and is thousands of miles closer to me. Until my German is good enough for me to move to Munich, I'll keep my sights on there.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • edited December 2011
    fuck everyone who judges what they don't understand
    You seem to be awfully hypocritical Guenter...
    I have a complete view of their incomplete view, Shadoweorc.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • A) I doubt that. You watch from afar and make up reasons that make sense to you, just like everyone else.
    B) Are you mocking me for writing your name "Guenter?" I was just trying to represent the umlaut on my American keyboard.
  • edited December 2011
    A) Get the fuck out, man. If you must know, I'm referring to somebody who straight-up called me a manipulative liar who was only out to get into my ex girlfriend's pants. There's not a fucktonne of ambiguity there, and having been very closely involved in said relationship, I can safely say that it isn't true.

    B) Yes.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • A) Sorry about that. Seemed more like "intolerance of intolerance" than "intolerance of something."
    B) So how do I write it?
    C) Should we drop the letters?
  • C)Fuck no.
    B)However the fuck you like, I just might mock you for it.
    H)This is the angry thread, we need more ANGER.
  • I know a few swedes who say that Sweden is accepting of foreigners and that pretty much everyone speaks english. Sweden looks pretty good.
  • edited December 2011
  • James and I found an adorable dog outside our house this morning. She was obviously someone's pet at some point since she didn't run away and got all excited to see us. We tried to keep her in the backyard but, she dug her way out and began to excitably follow all the other neighbors in the area. Animal control is closed on the weekend by us so we decided to take her to a no kill shelter, this was after a cop suggested to us that we just release her (and let her get hit by a car?). We got back from the shelter to find ANOTHER stray dog on our property, again with no collar or tags. He ran off before we could try and find his owner.

    My god people is it that difficult to keep your pets inside, have a collar, and proper ID? In a given month we see anywhere from 1-5 stray dogs in our area at least 2-3 feral cats (sometimes with kittens) and I'm just so sick of people. If you can't handle an animal then surrender it or don't get it in the first place.
  • edited December 2011
    @Australia v. Canada, Canada's 6 places higher in global broadband access, and is thousands of miles closer to me. Until my German is good enough for me to move to Munich, I'll keep my sights on there.
    For now, that's true OVERALL, but we're currently - as I said - Upgrading our national infrastructure so that Fiber-to-the-premises is the standard, which should nudge us up the rankings a tad. Patience, my friend, patience.
    Cool hotlinking, bro.
    With less hotlinking -

    Angry Marines, A chapter made as only 4chan Can.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I know a few swedes who say that Sweden is accepting of foreigners and that pretty much everyone speaks english. Sweden looks pretty good.
    It ranks high on my list of places to go. Granted, from what I am told, they are more accepting if you are white and have a college degree, but their xenophobia is at a fairly typical level for the area.
    Cool hotlinking, bro.
    Let us count the number of fucks given.


    OK, done. How many did you come up with?

  • edited December 2011
    So my E-Mail address is archaic. I've had it since I was 8, and the name shows that. Because drama and anxiety, I decided to change it. Harder to do than you would think. So I say goodbye to my 666 unread e-mails and create the new account. I link it to my old account and start setting up all the non-e-mail stuff (y'know, Calendar, Reader, all that other good Googley stuff -- that sounded really dirty). I go to set up G+, and it says that it's not available to me because I'm not old enough. What the hell!? I didn't change my age between accounts! Why are they now telling me I can't use it if I did? GAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
    Post edited by Greg on
  • I've had it with people trying to convert me. No, I'm not going to change my views. No, I've already given what you preach a chance. And NO, I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE YOUR CRAP AS IT COMES. I have my principles, beliefs and tastes, and I'm not going to to change them for ANYONE who doesn't respect me.

    As if fanatical evangelist Christians and overzealous Jehovah's Witnesses weren't bad enough.
  • edited December 2011
    As if fanatical evangelist Christians and overzealous Jehovah's Witnesses weren't bad enough.
    How bad are overzealous Jehovah's Witnesses in other parts of the US than the south? I have never had a problem with them, only the Christians down here. Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons down here tend to be really respectful of people of other faiths or no faith.
    Post edited by canine224 on

  • My god people is it that difficult to keep your pets inside, have a collar, and proper ID? In a given month we see anywhere from 1-5 stray dogs in our area at least 2-3 feral cats (sometimes with kittens) and I'm just so sick of people. If you can't handle an animal then surrender it or don't get it in the first place.
    At least you have animal control. Where I live we have none. All the neighbor's dogs gather outside my window at night. It makes it really hard to sleep at night, and there's nothing I can do about it.

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