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E3 2011



  • Not sure my full feelings on this yet.

    Wii U looks fun, but I'm not in college anymore. This really needs a family or a group of people in the same room to really rock.

    I expect them to not fulfill the potential, but they've got an impressive list of games. Sadly, very few of those games appeal to me specifically, but they do appeal to many other people.

    They will probably continue to fail at the Internet.

    Their oppressive policies on DRM, indie devs, and fucked up pricing are almost definitely not going away.

    It will cost a fuckton more money than it's worth.

    It will start strong and fade.

    No advance wars.
  • No advance wars.
    Didn't advance wars come out like a year and change after the DS came out?
  • Were you really expecting a new Advance Wars?
  • No advance wars.
  • Did you guys see that bird? That was a pretty sweet bird.
  • I'm excited for Luigi's Mansion and Smash Bros for 3DS, which will no doubt become the next "must-have" con game. Not sure how I feel about the Wii U yet.
  • I'll just play someone else's copy, or the demo in the Nintendo store.
  • Oldy but a goody.

  • Smash Bros for 3DS
    That was the biggest cocktease they have ever done. They announced a new Smash Bros game, but didn't actually announce a new Smash Bros game.
  • I'm sure it's still like two years away. At the very least, it's not going to be coming out before the Wii U is out.
  • Since Skyward Sword is going to be for Wii, and most of the 3DS games are remakes, I think I'm almost definitely not going to be giving Nintendo any money for a long time.
  • Ruby Rod FTW.
  • I just read this thread from the start to get everyone' impressions on the Nintendo announcements, and after wanted to punch myself for 5 minutes in the middle, am ready to weigh in.

    I'm not ready to call the 3DS off at this point. Star Fox being a port is a huge letdown, but most of the other games are brand new. Mario Kart, Super Mario, Kid Icarus, and Luigi's Mansion are all brand new games coming out this year. Plus, knowing that this new mythical Smash Bros will eventually come out for 3DS is encouraging for the handheld. If we get to the holiday season and these games look like they are going to rock, I may throw my cash in.

    As for the Wii U, it's just going to be the Wii all over again and I'm not falling for it this time.

    Starting with the N64, Nintendo consoles more and more have become devices where the first party dominate the third party titles in quality. Then, starting with the Wii, Nintendo put the focus on crazy innovative hardware, reducing the quantity of the dominant first party titles, and putting up a huge challenging walls in the way of third party developers who would hope to create their own A+ titles. The result? A tiny few great games (less than N64 or GameCube), and a river of pure shit.
  • Tha GIF is awesome.
  • A tiny few great games
    The two Super Mario Galaxy games alone are worth a dump truck filled with gold.
  • edited June 2011
    Multiplayer Kid Icarus looks awesome. All the new 3DS games look great, and the only real remake that was revealed was Star Fox/OoT.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • edited June 2011
    Ok, after finally getting to watch some of the press conference, I'm sold on a 3DS within the next month. Super Mario 3D, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, Tetris Online, and Cave Story 3D make it worth it, especially since all those games are coming out before the year is over. And, although they aren't console-sellers for me, I'll probably want to play the Star Fox and Zelda remakes too.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Tetris Online
    What sort of Tetris is this? Just normal? What sort of modes do they have? Is it similar to Tetris Worlds where they had Fusion, Cascade, Sticky, and One-line? Or is it like Tetris DS with just Normal and Push?
  • Tetris Online
    What sort of Tetris is this? Just normal? What sort of modes do they have? Is it similar to Tetris Worlds where they had Fusion, Cascade, Sticky, and One-line? Or is it like Tetris DS with just Normal and Push?
    It's not Tetris at all because the online won't work.
  • edited June 2011
    Ok, after finally getting to watch some of the press conference, I'm sold on a 3DS within the next month. Super Mario 3D, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, Tetris Online, and Cave Story 3D make it worth it, especially since all those games are coming out before the year is over. And, although they aren't console-sellers for me, I'll probably want to play the Star Fox and Zelda remakes too.
    Wow, finally some Nintendo love in this thread! :)

    Yep, I agree. While 3DS is not yet a must buy, when those games you mentioned come out + Paper Mario + the new 3D Mario then followed more solid games (Kart etc) then it will be time to get.

    Same with the Wii2. Get through that launch window, wait for a few games, then its all on.

    I'm just super excited for Brawl - on both systems! that's me sold right there. Done.

    PS - Rumor is that Nintendo are contracting a 3rd party for their online. Someone who knows what the F they are actually doing. I live in hope.

    Brawl + good online = CRAZY online community.

    @Apreche - Tetris Party Wii online was perfect. Tetris party DS online is perfect. I think you define "online" as lobby based, 16 player FPS type experience? Yes, Nintendo CANNOT do that currently. But for stuff like Tetris they are fine. Give them a TINY bit of credit!
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Hey guys! Let's all share our twenty character friends codes! Wooooooo!!!
  • The big money is making games for the kids who haven't already built up a huge, scabby novelty callus. For the dried out husk of a an aging gamer, you need to go to the deep parts of the internet and seek out perpetually nichier and more bizarre games to feed the need.

    I feel like Krusty the Clown; having to smoke moon rocks just to get to normal.

    Super Mario 3D
    Kid Icarus
    Luigi's Mansion
    Tetris Online
    Cave Story 3D
    Star Fox

    If I were pushing 15 instead of 30 I would have a huge Nintendo boner.

    If they are still around, the 15 year olds of today will probably feel the same way about Nintendo when they are 30.
  • edited June 2011
    Tetris Online
    What sort of Tetris is this? Just normal? What sort of modes do they have? Is it similar to Tetris Worlds where they had Fusion, Cascade, Sticky, and One-line? Or is it like Tetris DS with just Normal and Push?
    Here's what we know so far.
    Hey guys! Let's all share our twenty character friends codes! Wooooooo!!!
    Yeah, but at least the 3DS is one friend code per system, like the Wii, rather than separate friend codes for all games.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Yeah, if I were still in college, I would buy all this shit. Can you imagine the parties? Nowadays I'm total gaming hipster. Even Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft are too mainstream.
  • Nowadays I'm total gaming hipster. Even Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft are too mainstream.
    What do you know about being a gaming hipster? Nothing.
  • edited June 2011
    Tetris party DS online is perfect. I think you define "online" as lobby based, 16 player FPS type experience? Yes, Nintendo CANNOT do that currently. But for stuff like Tetris they are fine. Give them a TINY bit of credit!
    Tetris Party is shit compared to Tetris DS.

    I'm pretty much with Rym & Scott, I am no longer purchasing anything from Nintendo sight unseen and am highly skeptical.

    Sure 15 year olds have a huge boner, but like I was telling Li on FB, I'd rather save my money for better things than spend it on things I've already played. However, I will purchase a few games on VC if Nintendo ever pulls their head out of their ass in regards to their shit library of a downloadable games.
    Here's what we know so far.
    20 game modes. Not bad. I don't see Fusion or Cascade. It was probably a Tetris Worlds/THQ only thing. I'll still hold my reservations for when I know more about these modes.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • What do you know about being a gaming hipster? Nothing.
    Yeah, I'm only half a gaming hipster. Since I've mostly been playing old Half-Life 1 mods (Natural Selection).
  • The only things that have interested me thus far at E3 is that both Ico/SOTC HD and Skyward Sword will be coming out in the fall. That means there are only four games (including L.A. Noire and Uncharted 3) that I will be buying the rest of the year.
  • edited June 2011
    Yeah, I'm only half a gaming hipster. Since I've mostly been playing old Half-Life 1 mods (Natural Selection).
    Half-Life 1; the Fixie of gaming.
    Look at these fucking hipsters!
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
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