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E3 2011



  • The only things that have interested me thus far at E3 is that both Ico/SOTC HD and Skyward Sword will be coming out in the fall.
    Those are also my two interests, but it's not worth buying a PS3 just for the former, and the latter is on the old Wii.
  • One of the first new Wii jokes I've heard -

    Hey, did you hear Nintendo announced a firetruck at E3? Wii-u Wii-u Wii-u Wii-u Wii-u Wii-u
  • @Rochelle (Tetris Party is shit compared to Tetris DS.)

    How so?

    Having played both extensively, as far as I can tell, its the SAME FUCKING GAME.

    I'm the same - I wont buy sight unseen either. But the games will come, and do you REALLY think they will release a HD console in 2012 with broken online? REALLY?

    Lol.. maybe... but.. You have to have hope. :/
  • Tetris Party is indeed shit compared to Tetris DS.
  • Tetris Party is indeed shit compared to Tetris DS.
    How so?
  • While nintendo didn't announce hardware specs, IBM has In a press release.

    Super short version -"IBM tells us that within the Wii U there's a 45nm custom chip with "a lot" of embedded DRAM. It's a silicon on insulator design and packs the same processor technology found in Watson" and we don't currently know the clock speed.
  • edited June 2011
    I've kinda missed E3 and didn't really miss much. Most of the important stuff gets announced/leaked ahead of time. When I was a lad, E3 was big because next-in-a-big-franchise meant a lot to me, now it's all about the small stuff that explodes on the internet in a few weeks. IGF is where it's at.
    However, that gif makes it all worth it.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • E3 is almost passing me by. My gaming lobe is impatiently waiting for Infamous 2 to arrive. No games are grabbing my attention (I'll probably get Uncharted 3, but marked down significantly) and the PS Vita is everything that the PSP is but somehow I want it less (I HAVE A NEGATIVE DESIRE!) Nintendo's Wii U has gotten me to notice it, but what does it have that they couldn't do with the DS? They're talking about all this cool stuff with linking with the Wii, but it's just a really big DSi but as an expansion on a console instead of a handheld. I sold my DS because once I beat all the Phoenix Wrights, there were no more games I wanted, but if they had done all this Wii U stuff on the DS, I would have kept my DS. Instead, they'll have 2 devices that I would pay the money for if they were one product, but not as 2! So, Nintendo, my question is:
  • I've kinda missed E3 and didn't really miss much. Most of the important stuff gets announced/leaked ahead of time. When I was a lad, E3 was big because next-in-a-big-franchise meant a lot to me, now it's all about the small stuff that explodes on the internet in a few weeks. IGF is where it's at.
    However, that gif makes it all worth it.
    Lauren has some excellent coverage.
  • I just saw the new Sonic Generations trailer. 1st game of E3 to grab me. For the 20th anniversary of Sonic, Sega has decided to fix the franchise.
  • You're getting hyped about a Sonic trailer? I have been burned too many times to trust them.
  • You're getting hyped about a Sonic trailer? I have been burned too many times to trust them.
  • I don't know about you guys, but I'm probably going to get a PSVita, it looks like it could pack quite a punch, the only thing that would solidify me on the buy are the games coming out.
    1. I don't know about you guys, but I'm probably going to get a PSVita, it looks like it could pack quite a punch, the only thing that would solidify me on the buy are the games coming out.

    Hardware doesn't impress me without the games to do with it. I'm a big Sony fan, but I didn't own a PS3 until almost 2009 and a PSP until late last year. Historically, since the PS1, it has taken developers a few years to really take advantage of the Sony platforms.
  • For the 20th anniversary of Sonic, Sega has decided to fix the franchise.
    This joke stops being funny after the eighth time you hear it...
  • You're getting hyped about a Sonic trailer? I have been burned too many times to trust them.
    I was the same, but then I trusted them on Sonic 4, and that payed off. Sonic Colors wasn't great, but it's problems weren't conceptual, they were on execution, so I think Sega's figured out their problems.
  • so I think Sega's figured out their problems.
    Apparently not, they keep making Sonic Games.
  • You know what? I'd buy the shit out of a new Crazy Taxi. SEGA should do some of that instead of continuing to fail at making old-school Sonic games.
  • edited June 2011
    I'm still going to pray in the incredibly small chance that they make a new Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents

    Also, whenever I think of the new Nintendo Console Add-On, I think...

    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Sega: Where is my Skies of Arcadia 2 and a REAL Phantasy Star game? Where is Jet Set(Grind) Radio? Where is a new Panzer Dragoon? Where is Shining Force and Dragon Force?
  • Couple of sites have mentioned that the Wii U can only support ONE "U" controller.

    *If* true... Then fuck you Nintendo. No 4 swords and, by extension, no 4 screen private information type games of ANY kind. You know, EXACTLY the kind of games I was hoping to be able to play on this thing. So it really is just a Wii playing catchup to the big boys with a fancy ipod like controller.

    IF TRUE... Then just wow. Epic Fail. :/
  • Wait, you think they'd pack enough graphical power to have that kinda stuff on more than two screens? There may be some 3DS utilization but though.
  • Wait, you think they'd pack enough graphical power to have that kinda stuff on more than two screens? There may be some 3DS utilization but though.
    can only hope.

    It also might not be true.

    Still, With 100 million DS units out there and what, 50 million WIi, you would think that if they were going to get some connectivity action going, they would have by now.

    They really just didn't care did they.
  • you would think that if they were going to get usernames, they would have by now.
  • edited June 2011
    Still, With 100 million DS units out there and what, 50 million WIi, you would think that if they were going to get some connectivity action going, they would have by now.
    If you are designing a game for any console, you can only really assume the user will have the base equipment. After that, if you have time and money left over, you can choose to support other features, which invariably result in cheap, gimmicky time wasters (see Move support, Kinect support, Wii Motion Plus support, etc).

    If there is connectivity built in you'll get a couple of first party nintendo titles and you might get some hackers and indies making interesting stuff on DSi Ware but none of the big 3rd party studios will support it.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Hey guys! Let's all share our twenty character friends codes! Wooooooo!!!
    Do you mean the ones for our systems that we all went through the painstaking effort to track down everyone we know who bought the system at launch and already exchanged, or do you mean the ADDITIONAL twenty character code we need to play each other in that specific game?
  • Couple of sites have mentioned that the Wii U can only support ONE "U" controller.

    *If* true... Then fuck you Nintendo. No 4 swords and, by extension, no 4 screen private information type games of ANY kind. You know, EXACTLY the kind of games I was hoping to be able to play on this thing. So it really is just a Wii playing catchup to the big boys with a fancy ipod like controller.

    IF TRUE... Then just wow. Epic Fail. :/
    Wow. Everything you just said. That is incredible fail. They are promising us LESS than the concept they started with nearly ten years ago.
    You know what? I'd buy the shit out of a new Crazy Taxi. SEGA should do some of that instead of continuing to fail at making old-school Sonic games.
    Holy shit I'd want it on 3DS. Gimme gimme gimme!
  • I know it's depressing to even talk about but what would be your guys number 1 dream application of the Wii U hardware? Great games like Crystal Chronicles or Four Swords or something that make use of the different screens in a fun multiplayer way are something that's clearly a big idea behind the Wii U. The Chase Mii demo seemed like a good indication of that.

    For example, what if it was something like, some kind of Gauntlet clone where the player with the screen controller was drawing the map or dropping monsters? What if it was more like Natural Selection with one player with the screen being in charge of a team competing with others online? I don't know, the idea of hidden information on the big touch screen controller seems like something that could be so fun but will probably never be properly harnessed.
  • Also I didn't really expect more than one Wii U controller to be able to be used at once. I guess I'm more interested in the asymmetrical multiplayer? It just seems more exciting to talk about to me.
  • edited June 2011
    Still, With 100 million DS units out there and what, 50 million WIi, you would think that if they were going to get some connectivity action going, they would have by now.
    If you are designing a game for any console, you can only really assume the user will have the base equipment. After that, if you have time and money left over, you can choose to support other features, which invariably result in cheap, gimmicky time wasters (see Move support, Kinect support, Wii Motion Plus support, etc).

    If there is connectivity built in you'll get a couple of first party nintendo titles and you might get some hackers and indies making interesting stuff on DSi Ware but none of the big 3rd party studios will support it.
    I agree with this 100%

    Which is why I was so excited when they announced what the U controller was.

    Wii: Packs in with 1 wiimote, people ran out and brought 1 more so they can play 2 player tennis and such. Designers could count on people owning 1, and most likely 2 wiimotes.

    Wii U: Packs in with 1 controller and... Then what? If it cannot support more than 1 controller, you can't develop multi U games for it.

    This cannot be true. I refuse to believe it.

    @Ganty - You really didn't think it would support more than 1 U controller? I like asymetrical multi just as much as the next guy, but by limiting the system to 1 U you have just destroyed an entire game type. 4 swords, Crystal Chronicles, pretty much anything you can imagine that 4 seperate screens could do.

    Cant be true!!!!!
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
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