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  • If anyone is interested this weekend Blizzard is doing an open beta of Diablo 3
  • If anyone is interested this weekend Blizzard is doing an open beta of Diablo 3
    I played it for about 5 levels. It's fine, but I don't see myself picking it up.
  • Trying some Diablo III. It's just clicking, but it's free. Probably will not ever pay for it unless price is ridiculously low, like $10. May play Torchlight 2 if I really have nothing else to do.
  • edited April 2012
    Playing D3 Beta.

    They do a pretty good job of telling a little story about the Skeleton King. Teasing the boss, giving you a bit of back story and what not. I'd be interested to see if they keep up the little side stories throughout the game.

    I liked the way they introduce the Templar follower and give him a tiny little side story of his own. The little back and forth exchanges they have with your character are fun as well; makes them seem like less of a pet NPC (though I was disapointed when I couldn't send him back to town with all my junk to sell).

    The way skills are rolled out is nice; I actually ended up changing my skills quite often for different situations, which more than I can say for D2.

    The way they've streamlined HP recover, item identification and Town Portals is welcome.

    I played hell-of Torchlight mostly because it was what I did when I listened to podcasts (also see Diablo 2, Terraria, MineCraft and Borderlands).

    I might actually play through D3 as if it were a real game if they can keep the story telling up. Even if they don't I can always use Podcast games.


    I'm fine with always on DRM (really, I couldn't give a fuck) but not being able to play Single Player because "servers are full" is absurd. I know it's a Beta and this is the kind of thing that is supposed to be uncovered but STILL.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Can't play because servers full. Not surprised. Will try one more time later. If no worky, uninstall.
  • Can't play because servers full. Not surprised. Will try one more time later. If no worky, uninstall.
    There's no way to get in a queue for a server? Even that Star Wars MMO let me do that for its beta weekend.
  • edited April 2012
    Can't play because servers full. Not surprised. Will try one more time later. If no worky, uninstall.
    There's no way to get in a queue for a server? Even that Star Wars MMO let me do that for its beta weekend.
    This is more the problem it seems. Blizzard's server room pictured.

    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Servers still busy. Uninstall.
  • Yeah D3 seems fun, it has some good ideas. But I don't know if it will be worth it at all if Torchlight 2 lives up to its promises.
  • Are you that strapped for hard drive space Apreche? Or just expecting you won't be able to get in at any point before the beta weekend is over?
  • Are you that strapped for hard drive space Apreche? Or just expecting you won't be able to get in at any point before the beta weekend is over?
    Don't need the hard drive space, but I definitely won't be getting in before the weekend is out. Not going to buy it, so having it installed is a waste.


    This is relevant to my interests. I had a similar relationship to the Legacy of Kain series as I did with Tribes. I could see some glimmer of the vision that the creators had, and I knew I wanted what they wanted, but circumstances prevented that vision from being realized at the time. The voice acting is still some of the best in video games, and on a much tighter budget than something like Mass Effect.
  • I'm supposed to beta test Guild Wars 2 this weekend. I'll try to remember to report on it for you guys.
  • I'm supposed to beta test Guild Wars 2 this weekend. I'll try to remember to report on it for you guys.
    I'll also be checking it out this weekend. I'm looking forward to some World v. World.
  • I'm supposed to beta test Guild Wars 2 this weekend. I'll try to remember to report on it for you guys.
    Fuck yeah, breaking NDAs!
  • There's no NDA for this weekend's beta. I got an email with a beta key saying as such (no idea why, PAX media list perhaps?), but I gave it away on Twitter.
  • I think there is no NDA because it's the first event for people who have preordered the game, and I think they are confident enough in their game that they want people to talk about how it was to play in order to attract more preorders. Or at least get more people to buy the game at launch.
  • edited April 2012
    Fuck yeah, breaking NDAs!
    No such thing as NDAs for public beta, bro.

    Kiey, enjoy unoptimized gaming. I hope they either started working on that, or you got a powerful computer.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Well it looks like the 3DS is going to go back up in price, although I am not sure how far up it will go.
    I feel like it would be suicide to raise the price, after lowering it worked miracles for sales. I'd imagine what that means (I hope) is just that the components used to make the thing are becoming cheaper over time, and they anticipate that the cost of making it will drop below this price soon.
  • Apologies for the double post, but here's an unrelated news: Nintendo is going to start offering digital downloads same day, same price as retail releases for all major games going forward (at least on Wii U and 3DS). New Super Mario Bros 2 on the 3DS will be the first to do this, come August.

    I am genuinely shocked that Nintendo is the first of the big three to step up and do this; if they can establish an account system, instead of tying games to systems (a la Wii, DSi), then they will really be taking a drastic step forward. For them, of course. Of course, knowing Nintendo, I fully expect them to underestimate the server load of downloading a new Mario game, so this should be interesting.
  • Didn't the Vita provide same day, lower price digital downloads for all retail releases already?
  • Did it? I thought it was only for some - if so, my apologies, I stand corrected.
  • Didn't the Vita provide same day, lower price digital downloads for all retail releases already?
    Same day, yes, not sure if they're always lower price, though I think that's also the case.
  • Well it looks like Sony is making their own version of Super Smash Bros, it will be titled PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale. While I am unsure of it, I am a fan of some Sony franchises and if done well it could be fun. Plus I think Sony might be able to get more third party characters in the game than Nintendo has had so that could be neat.
  • edited April 2012
    I thought I head about that game a long time ago. It says months but I thought I remember hearing about this a few years ago.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I thought I head about that game a long time ago. It says months but I thought I remember hearing about this a few years ago.
    You might have been thinking of Playstation Move Heroes/Heroes On the Move, which was also a group of well known Playstation associated characters, but a terrible 3rd person platformer type game instead of a Smash Brothers ripoff
  • I use EVE to do my taxes.
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