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  • Bah.

    TWEWY on iOS, no sequel in sight.

    Must look at the positives. Expanding the user-base *could* eventually lead to a sequel?


    Looks like the cross-stride battle system is gone. It's babies first TWEWY. Maybe.
  • TWEWY?

    Some crazy squenix nonsense. Skateboards, cell phones, super powers, 999 style plot.
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2012

    Some crazy Nomura zipper nonsense. Skateboards, cell phones, super powers, 999 style plot.

    Fixed it

    Post edited by Geo on
  • Battle Royale + Gantz, with Kingdom Hearts art style and aesthetics.
  • Not even two hours later and both of the "interesting" links have been taken down. What were they?
  • Gotham City Impostors is now Free to Play, but since it doesn't work on Windows 8 I'm SOL.
  • I only played a little bit of that, but it was pretty damn good I thought. Took forever to connect to games on PS3 tho for whatever reason.
  • Not even two hours later and both of the "interesting" links have been taken down. What were they?
    The first was a shitty (intentionally?) Mario 64/Sonic Adventure rip-off/crossover thing.

    The second was a joke about Nvidia's GPUs overheating.
  • I was cleaning my room and found two codes for Magicka from PAX East. Anyone who wants them can have them:

  • I have Magicka but have never played it. Whoever picks up those codes, we should get a game going.
  • If I was at home I would use one of those codes but I am at work unluckily. If they are still unused by the time I get home I will use one.
  • I haven't played enough Magika, so count me in.
  • I tried it a couple months ago and it was still broken. Is it fixes yet?
  • I tried it a couple months ago and it was still broken. Is it fixes yet?
    Depends. They seem to have this fun habit of breaking something new and interesting right as the fix that old bug you got sick of.
  • Massive disappointment coming!
    What are you talking about? The seven new screen shots of the first 20% of the game are going to be sweet.
  • It's a release of the game right up until Lambda Core. Confirmed by devs.
  • edited September 2012
    Jet Set Radio, NiGHTS: into Dreams, and Sonic Adventure 2 coming to XBLA, PSN, and Steam (!!!) over the next two months.

    Post edited by Sail on
  • GeoGeo
    edited September 2012
    Massive disappointment coming!
    What are you talking about? The seven new screen shots of the first 20% of the game are going to be sweet.
    Sail has always been a Debbie Downer on this game for whatever unfathomable reason. Sail, is it out of pure cynicism or are you waiting to crow about how bad it is if that becomes the case?

    Post edited by Geo on
  • Massive disappointment coming!
    What are you talking about? The seven new screen shots of the first 20% of the game are going to be sweet.
    Sail has always been a Debbie Downer on this game for whatever unfathomable reason. Sail, is it out of pure cynicism or are you waiting to crow about how bad it is if that becomes the case?

    It's been mega-hyped since I was in eighth grade (I'm a college senior now) and we still only have a trailer and maybe ten screenshots. The ball is really, REALLY in Sail's court here.
  • Massive disappointment coming!
    What are you talking about? The seven new screen shots of the first 20% of the game are going to be sweet.
    Sail has always been a Debbie Downer on this game for whatever unfathomable reason. Sail, is it out of pure cynicism or are you waiting to crow about how bad it is if that becomes the case?

    It's been mega-hyped since I was in eighth grade (I'm a college senior now) and we still only have a trailer and maybe ten screenshots. The ball is really, REALLY in Sail's court here.
    Oh wow. I wasn't even aware of how old this; I guess I'll dismount off of my high horse now.

  • edited September 2012
    I get the feeling that when they started this project, they didn't actually have the competence to complete it. Maybe it took them eight years to learn, I don't know, hopefully. I want to play it and enjoy it. It's just I've been on the internet long enough that it's hard for me to have faith in something that has delivered so little over so long of a time. The 'massive disappointment' I was referring to wasn't my own, it was referring to how it will never live up to eight years of internet hype.

    tl;dr I'll quote myself from three years ago:
    Oh I'll play it alright, and most likely with gleeful abandon, but it's not worthy of my anticipation.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Frankly, the best we can hope for, at this point, is for it to not be Duke Nukem Forever.
  • Frankly, the best we can hope for, at this point, is for it to not be Duke Nukem Forever.
    Other than Half Life 2: Episode 3 and HL3, are there any others that could be considered DNFs?
  • No, a DNF is when a hyped piece of vaporware comes out and is absolute shit. HL2E3 and HL3 can't be considered DNFs yet, IMHO.
  • I kinda think it would be great if Duke Nukem Forever never came out because I just realized it has the same initials as Did Not Finish.
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